Remove downed state!

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaj.5261


This is one of the many reasons why I’m quitting this game, it is by no means fun to kill your enemy only to have them downed when your trying to fight 2-3 players. It makes it almost impossible to win a 2v1 or its just down right annoying trying to stomp someone when you have other people beating on you. I really don’t get why downed state is in PvP its just one of the many annoyances in this game. Imho it ruins PvP for me all I think about when I’m about to kill someone in PvP is “OHH can’t wait till they go in downed state so i can get 90% in the stomp animation to have them Blink away or to have them cancel my animation, sooo FUN”

Every other mmo’s PvP is just fine and the players actually die when you “kill” them, but here, nope. Sorry you gotta spend an extra 10-20 seconds to stomp this player after you have already defeated them.

EDIT: Stop with the posts that say “oh your quiting cause of one thing, how childish” NO I am quitting due to a majority of things. Says right there in the first sentence people.

(edited by Rhaj.5261)

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

this is not every other mmo

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


So what you actually want is it removed from PvP correct?

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mace Fist Mojo.9083

Mace Fist Mojo.9083

Sounds like a glass cannon gank in a group gone wrong.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genesis.5169


Sound like your playing the wrong mmo bro.

These forums are a joke its not for opinions or debate its just a safe place for people to cry at.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danno.5269


I really like the downed state. You aren’t always positive what the outcome will be. Do they get revived? Do They finish you off too before you get to finish them? It’s not very hard to get someone in downed state either. Just have enough toughtness/vit to withstand a few hits and you’re fine. I can finish people on my ele even being beaten on from all sides.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenigmo.1754


Welcome to the Easy Bake Oven of MMO’s!

The OP is one of the reasons I moved on from GW2…Downed just makes no sense in the context of PvP. I ranted about it in the forums during one BWE and, based upon the huge thread of negative opinions about that mechanic, was relatively secure they would remove it before launch…but they don’t seem to like to do things that would make their game better so ./shrug.

My advice to you, OP is exactly what I did…go play a better game and come back to these forums to get a good laugh from time to time.


Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vinny.6924


Welcome to the Easy Bake Oven of MMO’s!

The OP is one of the reasons I moved on from GW2…Downed just makes no sense in the context of PvP. I ranted about it in the forums during one BWE and, based upon the huge thread of negative opinions about that mechanic, was relatively secure they would remove it before launch…but they don’t seem to like to do things that would make their game better so ./shrug.

My advice to you, OP is exactly what I did…go play a better game and come back to these forums to get a good laugh from time to time.


Your advice is to quit because of the downed state you don’t agree with.

Very sound advice. Thank God you’re not a guidance counselor.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaj.5261


@ Adine.2184 Yes

@Mace Fist Mojo.9083 No I’m a pure bunker build guardian

@Aenigmo.1754 Nice to see someone agree with this, I don’t understand how people even like downed state. I’m on a search for a better MMO atm takes time though.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


Either remove it or balance it for PVP (pve too, but its’ really needed in PVP). I love/hate how capable my mesmer is when it goes down. Meanwhile my Engineer does the same thing and the best form of self-defense I have at that point is to throw… rocks. Friggin’ master of preparation right there.

That being said, I’m not quitting a game over it. Neither are you, most likely. “Change it or I’m quitting!” is such a childish demand.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaj.5261


That being said, I’m not quitting a game over it. Neither are you, most likely. “Change it or I’m quitting!” is such a childish demand.

If you read my post correctly I said “Its one of the many reasons I’m quitting this game”

So Yes I am, I will defiantly be back though if expansions add more and change many of the pvp elements in this game.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcedonia.7831


if you’re quitting because you don’t agree with 1 small part of the game, i don’t think there’s any mmo out there that you’ll find ‘better’. you’ll be quitting due to the trinity, the bad graphics, the grind, the bad armor styles, the lack of variety, too much variety, too few classes, too many classes, the music, the sound, the colors, the art style, the story, too many players, too few players, too much grind, too little grind, fights that are too easy, fights that are too hard, boring fight sequences, gimmicky fight sequences, too little teamwork, too much reliance on teamwork, the economy.

it seems you should just make your own mmo absolutely tailor made for your needs.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhaj.5261


if you’re quitting because you don’t agree with 1 small part of the game, i don’t think there’s any mmo out there that you’ll find ‘better’. you’ll be quitting due to the trinity, the bad graphics, the grind, the bad armor styles, the lack of variety, too much variety, too few classes, too many classes, the music, the sound, the colors, the art style, the story, too many players, too few players, too much grind, too little grind, fights that are too easy, fights that are too hard, boring fight sequences, gimmicky fight sequences, too little teamwork, too much reliance on teamwork, the economy.

it seems you should just make your own mmo absolutely tailor made for your needs.

Read my edit so I don’t have to explain it every damn time to lazy people like you who cant understand my Original post.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nerevar.2875


Downed state is a great buffer against glass cannons in PvP, but quite irritating for everyone else. I’d say some subtle (PvP only) changes would make it better, such as:

Immediately incur max downed state penalty after you’re downed, so that you will instantly be defeated instead of downed until the penalty expires.

Either remove the ability to rez defeated players, or make it slower AND make defeated player health decay over time so that if a rezzer is forced to stop rezzing, the progress they made will be lost.

Remove rally from kills unless the downed player lands the killing blow. Really, this mechanic just has no place in PvP other than 1v1 where you both down each other.

Downed state is good (even in PvP), but just a little too effective at preventing deaths. It’s clearly designed for PvE where enemies hit much harder and players and enemies both die far less frequently.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Warkupo.1025


That being said, I’m not quitting a game over it. Neither are you, most likely. “Change it or I’m quitting!” is such a childish demand.

If you read my post correctly I said “Its one of the many reasons I’m quitting this game”

So Yes I am, I will defiantly be back though if expansions add more and change many of the pvp elements in this game.

I read your post. I just think your reasons are stupid. I continue to think this.

Now you read me.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcedonia.7831


Read my edit so I don’t have to explain it every damn time to lazy people like you who cant understand my Original post.

no one understood it as you’re quitting only because of downed state. Just that i think that most of us would agree that it is a silly reason to bring up for quitting. It’s like saying i do not vote for obama for many reasons, but also because i don’t like the shape of his chin.

If that is an accurate reflection of the type of issues you’re quitting for, forgive the rest of us for being unable to take you seriously.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


I see the +1 “good answer” button, where’s the -1 “bad idea” button I wish to push reading this thread…

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


They already ditched the gear plateau. I see no harm in finishing the job by removing downed state and maybe even implementing raids. We’ll finish it off by tossing in the trinity system. I mean, if you are going to do something, put forth as much effort as possible.

The downed state is one of the few unique features GW2 has left that separates it from the other WoW clones out there. I personally would like to see that stick around.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


The thing is a lot of this game is off the idea that your going to be put in down state and in have it happen a lot now this is nice because it means you do not die and die a lot in events even pvp making it over all more fun then getting one shot over and over with out getting any time to do any thing. The big thing is to remove downed state you will have to rework every class in the game to fit this new type of game and as things stand the game is still trying to make a better counter game and down state is part of this counter game.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


I think the downed-state is basically the only thing that gives any drama to GW2 pvp.

I can see that it’s frustrating in wvw, especially since it seems most of the people I fight aren’t in a pvp spec there. But sometimes frustration is a good thing.

The way they made the game, it takes soooo long to get back in battle that you don’t want death to be superfast. The game is made for a slow pace sort of thing, especially in wvw. This isn’t Planetside 2 with headshot fatality and 10-sec to be back in the action.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xo wayne.6045

xo wayne.6045

To be honest i somewhat agree with the OP. I already have created a forum about this a while back and there are quite alot of people who would agree that down state (in PVP) is a somewhat terrible concept. There are also alot of people who prefer the downstate option which baffles me, but cant argue with personal preferences. Imo downstate is basically an “imbalanced chore” meaning, there are some classes better than others in a downstate and why waste 10-15 seconds trying to make sure someone is dead.

It would be fine if there were a percent chance (before death) that you become placed in a downstate so that it seems more heroic/exciting. Even adding an option such as having downstate or not, would be more appealing.

Downstate in pvp shouldn’t be enough to force someone to fully quit considering this game is fantastic, but obviously can lead people who are more comfortable with the common “dead is dead” pvp, to not fully commit to this form of pvp in general. Which is why i do not play as much pvp in this mmo, as i would in others.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: teaspoon.1357


Agree that downed state is supremely idiotic in PvP. It’s awesome in pretty much all other aspects of the game though.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Well here’s the clever part of downed state.

I was in a tournament game recently, against a good team, I think it was on Khylo. 2v2 on a node turned into 1v2, and they got me down. Instead of finishing me, or dpsing me down, they left me to sit and every time I’d get close to reviving myself, they’d smack me halfway down. As guardian I can throw dirt at them and nothing else with range, so completely helpless and not assisting my team. Good strategy, very frustrating.

Othertimes, instead of reviving a teammate, you can finish an enemy and get him up by rally. It forces you to choose and decide, which adds to strategy.

The hard part is small changes in down-state abilities, just like in up-state, can really change the game. The recent changes to elementalist, coupled with the new rez timers, completely changed the meta, and made ele one of the best bunker-types, whereas before they were one of the weakest professions.

The mandatory 15 sec rez has made reviving teammates too essential, cuz the player is out for at least a half minute and comes back alone. What do you expect when the devs make such drastic changes (essentially doubled rez timer length)?

But clumsy devs doesn’t make a game mechanic bad, just makes spvp not yet ready for esporting…

I think the downed-state mechanic can be part of a good pvp game. Removing it won’t help them get to their stated goals, and would make the game as flat and uninteresting as other MMO pvp.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chipster.6713


This is one of the many reasons why I’m quitting this game, it is by no means fun to kill your enemy only to have them downed when your trying to fight 2-3 players. It makes it almost impossible to win a 2v1 or its just down right annoying trying to stomp someone when you have other people beating on you. I really don’t get why downed state is in PvP its just one of the many annoyances in this game. Imho it ruins PvP for me all I think about when I’m about to kill someone in PvP is “OHH can’t wait till they go in downed state so i can get 90% in the stomp animation to have them Blink away or to have them cancel my animation, sooo FUN”

Every other mmo’s PvP is just fine and the players actually die when you “kill” them, but here, nope. Sorry you gotta spend an extra 10-20 seconds to stomp this player after you have already defeated them.

EDIT: Stop with the posts that say “oh your quiting cause of one thing, how childish” NO I am quitting due to a majority of things. Says right there in the first sentence people.

Stomping is easy if you know what you’re doing… Which you obviously don’t..

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nevermore.5487


See ya, don’t let the door hit you on your way out.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


This is one of the many reasons why I’m quitting this game, it is by no means fun to kill your enemy only to have them downed when your trying to fight 2-3 players. It makes it almost impossible to win a 2v1 or its just down right annoying trying to stomp someone when you have other people beating on you. I really don’t get why downed state is in PvP its just one of the many annoyances in this game. Imho it ruins PvP for me all I think about when I’m about to kill someone in PvP is “OHH can’t wait till they go in downed state so i can get 90% in the stomp animation to have them Blink away or to have them cancel my animation, sooo FUN”

Every other mmo’s PvP is just fine and the players actually die when you “kill” them, but here, nope. Sorry you gotta spend an extra 10-20 seconds to stomp this player after you have already defeated them.

EDIT: Stop with the posts that say “oh your quiting cause of one thing, how childish” NO I am quitting due to a majority of things. Says right there in the first sentence people.

Stomping is easy if you know what you’re doing… Which you obviously don’t..

I don’t think you needed to add an insult there.

Here’s what’s really cool about it. Yes, depending on yours and their profession, there’s things you can do to get the stomp off or to prevent the stomp.

If I’m stompin a thief or mesmer, I can use a teleport to follow and finish the stomp after they port. Cool, but that’s forced me to use a cooldown to stomp, and to have that utility. Was that a good use of it? Or burn a stability, stealth, or block against a down-state knockback?

If there’s more time, I can just dps them down. Or against an ele, if you dps them down, they’ll just mistform and be back half health again.

So what and how you finish them requires some game sense and strategy. Sometimes takes more thought than you have for the up-state of the game. I think that part is good, and it’s part of why a good team totally curb-stomps nubs, even tho the gear/stats identical.

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novalight.7568


Stomping is easy if you know what you’re doing… Which you obviously don’t..

Depends on your class and setup, and their class don’t ya think, and the enemies ofc.

But hey, I guess u too pro, can roll everyone without stability, stealth or frenzy, can stomp eles tru mistform, go and stomp in middle of enemies as a ranged character, is there no end to your awsomeness?

“GW2 takes everything you love about GW1” – M. O’Brien
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee

Remove downed state!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello everyone.

Threads created for the sake of complaining do not offer really any grounds for discussion. Besides, this thread has already attracted off-topic posts. If you see fit to make a suggestion in the Suggestions subforum, you are very welcome to do so. In the meantime, we proceed to close the thread.

Thank you very much for your understanding.