(edited by Billaboong.6821)
Reconsider servers popolation EU
What if the population doesn’t reflect an even 33% across the board? Who gets to pay less to be on what is, in reality, a higher population server? Who has to pay more to be on what is, in reality, a lower population server?
What I suggest is redisign the gauge determining the server popolation and rebalance it to 33%;33%;33%
Then you and a large portion of the players on your server should get forcefully migrated to Vabbi or Arborstone. Do you really want that? split you off from your community, friends and guildmates?
Northern Shiverpeaks
Jade Sea more than 50% of RP players.
If you are separated, it will be bad.
Sorry, I expressed myself badly, edited the post!
Lol. Why don’t you just ask them to change the cost of transferring, instead of such a convoluted scheme?
Lol. Why don’t you just ask them to change the cost of transferring, instead of such a convoluted scheme?
it’s not about the transferring cost, it’s nonsense to have 2 medium servers only
Some time ago, they changed the terms used to designate the populations, adding in Very High. Are you asking them to change the terms back to Full, High, Medium and Low? Why must there be an equal amount of named servers? If some have more population than others, should they not reflect that? If two or one or six or whatever number has less or more, should those inhabiting those servers be moved against their will to make sure all designations are equal? If it isn’t about the cost, what difference does it make, as far as designations go?
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
it’s nonsense to have 2 medium servers only
It is nonsense to call server Highly Populated when it has dead acounts as 50% of population