Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ahlen.7591


You can’t play around with builds and gear in Guild Wars 2?

Are we playing the same game?

As for GW1…Nostalgia is a powerful drug.

Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


GW1 has far less of a barrier to playing around with builds a gear really.

Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


You can’t play around with builds and gear in Guild Wars 2?

Are we playing the same game?

As for GW1…Nostalgia is a powerful drug.

You clearly haven’t played GW1. The build versatility in GW1 far, far outclasses GW2. Literally hundreds of skills to choose from.

You could rune up your gear as desired, as well. Oh, and have 4 gear/weapon sets that you could swap to instantly.

Gw2 build variety is non-existent compared to Guild Wars.

Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Carltonbanks.1754


GW1 is 1000x better than GW2 will ever be. In every aspect. Fact.

Except not really. Sorry.

Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FalconDance.1637


You clearly haven’t played GW1. The build versatility in GW1 far, far outclasses GW2. Literally hundreds of skills to choose from.

Gw2 build variety is non-existent compared to Guild Wars.


Some people don’t like having the hundreds of skills to condense down to eight on a skillbar. It’s apparently a play style difference.

But when GW2 reduced the number of skills per profession so drastically, they essentially dumbed the game down considerably. I am not calling the players dumb, but the number of skills available reduce the number of builds to … how many?

BirchFlower [RBW] – Sylvari ranger, Isle of Janthir
Lili BirchFlower, Adjutant, Royal Black Watch

Replayable without Grind - The Magic of GW1

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Meret.5943


to all of those that think that GW1 is better – GW1 servers were never closed. Advertise it to your friends, play it, keep it alive and hopefully it will survive for many years to come. I will attempt to do the same with Guild Wars 2. I’m not going to abandon it. I’m going to have fun in it and hope that it survives for many years to come. Everybody wins this way

Actually I did decide a couple days ago that I would officially go back to GW1. (One thing ANet did which was brilliant from the player-side, is no sub. So as long as the servers are up and going on, I’ll never deinstall GW… thank you for that, ANet!)

It obviously won’t be the same because pvp is probably dead—and that is sad, because I adored Random Arena. But I’ll be posting occasional pve activities on our guild’s fb page if peeps want to come on back and join up for them: Tombs, Urgoz/Deep, UW/FoW, DoA, etc. And in fact there has been a lot of interest already.

I’m going to log in to GW2 still and see what they’re doing for Wintersday, and I’m going to follow updates in patch notes and forum posts here and there, because I still care about the game and the company.

I’m definitely not trying to talk anyone out of liking GW2, not my own guildies, and not strangers on a forum. It’s possible I might end up liking it in a year from now. Never know.