Removing Twice-Told Legend: A Grim Picture
It’s not being removed. You just can’t get it with the new legendaries.
The only difference between a legendary weapon and ascended is stat swap and usually annoying graphic effects. I assume that legendary armor would be the same. I have no problem with that.
1) Twice told legend title literally has NOTHING to do with any of your points
2) Your points are completely baseless…
3) To elaborate on point 2, they haven’t said a single word about releasing anything higher than ascended ever… EVER.
4) My guess is you are referring to Legendary armor. Which of course has same stats as ascended and like the weapons is just an asthetic achievement.
5) By all means show me where I am wrong on any of these counterpoints…
What does a title given to people because they made 2 of the same Legendary weapon before there was a wardrobe have to do with an increased gear ceiling?
nothing. It has nothing to do with it.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I can’t tell if this post is serious or not. While I’m skeptical of the claim that the game is sinking into a miserable gear grind, a person can at least make some kind of argument on the topic.
Basically anything to do with Twice-Told Legend isn’t that argument, however. It’s barely relevant, or else completely irrelevant, so you’re going to need to elaborate further.
I dont get it. Did anet state legendary gear will be getting higher stats now? What is this “gear ladder” the OP is talking about?
I dont get it. Did anet state legendary gear will be getting higher stats now? What is this “gear ladder” the OP is talking about?
OP got it into its mind that there will be a gear ladder and since new legendarys cant be made 2 identical ones some how people wont be able to do 2 identical old legendaries
It basicly just a mad rant at this point hehe
This post is bizarre. I’m not sure if OP has like a dozen misconceptions about the game all mixed in together, or if he just needs to take some medication.
There is no grind in GW2.
Since Twice-Told Legend basically says: “i was stupid enough to make two of the same legendaries”, it does not really matter.
There is no grind in GW2.
Everyone realizes the removal of Twice-Told Legend also tells us the game is going to increasingly be more about Ascended Gear, Legendary Gear, Legendary Weapons, and a gear-ceiling in general, right?
Not only this, but it means we’re seeing the focus of this game become raid content oriented. If you are interested in ‘finishing’ a character so you can play without the pressure of other players cutting you out of content Anet’s just decided to go one step further in making sure that’s how the game will play.
Remember when exotics were the Gear Cap? Then it was Ascended that was going to be the Gear Cap? Promises.. promises…
Why not use the money we give you for something more enjoyable than a perpetual Gear Ladder to climb. Every MMO, but one has done it. No one likes it and you won’t be thanked for it.
This is a title invented as a consolation prize for people who made two legendaries before the wardrobe — that was (at the time) the only way to dual wield legendary swords, daggers, or pistols.
Since then, given the drought of new AP sources, more and more people have acquired two just to get the title.
And finally, as others have stated, we’ll still be able to get it, just not with the new legendaries.
tl;dr the OP might want to rethink the entire post.
Since you’re reaching this far already, do you think you could scratch this itch I can’t reach for me?
Where are all these people coming from seriously. Lots of threads nowadays just taking a small change and assuming that the world is coming to an end and using more assumptions to back up your assumption. It’s like people who create this thread either have severe paranoia or come from the future. OP most of your points are just baseless assumptions that you create to support your argument, actually there is completely no link whatsoever with the title which is ‘being removed’ which I don’t think it is, and the ridiculous gear overhaul which you exaggerate about.
They’re not removing Twice-Told Legend, it just won’t be possible with the new legendaries because of how they’re acquired.
But unless you’re a hardcore title/AP hunter it wasn’t really worth getting anyway. It was a (very minor) compensation for people who made 2 matching legendaries back before it was possible to copy the skins, not a new goal for everyone to work towards and certainly not an indication of Anet’s future plans.
Having said that however all ascended equipment has equal stats to legendaries and is generally easier to get and they’ve said repeatedly they’re not adding any new tiers in the expansion (or updates after that) so I’m not sure what you’re worried about.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Remember when exotics were the Gear Cap? Then it was Ascended that was going to be the Gear Cap? Promises.. promises…
Care to source these “promises” you’re referencing that make absolutely no sense without context?
As far as Exotics for gear cap, I do remember that it was the whole 1.5 months post-launch. Such a long time! I mean, Ascended being introduced with the content patch of Lost Shores in November 2012 (while the game launch end of August 2012) because said content just wasn’t quite ready for the launch of the game itself.
Ascended is still level cap. Legendary gear is nothing more than a visual skin with Ascended stats and allows for swapping of stat mixtures. But it is still the same stats and goes no higher. Legendary weapons are proof of this fact and have been in the game since the beginning.
Yeah as people have said, Ascended was planned for launch but instead of releasing a wonky version of Ascended at release, they waited until they had it developed properly before releasing it.
Twice-Told Legend can still be obtained. The first reply says this. You just can’t make two H.O.P.E.s or two Nevermores or two Astralarias since they’re developing a way for people who have made legendaries to make “naked” legendaries with no special skin but with swappable stats.
Legendary gear isn’t really any better than Ascended apart from convenience and lack of cost incurred when switching stats (since Ascended weapons and armor can have their stats switched in the mystic forge). So there’s not really any gear treadmill since you can have top of the line Ascended stats and never touch a legendary.