Really confused
It’s the Beta weekend. Revs and other beta made characters can be anywhere. They don’t however get to keep any loot or items they acquire on their Beta characters.
So u are saying that i can see any of HOT classes and fight them in WvW right now?Even though i dont have beta access for HOT?That’s odd,since beside Revenant,i did not see any of other subclasses in game.
You might not know it. Since its not always obvious with the other characters. Unless you see a weapon they wouldn’t normally have access too.
Example. Here is my chronomancer in WvW
The elite specs do not have their own symbol, they just get additional weapon/skills/trait line to use in conjunction of the core stuff. So unless you pick out say a Necro using the Greatsword you won’t know.
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer
Yes. All the available elite beta professions including the Revenant profession have access to all portions of the game. Core PvE, beta maps, WvW and PvP. It was the same during the last beta.
ANet may give it to you.
Ahh i see.Didn’t know this,thanks guys.
They even strangely can get into ranked pvp…
They even strangely can get into ranked pvp…
Which doesn’t really matter all that much, seeing as the leaderboards are not active.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square