Regarding Warpaint/Facepaint

Regarding Warpaint/Facepaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frostfang.5109


It really should NOT be in makeover style kits… its a mask thing. U sould make them masks that u can dye and hide like other headgear. The warpaint makes me feel like it was a lazy way to get around with only one new face model and call it 3…. The faces (at least for charr that I main) are identical.

  • For charr there have only been 1 face/gender released – not 3. And the female one has clipping issues with the eyes. I liked that face apart from the clipping wich I hope gets fixed asap
  • Apart from 2 faces in total for charr, there have been 4 permanent war-paints too… wich u cannot hide or dye….

Not impressed

Kima & Co

Regarding Warpaint/Facepaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiburon.8634


It’s the same as many of the other faces. They are one base face with some variation in it. You can see it when they have added faces in the past too. I don’t mind it personally, it allows them to get more mileage out of their character creation system and development time (since character creation doesn’t allow us to place scars, makeup etc… otherwise) and we get options.

Regarding Warpaint/Facepaint

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


It really should NOT be in makeover style kits… its a mask thing. U sould make them masks that u can dye and hide like other headgear. The warpaint makes me feel like it was a lazy way to get around with only one new face model and call it 3…. The faces (at least for charr that I main) are identical.

  • For charr there have only been 1 face/gender released – not 3. And the female one has clipping issues with the eyes. I liked that face apart from the clipping wich I hope gets fixed asap
  • Apart from 2 faces in total for charr, there have been 4 permanent war-paints too… wich u cannot hide or dye….

Not impressed

I agree.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol