Removing a 'nearly completed' achievement
hmmm. or someone tell us what the pvp hint is. I do WvW but will never PvP so wouldn’t mind know what to target jut to get it out of the way. Trying to fill up my mail for that one. Got 2 left myself
Bombard clustered enemies or demolish buildings with the trebuchet! Press and hold “Fire Trebuchet” to shoot further.
Finishing Opponents
User F to finish off your downed opponent!
PvP Glory and Rank
You have gained a new rank!
Talk to a Glory NPC to spend your earnings!
PvP Joining Games
Join a PvP game by talking to the PvP Browser NPC, or join tournaments through the Tournament Master.
PvP Returning to Lobby
To get to the PvP Lobby, open your Hero Panel, go to the PvP tab, and select “Go to the Heart of the Mists.”
PvP Returning to PvE
To return to PvE (Tyria), open your Hero panel, go to the PvP tab, and select “Leave the Mists.”
PvP Tutorial
Now you’re in PvP!
Your traits and skills are preset, but you can reset them in the lobby while out of combat. You also have PvP items and armor, and you can get new items from PvP vendors.
Learning about WvW
Not sure what to do?
Speak with the Instructor (near your starting location), and they can tell you many useful things about World-versus-World.
Discovering WvW
Your world is engaged in a fierce battle for power in the Mists! Press B to see how your world fares against the enemy, and to see current bonuses!
Taking and holding objectives will score points over time. Open the Scoreboard B to view the current state of World-versus-World.
Use supply to repair gates and walls. Also use it to build siege engines for defending or assaulting objectives.
Traveling to WvW
To join the battle, click on [Go to World vs. World] and then click on the name of the map you’d like to fight in.
You can do the PvP ones just hanging out in the Mists area and doing that tutorial. If you don’t mind doing that.
But its not a bad idea to be able to remove achievements from that list. My hints is still stuck at 81/83 because the broken armor and mail one will still never register for me. And I’m tired of it taunting me. :P
(edited by Katreyn.4218)
You can do the PvP ones just hanging out in the Mists area and doing that tutorial. If you don’t mind doing that.
But its not a bad idea to be able to remove achievements from that list. My hints is still stuck at 81/83 because the broken armor and mail one will still never register for me. And I’m tired of it taunting me. :P
So it’s not just me then. I got the brokem armour one too. And save to say I got a lot of broken armour during the gameplay.
For the “mailbox full” hint, I had the issue and I solved it by deleting all the NPC/System mails. They seemed to be interfering with the hint. You need to have your mailbox full of 10 player generated mails only.
For the broken armor hint, there’s already a hint for the damaged armor (yellow shield), make sure you got an armor part at the broken status (red shield) for the second hint.
Hmm. Then I musta got the PvP ones. I have done the tutorial stuff. Only been there to let a guildie test builds on my toons.
Man, figuring out which is missing is gonna be a pain. Read the wiki list and nothing pops out as the one.
(edited by Sleel.8365)
For those having trouble figuering out what hints they miss: Click the questionmark with the tooltip “hints” on the top of the screen (its the last one from left), it shows you a list of the hints with the percentage you finished each category (you can get more informations selecting them).
I agree that the option to hide certain achiements would be great.