Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashy.9721


Since for needed reasons we can’t join Toypocalypse with a group can we please just remove them from the Meta-Achievement. Doing them with randoms is just a pain in general.

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


I wouldn’t mind the randoms as much if I could at least join at the beginning.

What the heck Anet? Did you even think about what you were doing?

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Keep going in and out of the instance. If you don’t see the event in the top right, leave and re-enter.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


Keep going in and out of the instance. If you don’t see the event in the top right, leave and re-enter.

Not wasting my time doing that. They should have had a working event in place or be willing to fix it. They’ve stated they’re not fixing the broken event.

Why should I have to wade through their broken content to find an instance that just started? Nope. Boycotting Toypocalypse.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


It’s not the best solution but it’s worked for me so far.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mossy Gargoyle.3274

Mossy Gargoyle.3274

While “Nothing But Broken Toys” (survive 50 waves of toy assaults) counts toward the festival meta, I don’t think “Toypocalypse Survivor” (30 total rounds) does. Is that correct?

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


While “Nothing But Broken Toys” (survive 50 waves of toy assaults) counts toward the festival meta, I don’t think “Toypocalypse Survivor” (30 total rounds) does. Is that correct?

No. Infinite achievements haven’t counted towards the meta in the past.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


While “Nothing But Broken Toys” (survive 50 waves of toy assaults) counts toward the festival meta, I don’t think “Toypocalypse Survivor” (30 total rounds) does. Is that correct?

No. Infinite achievements haven’t counted towards the meta in the past.

correct. Wasted my time doing the 30 rounds achievement, got no credit towards the meta.

So you just have to do 50 waves for the meta, pretty easy even with fighting the noobs and the bugs.

No different than any other content… Look at lindarii… super hard because of all the bugs, once they fixed them the next year it was laughably easy. Consider the bugs as a “hard mode”

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toroxus.9256


Yeah, it’d be nice if they removed the achievements for it. But, doesn’t really matter to me as I’m never going to be doing the Toypocalypse this year. I like to play with friends or do things that make new friends. The Toypocalypse does neither this year.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slashy.9721


Yeah, it’d be nice if they removed the achievements for it. But, doesn’t really matter to me as I’m never going to be doing the Toypocalypse this year. I like to play with friends or do things that make new friends. The Toypocalypse does neither this year.

That’s exactly why I want it removed. Because you WONT get the Meta-Achievement without it and it’s just not fun like this.
Btw I have already done the meta so I really don’t care, but I have many friends and almost all of my guild who will be missing out on the Meta because of this.

Admin, Developer and sole ruler of

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


I support this idea. I do not think the current implementation of Toypocalypse follows good design, and as much as it may be unchangable in the context of mechanics for the release this year, it counting towards the meta achievement can be changed, and I believe should.

As I have stated in other posts, imagine running dungeons, but you can only do it with an assortment of completely random people (putting aside the stuck instance bug). This design is contradictory to both the spirit of the game and the Holiday Season itself. So I say remove it from the meta, make it an optional component.

I’m sitting at 9/11 on the meta, and I do want it, but I refuse to slough through the current implementation of Toypocalypse to get it.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toroxus.9256


I support this idea. I do not think the current implementation of Toypocalypse follows good design, and as much as it may be unchangable in the context of mechanics for the release this year, it counting towards the meta achievement can be changed, and I believe should.

As I have stated in other posts, imagine running dungeons, but you can only do it with an assortment of completely random people (putting aside the stuck instance bug). This design is contradictory to both the spirit of the game and the Holiday Season itself. So I say remove it from the meta, make it an optional component.

I’m sitting at 9/11 on the meta, and I do want it, but I refuse to slough through the current implementation of Toypocalypse to get it.

Yep. I refuse to do something that’s so boring, frustrating, and a waste of my time.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


Just read a thread that offered (in a roundabout way) an alternative.

Make the wintersday dailies count, as they did last year, and as they did during Halloween this year, if I recall correctly.

Either way. I believe toypocalypse has no place in the “necessary to complete meta” category.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

They’ve stated they’re not fixing the broken event.

Where did they say this?

This would really suck. It’s the only one I have left.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sicarine.3985


They’ve stated they’re not fixing the broken event.

Where did they say this?

This requires a bit of an explanation. There are two problems
1. party-less toypo
2. joining in on a bugged instance

The first point has been commented on and referenced quite a lot. Which basically says that party-less toypo is a consequence of changes to the stability of pvp and activities. It cannot be changed during this release (presumably due to time constraints, etc).

The second point was acknowledged by Gaile as “sounding like a bug”, implying that this is unplanned behavior, and implied the potential for fixing that.

As to the question “will” they fix it…That remains to be seen so far. But it’s also which will they change.

I have to paraphrase because I am too tired to dig through and find the relevant threads.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


They’ve stated they’re not fixing the broken event.

Where did they say this?

This would really suck. It’s the only one I have left.

Really in relation to the party….or lack of letting us party up for it " The change was necessary and as much as we regret any dissatisfaction that you may feel in relation to it, according to the designers it must remain in this state for this year’s release."

But I still have huge doubts that they’ll fix the mini-game so that we’re not dumped into an completed instance. I have no confidence in them anymore….take that as you will. It is still possible to get the meta, but you’re going to encounter bugs, problems, completed instances, and unless you like waiting around for 20-30 minutes and keep your game active so you don’t get kicked out for being idle, you won’t get to start it from the beginning either.

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

…. party-less toypo is a consequence of changes to the stability of pvp and activities. It cannot be changed during this release (presumably due to time constraints, etc).

And fair enough. The coding team probably just reached back to old code that was known to work and implemented it. QA for the win, yet again.

The second point was acknowledged by Gaile as “sounding like a bug”, implying that this is unplanned behavior, and implied the potential for fixing that.

As to the question “will” they fix it…That remains to be seen so far. But it’s also which will they change.

I have to paraphrase because I am too tired to dig through and find the relevant threads.

Thanks for the response. It sounds to me too that the non-finishing instances “that players can join” is a bit of bug and hopefully this can be fixed before the usual Christmas break.

Edit: Joining finished instances now seems to be fixed with the newest patch

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

(edited by Herr der Friedhoefe.2490)

Remove Toypocalypse Achievements from Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The “bug” seems to be stemming from the fact that Toypocalypse matches do not end even after the 10 rounds are complete. And since players can just drop into currently active games, even ones that are finished, you thus end up with players dropping into matches where the game is over. The map probably closes once there are no players inside, but since people keep joining, the map keeps on being refreshed and can’t close.

In the meantime, I completed the Wintersday meta by just leaving and rejoining until I got into a match that was in progress or just starting.