Relaxed antibot system

Relaxed antibot system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ExiledDiclonius.1653


As most of You may know there was some changes in last patch that should “Relax” antibot system but in fact, at least from my perspective it’s 100% times more strict and annoying than before. Before that patch there was option to farm one event every 15 minutes without any penalty and there was quite good drop even after half day of farming. Yesterday I farmed this spot like 3 times before doing 2-4 hours brake to do dungeon with my guildmates to get back for another 2 hours of farming. It resulted in lower drop than before and in massive reduction in event reward (before patch I had always around 400karma etc, after it droped to like 50 karma on last run) Anyone else noticed this same thing or am I just in “He’s a uber pro bot, lets take him all his drop and money next” status?

BTW. Arena really could tell people how exactly this system works. After how long of farming one spot this system works and how long to wait or do something else before it restart, or they could do some kind of drop % indicator that shows how efective we are in farming in one area.

Relaxed antibot system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emoleas.4309


I had the exact opposite experience.

I farmed for 11 hours today, nearly nonstop, amassing 60+ rares and 20g+ over that period. Never did I hit DR.

(edited by emoleas.4309)

Relaxed antibot system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Demosthene.2195


@ emoleas

Can you specify your farming routine? Maps, event rotations, timing?

I’d like to understand it better, in what manner game decides whether you’re a bot farmer or normal player. Theoretically DR was introduced to combat bots. Technically, it still needs adjustment. Practically, players need a way to get around it in legitimate fashion.

Relaxed antibot system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I was trying to get to the gates of Arah for my final story step, but there weren’t enough players around on my server yesterday morning / afternoon. So, we kept cycling between the defend the base event, then the first three pre-invasion events, then the “kill the giant and clear the platform of risen” event. The few people who were around and I would always fail the event because we couldn’t get enough risen to spawn to clear the platform (we did kill the giant every time for full event reward). So, the clear the platform would fail, and we’d start over.

The event to help so-and-so call in reinforcements always fails…seems like the NPC for that event has a very large aggro range and always attacks the mobs as they spawn. It doesn’t seem to matter how many people you have, the more people, the more waves of mobs spawn and the NPC never does her task. So…we get fail rewards for that one every time.

I did those five events about 15-20 times in a row…just cycling through over and over. I never hit any DR.

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

Relaxed antibot system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kiranslee.4829


I had the exact opposite experience.

I farmed for 11 hours today, nearly nonstop, amassing 60+ rares and 20g+ over that period. Never did I hit DR.

60+ rares ?
What the hell u farm , token vendors ?
And srsly 11h ……
On topic, i would say clearly ppl who bot dont care for events mainly coz bots farm without stopping for days , they dont care to be reported (ill say once again some bots STILL farm after 3 days they are constantly reported by ppl).
So this can only affect regular players.
IMO, to deal with bots , we dont need special DRs. We need active, available GMs. I personally came here from some other mmo private s. and there we had at least 2 GMs online ALL time. Result of that was clear , we had like NO problem at all with bots.

Relaxed antibot system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellatrix.5402


Probably the classic 6 ongoing Orr DEs. With just some simple magic find food and nothing else you get a decent enough chance for a rare to drop on the level 84 mobs.

Still, that’s some hardcore farming – good grief.

Meanwhile I seem to hit the DR randomly. One time I hit it on the 3rd event after logging in without playing for 24 hours just finishing places for the 100% map completion. I vote buggy on this one.

Relaxed antibot system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



As already explained, we are very commited to fighting botters. However, we are not going keep you updated about this situation every hour, or answer personally to each questions you are asking. As soon as we will have more information to provide, we will keep you updated.

Thank you for your understanding & cooperation.