Reddit Strawpoll for favourite Elite Spec
Broken. I didn’t see an option for “none.”
Revs gets so little love…
Violette Glory [Warrior]
Bala Rama [Herald]
Good. Then I get to be the only Revenant in a group full of Elementalists. I hate having the same thing as other people.
Revs gets so little love…
Agreed. They made 40+ skills for Weaver but are still unable to give us Jalis underwater because of 1 ground targeted skill. Same for Glint (there is simply no excuse since Facet of Nature already works underwater).
Seriuously, 40 skills for the Weaver (INCLUDING UNDERWATER) and you can’t do TWO for the Revenant?
You cant even use the new renegade skills in shallow water, the game thinks you are underwater and wont let you.
Not to mention 2 years of nerfs, Kalla’s legend is unusable in basically every game format. Just the trait are somehow usable in PvE and maybe 1 well from the legend, if it doesn’t get CC’s and you don’t need any heal (since the healing skill basically does nothing except a stun break… why on the healing skill, why?).