Ready to craft 1st ascended set,wait for HoT?
Since you don’t want to spend extra resources, then wait. Nothing really forcing ya to do either.
If you’re not in a hurry, might as well wait.
Just keep in mind that people aren’t going to instantly know whether berserker is going to stay the preferred thing or not. You’ll have some people saying “berserker is dead / long live berserker” almost immediately, but people will say either at the drop of a hat. It’ll take some time to figure out if beserker is still recommended, much less whether it’s the right fit for you.
I would craft it. This way you can play with it now… and if things change then just convert stats. It costs basically nothing compared to your initial investment.
If your not willing to convert stats, then obviously wait. But I it doesnt cost much lol
Just craft it, I’m 99% sure that the majority will still use Berserker’s set. And if anything else, you can always convert the stats for really cheap in the forge (just remember that you’ll lose the runes in the process).
All depends on if you are going for legendary armor and will be doing raids. If so i’d wait to see what the new armor costs, it probably will take a lot of damask and other ascended mats.
Although for mesmers zerk is a pretty safe set (we will be getting new builds but they will require the same stats, ie power/prec/feroc) so if you dont care about legendary stuff make it now.
It depends on what you normally do. If its just open world PVE then it shouldn’t matter. If you plan on doing raids, higher fractals, WvW then hold off.
ANet is attempting to nerf the meta where everyone wears berserker. They’re neither nerfing berserker stats nor touching the core dungeons, except for fractals.
Will you raid? If so, do you have a guild or are you hoping to PuG? If you’ve a guild, I’d ask them, not us. They may have an idea what they’ll want, they may not. If PuGging, the PuG meta for raids does not yet exist.
If you craft a glass set now, I’d suggest using a cheaper rune alternative, because if you end up swapping stats later you’re going to lose the runes (absent the expensive Extractor).
That’s all I’ve got.
To be honest, I would craft it or at the very least get all of the materials for it. We don’t know exactly what materials the guild upgrades, precursor collections, and so on will require. If any of them require those materials, expect the prices for them to go up.