Reduction of Silver doubloon drops?

Reduction of Silver doubloon drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xRABID SKIERx.1752


Has anyone else noticed a large reduction of silver doubloon drop rates since 4/15? I have been farming for juggernaut with 5 lvl 22-23 alts at jumping puzzles (for months now) and its now been over 10 days since I’ve got a single drop. Could just be an unlucky streak but wanted to see if other have had the same issue.

Reduction of Silver doubloon drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


You’ve either had a run of bad luck or possibly outleveled the chests? The supply on the trading post is fairly unchanged.

Reduction of Silver doubloon drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blair.3796


I don’t farm them, but I’ve got them from PvP rewards chests. I’ve gotten four in the past two weeks. Which isn’t a ton, but it proves they are out there.

Reduction of Silver doubloon drops?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bunter.3795


I’ve got three level 26’s at Sharkmaw and have gotten a few silver doubloon drops since the patch. Think you’re just running into some bad RNG.