Reporting Kicker
Well, define bad? i mean if they where being rude totally understandable, and unless you put in the LFG thing that you wanted experienced people….Then well you should expect some bad players to show up, i always try to help them if they are willing to listen. if they arent, they get two chances and then i kick them.
You need to be more clear in regards to the whole situation.
As if you want to report someone who kicked you from a group, then it would be pointless and take up space in the ticket queue, where someone else may have an actually issue.
However if you kicked someone and they abused you, you can just go ahead and report them for harassment (depending on what they said). If they called you a noob or an idiot, then don’t even bother to submit a ticket as nothing will be done and would again be a waste of the customer supports time to look at your ticket.
So if you can run through what was said/done without naming the person or giving a full quote if it violates the forum rules, then I can tell you if it’s worth sending in a report.
Guild: Rebellious New Generation [RNG] / Server: Aurora Glade – EN
What’s the point of reporting someone that kicked you from a party? What category conduct breach does kicking a bad player falls into?
We call that sour grapes. The category conduct breach is Too Bad, So Sad, Please Get Over It.
With all due seriousness, there is no breach. The person is reporting because they got their feelings hurt. Whether the kick was justified or not is a moot point.
What is ANet supposed to do? Punished the player because he or she wouldn’t play with someone else?
This is an MMO. Not kindergarten. As long as the action doesn’t violate the Code of Conduct, nothing will happen.
Yeah what Ardenwolfe mentioned. They will just say they are going to report you because they personally feel abused by the vote kick.
However; these children don’t understand that anyone has the right to remove someone from a group for no reason. So personally ignore the child and get back to playing
Guild: Rebellious New Generation [RNG] / Server: Aurora Glade – EN
anyone has the right to remove someone from a group for no reason.
That becomes less true when the players are in an instance as they progress through it, though. Kicking someone when they join isn’t innately punishable or maybe after the first fight/s, but kicking people just before the rewards of a dungeon/fractal is ‘punishable’, but apparently it doesn’t happen very often judging by specific people being known for stealing dungeon runs and the like and continuing to do so many months/a year later.
However; these children don’t understand that anyone has the right to remove someone from a group for no reason.
The same way that anyone has the right to hurl insults at other players and purposefully sabotage dungeon and pvp groups… No, it doesn’t work that way.
If a player is a detriment to the group, you announce that you wont accept their behaviour and that you will vote kick if it doesn’t improve.
On some instances however, people vote kick just to be abusive. Like inviting people to a dungeon party and kicking others on the last boss. You say that they have the right to kick for WHATEVER reason they want, but that’s not the case.
Unfair kicking is taken seriously by Arenanet but just being sour for being kicked by a group that specifically wanted good players isn’t the same thing.
So if you join a dungeon group that states that they want an exp run, and you get killed numerous times on a boss and you outright refuse to listen to the rest of the group – then of course they will kick you and there’s nothing you can do about it.
This is a case-by-case kind of thing. The number of unfair kicks isn’t likely to outweigh the amount of fair kicks that are reported. So it’s not really an easy job to sift through the reports and find the ones that are legit.
But let’s say that you ran with a team and it was your own party. You ask only that people are friendly and you don’t mind inexperienced players. You reach the last boss of the dungeon only to be kicked by a group of 3 who joined your group and then they decide to invite their own friend.
This would be seen as harassment as they have imposed themselves onto you and completely destroyed some valuable game time. Logs and screenshots would then be required to adequately prove this is the case but you bet your kitten that it’d be taken seriously.
So again, no! You do NOT have the right to kick for WHATEVER reason you feel like. Follow the code of conduct and don’t be a kitten.
Pretty sure it can be reported under LFG system abuse. I’ve heard people saying that this is the “go to” report for being griefed whilst in a group.
However, not that I know the inner-workings of moderators and stuff, I doubt that this kind of report will have any effect unless under exceptional circumstances. (E.g. if the group kicked you from an Arah path to sell it to other people or this person kept repeat offending).
The LFG system abuse report is all well and good, but if you want a better way to report somebody, make a support ticket. Attach a screenshot if you have one and write an account of what happened along with times, account/character names and the area you were in.
You can access support on the menu bar at the top of the page.
It would go under LFG abuse, depending on the situation.
Though it probably takes a few reports against the same person to trigger an investigation.
However; these children don’t understand that anyone has the right to remove someone from a group for no reason.
This is false.
Northern Shiverpeaks
(edited by GrandmaFunk.3052)
Well here’s the situation?
Yesterday, I was in a Cof P2 run that is advertised as “lvl 80 experienced zerker fast”
And one guy, obviously new, not stacking with the rest of the group, calling for ress when obviously the WP is available. How did he die in the first place is anyone’s guess. I had to spam a wall of gallery of rage waypoint in chat to get his attention.
Finally, when we are at the last part of the dungeon, where everyone is standing next to a flame acolyte and when we say kill, he didn’t kill his target and rush to the center because he see everyone else doing it (Even his dps is bad), and end up dying to the red rings. Then I voted for a kick and he got kicked instantly, no hesitation what’s so ever.
The point is, I can stand someone who doesn’t know anything and acting like he’s experienced. I don’t mind someone telling me he’s new and I’ll gladly explain things to him, it still saves more time then what I just described above.
When I first started out gw2, I was in the same shoe. I get kicked, I learn from it; before heading to dungeons, I look up speed run videos. When you started doing the same paths everyday for the next 6 months, every seconds counts.
Well here’s the situation?
Yesterday, I was in a Cof P2 run that is advertised as “lvl 80 experienced zerker fast”
And one guy, obviously new, not stacking with the rest of the group, calling for ress when obviously the WP is available. How did he die in the first place is anyone’s guess. I had to spam a wall of gallery of rage waypoint in chat to get his attention.Finally, when we are at the last part of the dungeon, where everyone is standing next to a flame acolyte and when we say kill, he didn’t kill his target and rush to the center because he see everyone else doing it (Even his dps is bad), and end up dying to the red rings. Then I voted for a kick and he got kicked instantly, no hesitation what’s so ever.
The point is, I can stand someone who doesn’t know anything and acting like he’s experienced. I don’t mind someone telling me he’s new and I’ll gladly explain things to him, it still saves more time then what I just described above.
When I first started out gw2, I was in the same shoe. I get kicked, I learn from it; before heading to dungeons, I look up speed run videos. When you started doing the same paths everyday for the next 6 months, every seconds counts.
Then nothing will happen and you are in the right for kicking him, he didnt follow the LFG advertisement and therefore should have been kicked.
I have no problems with kicking someone for those reasons. It makes perfect sense to me. Not only that, but him reporting you wont do anything. Anet can look at the advertisement probably and if he doesnt fit the criteria well to bad for him. his fault for joining a group that he shouldnt have been part of.
All these threads reflecting the PvE dungeon segment of the community are great as of late, I hope Anet (and new players) pay attention and continue to ignore/develop this part of the game.
Back well over a year ago+ when I farmed out fotm/dungeons I would screenshot the group before we began, kickers got reported plus screenshots sent to Anet. Not sure now, but before when you got kicked you lost any previous party messages and names, so ss at the start of the party is the way to go. Anyone getting into this scene I suggest do the same, and report these harassers in full detail.
Kicking a player should only follow after a period of time when a player is afk, or abusive. Otherwise run with your guild if you believe others are not up to par.
(edited by Wetpaw.3487)
Kuzuryu, arguably, because the LFG stated “experienced” you can totally kick somebody who is sub-par… just like if, for instance, you advertised “warriors only” and a ranger turned up, you have a right to kick this person as well.
Under such circumstances, I doubt that Anet would take any action… you had reason to kick him and no bad intention. You weren’t trying to grief this person.
However, I think a distinction could be made if you actually managed to get to the end after carrying this player, and then kicked before the end-boss/end-chest… that would count as griefing as you unnecessarily wasted a player’s time after you had made the decision to kick.
If I was speaking to the person being kicked, I’d suggest to him to try running the path with friends/guildies rather than pugs, or if he wasn’t zerker or experienced, to start his own LFG saying “all welcome”. At the end of the day, you have to be honest with yourself- if you’re not experienced, don’t be surprised if you do badly in an experienced group and get kicked.
We did carry him throughout the entire run, the thing is by the time we got to the final part, everyone was angry at him. We tried to take down the p2 final boss in one cycle so everyone used their dps cooldown (Ice bow, signet of rage, etc.) only to findout that this supbar player failed to take down the acolyte fully. When will tell him to just leave it till all 4 respawn, he went a head and killed it anyway, so we had to wait for the first 3 to spawn and the last one.
Hmmm. Definitely food for thought.
On one hand you were really patient in carrying the guy for so long, but on the other hand you were impatient and kicked him rather than complete the last hurdle. I’m sure if I was in your situation after getting repeatedly frustrated at this guy, I would’ve done the same.
I don’t advocate being ‘kick-happy’ but if you have a gut feeling that somebody is going to weigh you down on an “experienced only” run, kick them early on (especially on longer dungeon runs).
Firstly, it means less of their time is wasted if you’re likely going to resort to kicking them later anyway. There’s nothing more demotivational than getting so tantalisingly close to a reward and then having to start over- irrespective of it was a dc or being kicked.
Secondly, the rest of the party will benefit once a more experienced player joins- the run will be much smoother and pleasant.
Thirdly, you as a group are less likely going to be called out for “griefing” by selling the spot/giving the spot to a friend.
Perhaps the best bet is whilst you’re using the LFG for a new party member, send a message to the guy? Write that you’re sorry but that they were hanging the whole party up and that you recommend them finding a non-zerk/non exp-only group for this path. I think explaining why (politely) could help some cases and would definitely clear up any grey areas if Support was involved.