Report people for ruining your experience

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


Is there a way to report other players, or at least have them change to another server of that map when they do everything in their power to deliberatly screw you over? This happens with hearts, events and farming creatures for mats. I know that farming is sometimes frowned upon but I would much rather earn my mats than take the easy way out and buy it on TP (besides, we all want to earn some gold every now and then too).

This has happened to me on several occasions where there is this one dude who repeatedly does this. Follows me around and kills everything before I get to the mobs so I can’t contribute or get the loot. Sometimes there are even a group from the same guild who does this. It is like playing PVE in any other MMORPG all over again..

Is it that hard to just tag the mobs and move on to the next ones? Really??

I just find this extremely annoying, especially when I am forced to move to another section of the map – only to be met by the same people AGAIN when I return to do my heart/farm.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So you basically want to limit their ability to play the game because they limit your ability to play the game?

What makes you so sure that it is deliberate? Maybe he just have the same line of thinking as you? Maybe he just wants to kill mobs for materials. It is rather unlikely that they knowingly does this after all.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sane.5072


That person just moves faster than you, it seems pretty unlikely they are deliberately making it hard for you. You can force a map change by joining on other people, also if you log out and change your server that will very often force you onto another map.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


I do not wan to limit anyone, but GW2 has a tagging system which allows for people to hit the same mob – which in the end grants materials/loot for all the people that tagged said mob. This feature is there to prevent people from kill-stealing, but sometimes people do not care about this and goes on and on doing this anyway.

How do I know this is deliberate? Well, when the same guy shows up at the same place, arriving after me, neglecting my messages and actively following me around to put out AoEs that insta-kill mobs (in this case ambient life for the candy golems), then yes, I do believe he is doing this to kitten with me. I have tried to communicate with him several times with no luck, I even asked a guildy to keep an eye on him when I was walking around below to scout for creatures to kill – he kept moving around to have reach and a clear view of the area I was targetting.

I have no issues with sharing, tagging or even letting other do their thing while I wait for my turn – but I do not really take it easily when people do everything to screw you over so that they can do the exact same thing you were doing before they went on a trolling rampage. Like I said, with this tag-system there is no need for hoarding mobs and solo it all. Farming can be done in groups even without partying up first. It is called courtesy and respect, and sadly some people lack this completely. Especially when they won’t even talk to you to at least give you an explanation of why they are doing this..

(actually the correct term for this is greifing).

(edited by Sheldin.5874)

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Maybe he doesn’t have chat on? It is not uncommon for people to turn off chat in order to avoid drama and such. Or maybe he doesn’t speak English and thus doesn’t understand what you are trying to say. There are many possibilities outside of the: “he is ignoring me just to be a kitten”.

You can’t know that he doesn’t simply have the same way of thinking as you. If you think about a certain thing, it is almost 100% guaranteed that there are others that have thought the exact same thing.

Yes, it is annoying, but I wouldn’t be so swift to point fingers, since there is no way you can know that he actually does it deliberately.

Maybe he doesn’t have much time to play, so he can’t wait for you to come in and tag the mobs. Maybe he simply wants to kill the mobs on his own and so on.

And no, griefing requires doing it on purpose, which you have no proof that he is doing.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


So you basically want to limit their ability to play the game because they limit your ability to play the game?

Yeah…? That is how any justice system works, you do something wrong you get appropriate punishment for it. Being disallowed from playing the game for preventing others from playing the game sounds as fair and appropriate as it gets.

What makes you so sure that it is deliberate? Maybe he just have the same line of thinking as you? Maybe he just wants to kill mobs for materials. It is rather unlikely that they knowingly does this after all.

Player support has tools to mark and watch accounts that are suspected of misconduct, and can figure out if a player is purposely griefing or merely the victim of circumstance. Report them and let support do their job.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


This has been going on for 4 days, and when someone is following you around each time then yes that is on purpose – so, griefing. The next time he shows up I will record it for you, post it to youtube, and show you what he is doing only for the sake of proving my point since trying to make people understand with text – here at least – is completely pointless.

When someone is weaiting around for you to make your move, and then decide to kill everything, I believe he has got time. The thing is, he doesn’t even turn the ambient life into golems unless I just stand still and do nothing for a couple of minutes. If I move, he kills everything around me and then camps on his roof again.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


So report him for griefing. If he is griefing he will get punished.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


I did report him, but there is no option for “greifing”. There is a ctually no option related to this matter at all – hence the reason I came to the forums to ask for another way of doing it. Understand now?

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


If the same person is doing this day after day, then I would consider it griefing… and probably look at your follower list to see if you have a stalker. If it’s many different people displaying the same behavior, then you are probably interpreting it wrong. It’s kind of ridiculous to expect everybody to tag mobs and keep backtracking to collect loot, just to make sure everyone in the area also got a tap. I know when I’m out doing map completion or even running around Orr, I just attack things until they’re dead.

Edit: I guess I don’t understand what you’re farming. Where/how do you turn ambient creatures into golems? What is the purpose?

(edited by rhapsody.3615)

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


You are aware people report other people in this game for evening sneezing too loud, right? Reporting doesn’t automatically mean this person is going to be punished. That’s the problem.

If the crime doesn’t fit the bill of breaking game policy, then it’s unfortunate, but we have to live with these kinds of pathetic players. Every MMO has them.

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


Rhapsody, funny thing you mentioned it, he is following me on the friendslist.. (No I did not add this guy)

Edit: Understandable that naming and shaming is unallowed, so I removed the screenshot.

(edited by Sheldin.5874)

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Naming and shaming is not allowed, better remove the screenshot.

But yeah, based on that screen-shot it would seem weird that it would be deliberate. Why would someone with such an advanced account risk getting banned for griefing?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

(edited by lordkrall.7241)

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


Lordkrall, you tell me. Why would I come here and make a silly post about it unless I took it very seriously? It’s not like I dislike this guy because of no reasons what so ever, and I would not want anyone banned for no good reason either. But this is starting to annoy me quite badly.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dark Jericho.8609

Dark Jericho.8609

Yeah, as that one guy who linked to the support ticket page (which should have been in his first post) directed, just create a ticket about your experiences with this person or persons with any recordings you have and let support sort it out.

I would also go with the suggestion of guesting to another server and see if you have better luck being in a different map overflow.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


Thanks for the link btw!

And I will try the guesting method as well, thank you (Sane & Dark Jericho) for the tip!

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: segman.3560


Y → status: offline

and he can’t check which map you’re on

on the other hand I don’t really believe this story is genuine, there must sth more

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


Segman, I won’t put offline status because of one guy. I blocked him now though to see if it will help.

Like I said, the next time I see him do this stuff I will record it and send it to Anet.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

They do punish for harassment, though I’m not sure what the limits are. If someone is stalking you in game, start keeping a record of it. If he appears, document it, leave and go elsewhere and see if he follows. If he follows, document that. You will need to show a clear pattern of stalking to prove it and not just a claim of stalking or harassing to make your case because in theory it could be coincidence that he is showing up.

In other words, clear proof will make your case and get you what you want, this guy sanctioned if he is stalking and harassing you.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


This. seems a bit weird. Correct me if im wrong but if a person blocks you doesn’t it limit your ability to get information on them through the friends list? Also. I can’t believe that he would follow you around THIS LONG without a kitten good reason. Trolls get bored really easily. Your either constantly feeding him (in which case your foolishness is causing it) or you did/said something EXTREMELY rude to him in those first few messages. (see before)

Ghost Yak

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


Hey this seems like a great suggestion!

If I see someone playing a class I don’t like in my runs, I could report them for ruining my experience.

Likewise, someone with an ugly dye job or an afro hair style should also be reported for ruining my experience.

Hell, anyone with more AP than me is ruining my experience by making me look bad in comparison, I should be able to report them too!

Great suggestion OP 10/10 won’t be surprised if you are contacted to join anet.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mo Mo.1947

Mo Mo.1947

@Sheldin. So this is a complaint about someone ruining your balm farming? If you’re doing the Rata Sum thing where anyone can come in you’ve gotta be expecting this occasionally.

You’re basically playing a goofy unsupported farming technique that ANet just leaves in for kicks. You can’t get too upset when your little exploit doesn’t run like clockwork.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


Maybe he doesn’t have chat on? It is not uncommon for people to turn off chat in order to avoid drama and such. Or maybe he doesn’t speak English and thus doesn’t understand what you are trying to say. There are many possibilities outside of the: “he is ignoring me just to be a kitten”.

You can’t know that he doesn’t simply have the same way of thinking as you. If you think about a certain thing, it is almost 100% guaranteed that there are others that have thought the exact same thing.

Yes, it is annoying, but I wouldn’t be so swift to point fingers, since there is no way you can know that he actually does it deliberately.

Maybe he doesn’t have much time to play, so he can’t wait for you to come in and tag the mobs. Maybe he simply wants to kill the mobs on his own and so on.

And no, griefing requires doing it on purpose, which you have no proof that he is doing.

Always amazes me how fast you jump into these threads to defend griefing behavior, and the lengths you’ll go to bend over backwards and try and make them look like doe-eyed innocent victims.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Y -> status: offline

and he can’t check which map you’re on

on the other hand I don’t really believe this story is genuine, there must sth more

Unless they’ve changed it, even if offline it still shows what map you are on and will update when you change maps. What offline does is keep people from messaging/whispering you.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


Even if this kid is doing to ruin a farm still doesnt matter. It is behaviour that should be punished, wether or not it is for ruining a farm, hearts, events or whatever. Griefing is not really “accepted” anywhere and neither should it, no matter what the griefing is about. The majority of people replying to this read need to read and understand the full context and not just “he is ruining my farm” – bit.

First of all it is not an exploit, it is broken economy (blame the players) and a lot of people are using it to an advantage, including myself, no shame in it. However, i would not get kittened off because someone is ruining my trick or treat bag farm, not at all actually, the fact that is kittening me off is his lack of communication, reason and complete ignorance to even try and to reason with me. Chat messages, whispers and even mail has yet to get through to this guy, and he keeps at it. So far he is only doing this in QD, and yes there are other places to farm whatever goodies you want, but QD is so far the fastest, easiest and most efficient place to do it (hence the reason most people do this there).

Like i said before, I dont mind sharing nor do I really bother if he wants to tag “my spawns”. But when he either insta kill them, or the ambient creatures i want to use, he should at least give me a reason as to why he is doing it. Sharing the same spot for farming with people happens all the time, and so does creating group farms in certain areas. Pretty much everyone I have had the pleasure to farm along side is open to the idea of sharing spawns and tagging, and respecting eachother, whoch is the whole notion of farming in group OR at the same spot. But this guy, really, is the first one to not even say “hi”.

All i have gotten from him was a reply to my very first message before it all started.. I saw him farming, i stood by minding my own bizz and then I asked “would you like to duo?”. He said “no.” so i respected that, moved to another nearby area and did my own farm. Minutes later he insta killed my spawns and starts killing everything around me and that was the start of it.

I for one do not see the reason for this, nor do I understand how on earth it is my fault that he does this, but he is and it is frustrating. Like I said, I dont care if it has to do with a farm or not.. It is inappropriate behaviour towards anyone, anywhere.

Look, I know this sounds very “out there” and pretty much like a typical “uuh wtf!?” thing, but i would not make such claims without good reason behind it. I see no reason nor need to fire upon innocent beings, which this guy is not. I did not post here to hear your sarcasm or bashing (then again, this is the internet..). I was asking for a method to report a user I find violating the rules of conduct within this game. And people always want a reason as to why one person asks for such means, hence the reason i explained what was going on. No need for stupid comments about wether or not you believe it, you think it is silly or whatever it may be. I got what I asked for which was a link.

But if you want to throw more sarcasm at me then go ahead, I am all ears.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

When he shows up document it then guest to another server and see if you land on another shard. If he doesn’t follow then good. But if he does follow, document that. A clear pattern of leaving a perfectly good map to follow you to yours to kill the ambients you are farming is what you need to show stalking and harassing.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Celtic Lady.3729

Celtic Lady.3729

Make sure your farming spot isn’t within the borders of a heart. Lots of hearts can be advanced by killing ambient creatures and this is totally acceptable. You don’t have the right to park yourself near a heart and then whine when people kill creatures to finish it. Just sayin.

Report people for ruining your experience

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sheldin.5874


@Celtic Lady, the heart around the swamp in queensdale does not relate to ambient creatures, at all. The one in bloodtide coast does though which is why I dont farm there. I can be considerate too.