Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayshua.5068


Remove the Trib mode requirement for Master of Decor in SAB please!!!

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Nah, it’s not hard to get to.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


Nah, it’s not hard to get to.

It is. I think I blew about 100 lives even trying to get that shop (that coin really was handy last year…). Tribulation Mode is not for everybody. And this means that a majority of people won’t be able to get furniture tokens for their bubbles.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Westenev.5289


If this were an individual game, I might agree with you… but after you spend those 1,000 or so deaths, you will learn tricks that make the entire run a trivial bauble farm – tricks which you can then teach to someone else without having to look at a guide every 2 minutes.

I just don’t think the community deserves to be coddled…

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Nah, it’s not hard to get to.

It is. I think I blew about 100 lives even trying to get that shop (that coin really was handy last year…). Tribulation Mode is not for everybody. And this means that a majority of people won’t be able to get furniture tokens for their bubbles.

only 100 deaths, that cost nothing but gave you the ability to buy more furniture coins.

Pretty sure we can call that not hard. Oh sure you went through a learning process and died but it literally involves minimal combat, and just learning patterns. If that’s considered hard by game standards i fear we’re regressing.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


Nah, it’s not hard to get to.

It is. I think I blew about 100 lives even trying to get that shop (that coin really was handy last year…). Tribulation Mode is not for everybody. And this means that a majority of people won’t be able to get furniture tokens for their bubbles.

only 100 deaths, that cost nothing but gave you the ability to buy more furniture coins.

Pretty sure we can call that not hard. Oh sure you went through a learning process and died but it literally involves minimal combat, and just learning patterns. If that’s considered hard by game standards i fear we’re regressing.

Not everybody has the reflexes they had when they were 20, or the perfect internet connection that is required for some of the jumps. I couldn’t do any tribulation the first time it was introduced, as my ping was regularly in the 200s. Should I have moved my house so I could have a more stable internet connection as well?

It might come to a surprise to you, but people have different strengths. Mine isn’t twitch playing. So, yes, I found it hard. Maybe you find it easy, but I find it hard, annoying and absolutely not worth the repeat.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eirinn.4250


Speaking as a person who can fail and fall horribly even at a few jumping platforms in fractals, I would welcome this change. It took me around two hours to do the hidden shops in world two, with the whole package of Dulfy and youtube guids. On infantile. With countless moments of “Should I grab my laptop and smash it against the wall now, or wait a few secs?”. So I’m quite certain that tribulation isn’t going to happen for me. I’ve tried. I’ve even got past first checkpoint…but there is only a limited number or falls from the same spot on the same spikes, before you go fully insane.

And yes, usually I’m in favour of a little work for achievements. I enjoy challenges and don’t need to have everything served on a silver plater. I don’t mind those hours spent in world two cursing ninjas and falling from ice-covered platforms. But this achievement is in my opinion basic stuff, not some fancy cosmetic thingy or mighty weapon, therefore should be available to most players possible.

Proud Queen of The Shieldmaidens
…the core of all life is a limitless chest of tales…

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


Nah, it’s not hard to get to.

It is. I think I blew about 100 lives even trying to get that shop (that coin really was handy last year…). Tribulation Mode is not for everybody. And this means that a majority of people won’t be able to get furniture tokens for their bubbles.

only 100 deaths, that cost nothing but gave you the ability to buy more furniture coins.

Pretty sure we can call that not hard. Oh sure you went through a learning process and died but it literally involves minimal combat, and just learning patterns. If that’s considered hard by game standards i fear we’re regressing.

Not everybody has the reflexes they had when they were 20, or the perfect internet connection that is required for some of the jumps. I couldn’t do any tribulation the first time it was introduced, as my ping was regularly in the 200s. Should I have moved my house so I could have a more stable internet connection as well?

It might come to a surprise to you, but people have different strengths. Mine isn’t twitch playing. So, yes, I found it hard. Maybe you find it easy, but I find it hard, annoying and absolutely not worth the repeat.

What twitch reflexes ?

Literally nothing in trib requires the level of skill you’re implying. It just requires time and practice. Literally the same thing you put in every other spot in the game.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Not everybody has the reflexes they had when they were 20,

Even between my 19th and 21st year, I didn’t have those reflexes.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nosleepdemon.1368


World 2 zone 2 in particular has a lot of twitch reflex moments, for example doding rockets, swords, falling rocks, shurikens, the tribulation cloud, piranhas, ice, the mini boss, toads… All of these with the exception of the rockets are semi random, as they are based on monster behaviour. Perhaps you’ve not played that zone yet, but I can definitely see how someone who is bad at platforming would rage with having to contend with not only unpredictable movement, but also unpredictable AI.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doam.8305


The Decor achieve only needs world 1-1 in tribulation for the HoT HoT HoT Furniture Shop.

I got it myself but I can see why and also agree it shouldn’t be a requirement as I find tribulation mode to contain way to much rng for my liking. By RNG I mean those jumping rocks in 1-1 you have to run down that corridor full of rocks and it all feels like luck. I can jump and move and even if I’m already over the next section I’ll sometimes get knockdown and fall to my death due to rocks I’m no where near.

If it wasn’t for that one section I’d say leave it as is but normal players shouldn’t be forced into trib for that achieve the tribulation achieves are kept separate after all. At most if you want to keep Trib as part of the requirement then move the achieve over with the other tribulation achievements.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


I got it myself but I can see why and also agree it shouldn’t be a requirement as I find tribulation mode to contain way to much rng for my liking. By RNG I mean those jumping rocks in 1-1 you have to run down that corridor full of rocks and it all feels like luck. I can jump and move and even if I’m already over the next section I’ll sometimes get knockdown and fall to my death due to rocks I’m no where near.

If it wasn’t for that one section I’d say leave it as is but normal players shouldn’t be forced into trib for that achieve the tribulation achieves are kept separate after all. At most if you want to keep Trib as part of the requirement then move the achieve over with the other tribulation achievements.

This, no matter what I do the rocks get me even though I’m already past them. Hot Hot Hot is the only thing I’m missing from world one. This achieve should be in with the other trib achievements, not in regular world one.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


I think the primary question should be, how gated should the decor achievement be?

Is it supposed to be available to everyone as a nice gimmick for the guild hall?
→ yes, remove the trib 1-1 shop. no reason to argue if or how hard it is. fact is, it will be unobtainable to a big part of the playerbase

Is it supposed to be a hardcore achievement for only the most dedicated?
→ add required shops to every trib zone

Is it supposed to be an introduction and added incentive to have people try tribulation mode?
→ fine as is.

Personally I’m fine with number 1. Cosmetic guild items should be available to everyone I think as far as limited time events go.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cobrakon.3108


I kinda wish the decor cheeve was even harder. BUt thats just my greed speaking.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Eh, I’m fine with it the way it is.

For the record, I’m 48, and have a condition that affects muscle strength and response times. I can’t even PvP without my hands shaking.

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Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cobrakon.3108


Eh, I’m fine with it the way it is.

For the record, I’m 48, and have a condition that affects muscle strength and response times. I can’t even PvP without my hands shaking.

If u ever want help with any Jumping Puzzle related content let me know. I have mesmers parked at all sorts of hard to reach places. I do it for free. Look me up.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


It’s not like you need the achievement. You can easily farm furniture coins just going to the furniture shops each day and everything else is extra.

And for the rest, its an achievement. It doesnt need to be accessible.

Plus if you really want more super clouds in the guild hall you do need to realize its possible to get those donated from other players as well (like guild members or helping friends)

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AriaFiresong.7023


I managed to do this last night after 5hrs and 300 lives. Difficult and excessive, in my opinion, for a basic achievement. While I will admit that it was mildly amusing, tribulation should remain in its own category and not sneak into the others.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fiddlestyx.9714


It’s not like you need the achievement. -snip-

And for the rest, its an achievement. It doesnt need to be accessible.-snip-

You’re absolutely right, players don’t NEED anything. We don’t even NEED to play this game.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tyger.1637


What twitch reflexes?

Well for me; I can’t get past the corridor between checkpoints 2 & 3(?) where there’s 2 monkeys and the first abyss where you have to dodge some obstacles at the very narrow edges.

I simply don’t have the reflexes to make the jumps, dodge the obstacles, and make the stops where one more step drops you into the darkness.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

Eh, I’m fine with it the way it is.

For the record, I’m 48, and have a condition that affects muscle strength and response times. I can’t even PvP without my hands shaking.

If u ever want help with any Jumping Puzzle related content let me know. I have mesmers parked at all sorts of hard to reach places. I do it for free. Look me up.

Thanks for the offer, but because of my condition, I make a conscious effort to complete jumping puzzles on my own. They’re actually like physical therapy for my slow, aging fingers, as is GW2 overall, including SAB Tribulation.

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


What twitch reflexes?

Well for me; I can’t get past the corridor between checkpoints 2 & 3(?) where there’s 2 monkeys and the first abyss where you have to dodge some obstacles at the very narrow edges.

I simply don’t have the reflexes to make the jumps, dodge the obstacles, and make the stops where one more step drops you into the darkness.

Literally none of what you’re saying requires any sort of twitch reflexes. All you have to do is press your spacebar (or whatever you’ve bound jump to) and the directional key. There’s nothing twitchy about that.

If you can’t do that, fine. But don’t make up an excuse blaming age, twitches etc.. when really it’s just the inability to learn from mistakes.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonyeti.3296


What twitch reflexes?

Well for me; I can’t get past the corridor between checkpoints 2 & 3(?) where there’s 2 monkeys and the first abyss where you have to dodge some obstacles at the very narrow edges.

I simply don’t have the reflexes to make the jumps, dodge the obstacles, and make the stops where one more step drops you into the darkness.

Literally none of what you’re saying requires any sort of twitch reflexes. All you have to do is press your spacebar (or whatever you’ve bound jump to) and the directional key. There’s nothing twitchy about that.

If you can’t do that, fine. But don’t make up an excuse blaming age, twitches etc.. when really it’s just the inability to learn from mistakes.

You are really underselling it. You could say the same thing for Super Meat Boy, any of the Super Mario Brothers games, etc. The control scheme is a jump button and d-pad, that doesn’t stop it from requiring very exacting precision and timing on jumps, good spatial sense, etc. Yes, practice makes perfect, but certain physical handicaps can certainly make that quite a barrier.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nosleepdemon.1368


I think he is trolling, nobody would willingly contradict themselves like that. Obviously, trib mode requires twitch reflexes, and that example is actually a really good one. If you don’t jump at the right moment from the right point along the ledge, the rocks knock you off. It’s the very definition of twitch gaming.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


Not sure why they didn’t sell infinite continue coin on gem store, luckily I still have mine from when SAB first released though I didn’t use it much for current SAB since achievement didn’t reset.

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(edited by SkyShroud.2865)

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nosleepdemon.1368


They do sell it, it’s part of a pack.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TexZero.7910


I think he is trolling, nobody would willingly contradict themselves like that. Obviously, trib mode requires twitch reflexes, and that example is actually a really good one. If you don’t jump at the right moment from the right point along the ledge, the rocks knock you off. It’s the very definition of twitch gaming.

So you’re calling the rock section twitchy when you can literally just jump through it without even dodging, air strafing of any kind, having to hit moving targets ?

Trib is far from twitchy. It might be twitchy if you allow it to mess with your mental state, but if you call this twitchy or even twitch intensive i’d hate to think what you call games that require actual twitch reflexes or bullet hell games that use quickswitch mechanics.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


It may be easy for me to say since I have no investment in getting the achievement, but I think it’s a good thing for some in-game rewards to be gated by some level of skill. There are rewards I think need to be accessible to most players, but this one is not one of them. I have no opinion on just how much of the player-base this is accessible to, but everything does not have to be for everyone.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Agreed. That experience in Tribulation, to get this achievement, cured me of achievement hunting and any desire to enter Tribulation mode ever again.

And I do mean . . . ever.

Gone to Reddit.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


I think he is trolling, nobody would willingly contradict themselves like that. Obviously, trib mode requires twitch reflexes, and that example is actually a really good one. If you don’t jump at the right moment from the right point along the ledge, the rocks knock you off. It’s the very definition of twitch gaming.

So you’re calling the rock section twitchy when you can literally just jump through it without even dodging, air strafing of any kind, having to hit moving targets ?

Trib is far from twitchy. It might be twitchy if you allow it to mess with your mental state, but if you call this twitchy or even twitch intensive i’d hate to think what you call games that require actual twitch reflexes or bullet hell games that use quickswitch mechanics.

Twitchy may not be the correct wording, but that corridor with the troll stones does require an amount of muscle coordination that is beyond many people, especially the older ones.

Personally, my reflexes have never been great, and nearing 50 I notice they get worse every year. The winter wonderland jp is one of the examples of content I am simply unable to do. I can do the jumps just fine, but I can’t turn and move precisely at the same time, at least not quick enough to beat the timer (and I have literally spent hours each year trying that jp).

The need to change directions, jump precisely, and keep the timing to not get knocked off by those troll stones is pretty much beyond me. Since I wanted to get the achievement (and since I had bought the infinite continue coin to better enjoy SAB normal mode which I love, despite not being good at it), I spent half of a Sunday last year on 1-1 tribulation. The troll stone corridor alone took me about 3 hours of continuously trying to get through. I made it in the end, but I doubt I’ll ever repeat that experience, and I can see how this really is beyond a lot of people.

Coordinating direction changes, precision jumping, and timed movement is beyond “just practice” for a lot of players. That said, if I had found myself unable to do it once, I could’ve lived just as well without the achievement. You can get a good many furniture coins daily far more easily by just visiting all of the other shops, and if all else fails I’m sure there are enough people that would gift you with some coins (or rather, buy super clouds for your guild hall) if you ask nicely. My own guild has actually run into the limit of stored clouds, we need to get our scribes to craft some other decorations so that the handfull of SAB fans can keep depositing their daily furniture coins .

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


I can do the jumps just fine, but I can’t turn and move precisely at the same time, at least not quick enough to beat the timer (and I have literally spent hours each year trying that jp).

The need to change directions, jump precisely, and keep the timing to not get knocked off by those troll stones is pretty much beyond me.

Coordinating direction changes, precision jumping, and timed movement is beyond “just practice” for a lot of players.

I’m not sure it would change anything as I dunno how you have it set up, but I personally run with action camera so that I can strafe and back pedal as fast as I can walk forward. Also not needing to press extra button for mouse turning is easier on my hands. So, WASD and turning with the mouse whilst clicking for auto attack seems the easiest and fastest setup for me. Turning with directional keys or A and D is just too slow, though like I said I dunno if you use that to turn. I definitely would not ever want to try that section with key turning or any other part of the game for that matter.

Good control setup can change your whole experience, especially if you have trouble.

Other than that, my first attempt through it also took that long. These days it takes much shorter.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bolita.2071


Reading this thread, I couldn’t help but chime in about jumping and reaction time, etc.

Internet speed and lag do affect performance, of course. Your computer and age can be a factor sometimes, too. I started playing this game 4+ years ago on a MacBook and I’d be lying if I said that building a gaming computer didn’t have any effect on my jumping abilities. I get the age thing, too, because I’m over 50. I don’t sPvP because I can’t go head-to-head with the reaction times of young brains.

that being said

The two things that totally changed my jumping puzzle abilities even on my old computer were making sure I was steering with my mouse and, most crucially, turning down the rotation speed in my game settings as low as it would go. My precision and control improved immediately. After that, it was just repetition to figure out the flow and patterns.

I’ve shared the rotation speed tip with frustrated Wintersday jumpers and they said it made an enormous difference. My husband swears by this, too. The change was like night and day for him and he went from frustrated to farming holiday puzzles and adeptly running trib mode with me.

Just maybe something to try.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


I can do the jumps just fine, but I can’t turn and move precisely at the same time, at least not quick enough to beat the timer (and I have literally spent hours each year trying that jp).

The need to change directions, jump precisely, and keep the timing to not get knocked off by those troll stones is pretty much beyond me.

Coordinating direction changes, precision jumping, and timed movement is beyond “just practice” for a lot of players.

I’m not sure it would change anything as I dunno how you have it set up, but I personally run with action camera so that I can strafe and back pedal as fast as I can walk forward. Also not needing to press extra button for mouse turning is easier on my hands. So, WASD and turning with the mouse whilst clicking for auto attack seems the easiest and fastest setup for me. Turning with directional keys or A and D is just too slow, though like I said I dunno if you use that to turn. I definitely would not ever want to try that section with key turning or any other part of the game for that matter.

Good control setup can change your whole experience, especially if you have trouble.

Other than that, my first attempt through it also took that long. These days it takes much shorter.

Thanks for the tips. I’m already doing most of that, minus the action camera, as I’m prone to sea-sickness and the screen movements from action camera intensify that. That stupid furniture shop definitely isn’t worth having to lie down with a splitting headache and a sick stomach for a couple of hours afterwards .

I can accept that I just have really really poor muscle coordination (always had, to the point where it got me off getting graded in sports back in school), and while practice always helps, no amount will get me anywhere near normal.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LadyRhonwyn.2501


Reading this thread, I couldn’t help but chime in about jumping and reaction time, etc.

Internet speed and lag do affect performance, of course. Your computer and age can be a factor sometimes, too. I started playing this game 4+ years ago on a MacBook and I’d be lying if I said that building a gaming computer didn’t have any effect on my jumping abilities. I get the age thing, too, because I’m over 50. I don’t sPvP because I can’t go head-to-head with the reaction times of young brains.

that being said

The two things that totally changed my jumping puzzle abilities even on my old computer were making sure I was steering with my mouse and, most crucially, turning down the rotation speed in my game settings as low as it would go. My precision and control improved immediately. After that, it was just repetition to figure out the flow and patterns.

That’s what I have by default. And it still took me an entire game day to get to that last shop.

I don’t mind having to jump on that exact pixel or die, as actually jumping on that exact pixel and then still die because the game thinks you landed somewhere else. Those rocks in that narrow corridor were actually the point where I just went on simply because I wanted the achievement. Not because I liked it, or the challenge. At that point it just became me against the server and internet connection. And not me against the environment.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


If you’re living in most of OCX where you will have to play with at least 200 ping, try go through that corridor and you’ll get hit by troll rock even if you’re >130-160 range away. As a regular pvp player I can confidently say its a lot more frustrating than your pvp matches so please don’t fool yourself about “its just normal reflex with WASD and space bar”. I’ve got through it after 3 hours with dozens of coins, and almost all the time I got hit by the rock behind me.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Deihnyx.6318


I mean… this is basically the same complain players have with raids, some content isn’t made for everyone, and that’s fine. You can still do normal mode…
I don’t like pvp, I’m not going to complain because there are pvp achievements, it makes no sense.

If there’s one thing to remove from trib it’d be the trib clouds, because they bring RNG where it doesn’t belong and some of them are just there to be annoying, without adding real difficulty. Or also fixing bugs… cause there’s a lot this year…
Also the numerours bugs.

(edited by Deihnyx.6318)

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zealex.9410


ehh its good to have hard to get stuff in the game, it gives value to them.

Remove the Trib mode from Decor Achievement!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ritsujin.4067


It’s not like you need the achievement. -snip-

And for the rest, its an achievement. It doesnt need to be accessible.-snip-

You’re absolutely right, players don’t NEED anything. We don’t even NEED to play this game.

Unlocking the Fancy Furniture Coins buy-ability is worth hundreds, if not thousands of extra guild decos.

The Fancy Furniture Coins are 1 per 25 baubles.
1 Bauble Bubble = 250 Baubles = 10 Fancy Furniture Coins

2 Bauble Bubbles per zone. Do the first 5 daily (6th is too annoying).
=> 100 Fancy Furniture Coins / day.

Then there’s the extra Baubles you collect daily, maybe 1000 => another 40 Coins / day.
(maximising gain/time by targeting hidden digging chests)

Seriously; you want that achv if yo want to go crazy on guild deco.

My tip: Get an Infinite Continue Coin.

It will change your whole mentality. You can throws lives away just repeating any section until you get lucky.