Re: Mouse pointer and panning

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


Why did you make the mouse pointer disappear when you pan the camera with the right mouse button? Don’t you even read the forums, don’t you know how many people are frustrated by this “artistic” decision of yours? (MORE LIKE FARTISTIC!) People have resorted to using third party programs just to keep track of the mouse button. It wasn’t a big problem back in Guild Wars 1, you have to have a target to use most of the skills. But not in Guild Wars 2 when you have skills that require ground targeting. Can we have the option to change the cursor as well, since it’s colored light gold/yellowish brown, LIKE IT’S CAMOUFLAGED WITH THE COLOR OF THE GROUND AND BRICKS. Bright explosions plus light colored mouse pointer = FARTISTIC EXPRESSION. Bravo!

Anvil Rockers Unite!

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Hey, I have the exact same problem with this game. Ive brought it up in guild TS where people were just like “wow I never noticed that until you mentioned it” and it seemed like something that wasn’t a big deal.

However, with the abundance, and in some classes over abundance, of ground target aoe skills…

What ends up happening, especially in pvp and other high action moments…I lose my mouse, and have to spend time reorientating the skill, all because every time I move or look the mouse pointer goes missing. So it becomes difficult to keep track in high action environments because its hard to see when its there and it goes missing every time I pan the camera.

I know its a small thing for some, since I can light up where the skill is, however it really makes combat feel clunky that I cant have my mouse locked in place so to speak when running around because I cant keep track of where it is, because it goes missing and is really camouflaged when it is on screen.

I use the “on release” ground target aoe setting, so at least is quick when I’m on the move and need to drop one, without that I literally have to stop in place to use them, which really sucks.

My suggestion is: Create a high visibility mouse pointer option, create a never hide mouse pointer option. Two simple things that can go a long way in making the game play more fluid, especially if I’m say, a necro with a staff out, and need to dodge a lot, ill always know where my pointer is, and always be able to see it. Something simple like a solid white pointer would do.

If that’s too much effort to make happen, id honestly prefer a pboe setting, so at least my skills can hit where I’m standing rather than off to the side because that’s where it turns out my mouse pointer was.

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dradiin.8935


I used to think this was a bug on my end ( Razer Naga was brand new when GW2 3 years ago ). Can’t believe it is still not able to be modified after 3 years of development.

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Trejgon.2809

Lord Trejgon.2809

actually I like it going invisible when using that way to rotate camera – its not obscuring the view :P

as for ground targeted skills….

who rotates camera while aiming them?

[also – last time I checked cursor itself was not moving while rotating camera – a.k.a. after releasing the button it was reappearing in exacly same spot as it where when you were pushing sayd button]

but then as long as these are OPTIONAL stuff I don’t mind them making so

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Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


actually I like it going invisible when using that way to rotate camera – its not obscuring the view :P

as for ground targeted skills….

who rotates camera while aiming them?

[also – last time I checked cursor itself was not moving while rotating camera – a.k.a. after releasing the button it was reappearing in exacly same spot as it where when you were pushing sayd button]

but then as long as these are OPTIONAL stuff I don’t mind them making so

I do, because I’m running out of other peoples ground effects in pvp and trying to line up a quick ground effect skill while on the move….rather than standing still absorbing condi stacks while I line up my own return fire so to speak. Also consider the people I want to hit are moving, so I need to adjust the camera to keep them on screen sometimes. Often the window of opportunity to lay down a ground effect skill and hit 3-5 enemy players is a very small window, stopping to line up often means they are no longer bunched up and the skill isn’t used as effectively.

For a game whos combat is so mobile, with ground target skills being everywhere, you would think there would be an option for people who care to stay mobile while lining up ground skills…but there isn’t.

I’m not suggesting they remove the disappearing mouse for people who like to stand still in combat, just give me an option to keep the mouse on screen even when I’m panning and moving.

being new to the game I honestly cant believe this hasn’t and isn’t a big issue for people.

I cant count how many times ive been on the move wanting to drop a quick ground skill and it ends up going off to the side, because I had to pan the camera just before and now my cursor isn’t where I left it.

(edited by StrangerDanger.3496)

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StrangerDanger.3496


Make the mouse pointer disappearing a toggle in options
Create a secondary “high visibility” mouse pointer, solid white would do, though I’m sure there are artistic options that would do just as well.
This is an issue in other games that is solved by not having the mouse pointer go missing while panning, other games have higher visibility mouse pointers.
Above mentioned resolutions to said issue are purely optional and wont effect people who like the current set up, and should be super easy fixes for the devs to implement.

That is all. In case you didn’t want to read my full post above.

Re: Mouse pointer and panning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


I was referring to the original post, and apologize for not being more clear about that.

And thanks for being constructive throughout, because that’s exactly how to do it.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka