Regarding the upcoming feature patch.
It was stated that they did not want to devalue the current worth of precursors in the TP because they felt they were at a good place.
I would say that an element of account bound material will be added.
If the precursor from crafting were account bound it would prevent people from selling it, thus giving people the question of :
Is it more economical for you to use your gold through TP or use your time through grinding time gated-materials.
It would come down to can you make gold faster than you can craft a precursor.
That is my speculation.
It depend how tedious the precursor crafting is. No one knows.
It’s probably really tedious.
I bought my legend for 750g, and had the rest drop. I understand how you feel, to be honest I think the prices will increase UW/Cheap precursors and decrease the price of expensive ones such as dusk, dawn, legend, and zap.
I’m not too worried about the precursor price because the way I see it, more people will get precursors so t6 materials will sky rocket making craftable precursors redundant towards the price of the entire legendary.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I’m not sure where you’re hearing that buzz, but personally, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
In any event, I assume the crafted precursors will be account-bound, but this will effect the price regardless. As more people work to craft their own, the ones posted to the trading post will begin to accumulate and the price will drop.
I wouldn’t let it get you down, though. I don’t expect the cost to craft a precursor to be cheap.