Request: Keybind for "Untarget/Detarget"
Just use the escape key…
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
Just click on the ground…
Esc key is a bit out of the way for my keyboard, requires moving my entire hand away from my movement and skill keys. Clicking on ground is a shot in the dark as well, especially in a zerg fight. I find when clicking on the ground I have to click multiple times even if I’m not clicking anything.
I assume the need to click multiple times is to help those “click skills with mouse” players when they miss click.
ATM my key binds are super simple
A: strafe left… S: back up… D: strafe right… 1-6: default… Q: dodge… W: forward… E: heal… Utilities: on my mouse…
I click my elite so I don’t accidentally use it.
(edited by Allison The Strange.4519)
I agree that clicking on the ground doesn’t always work like it should, but I usually use Esc well and fast enough
- – - — -- — – - -
Esc key is a bit out of the way for my keyboard, requires moving my entire hand away from my movement and skill keys.
A: strafe left… S: back up…
strafe right… 1-6: default… Q: dodge… W: forward… E: heal… Utilities: on my mouse…
I click my elite so I don’t accidentally use it.
You can easily hit esc with those keybinds. Use your ring finger/pinky and it’ll be fine.
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
This is not really an ideal solution to the problem, and I fully support your request for something that should have not been left out of the game in the first place, but if you would like me to then I will write you up a quick AutoHotKey script that only works while GW2 is the active window that makes a more ‘ideal’ key of your choice into another ESC key. This way you can run the script along with GW2 and it will make a duplicate ESC key that is close and handy instead of having to stretch all the way across the keyboard to hit the ‘real’ one. I personally use the arrow keys to move, as I do in every single game I have ever played, so I do this for my own gameplay already.
Or if anyone else wants it that cannot write it themselves, feel free to ask me and I’ll send it your way, with or without any AHK installation and key customization instructions.
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I support this idea. I was missing for too long. Esc key is way too far away to be used reliably in time. Right now I’m trying to use target nearest ally key to kinda deselect my target, but it obviously doesn’t always work…sometimes you don’t have an ally.
This request is a subset of something asked for time and again, to have one customizable keybind for one action.
Right now Escape has several functions, afaik in this order:
- Close windows (switchable)
- Stop ability build-up + auto-attack
- Stop Auto-Run
- Drop target
- Open Game menu
That alone makes Escape pretty unreliable to use for a single one. Not good for a game meant to be competitive.
So, once more, ANet: One keybind for one action, pretty please. Finally do this and I’ll alt-tab right over and buy some gems. ^^
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.
the thing I’d like is a way to get rid of the red targeting circle after you ctrl+click something.
Esc makes you stop targeting what you were targeting but that red circle remains forever til the thing with the target dies/goes away/goes invisible….and some things that you can target do none of those things and the circle will remain forever til you target something killable.
1. Most people use weapons skills for escapes from foes as well as charging towards foes
I think your request is a reasonable one and support it, but every time I see one of these generalizations I have to chime in. Unless you’ve spoken to >50% of the player base and confirmed that they use weapon skills to escape, you cannot say “most people” do so.
Apart from that, I think adding a deselect keybind is a great idea and I’d love to see it implemented.
the thing I’d like is a way to get rid of the red targeting circle after you ctrl+click something.
Esc makes you stop targeting what you were targeting but that red circle remains forever til the thing with the target dies/goes away/goes invisible….and some things that you can target do none of those things and the circle will remain forever til you target something killable.
Another way to get rid of the Call Target symbol is, if you happen to be a ranger, Call Target your pet and then swap it to your alternate pet. This removes the Call Target symbol. I guess it mimics the scenario of Calling a target and then killing it, without having to enter combat. Or if someone else in your party happens to be a ranger, they can do the swapping after the Call Target has been switched to their pet.
Call Target really isn’t designed all that well. :\ If you Call a target, obviously Calling it again should remove the Call on the target. 30 seconds and one short code block addition to the existing Call Target code and they could add that functionality…
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Esc key , click on ground… yeah that dont seem to work so well. Esc key has to be hit up to 3 times sometimes to clear the target. And its hard to click the ground when there people, enemies around you. There needs to be an option to deselect target.
re·ward – a thing given in recognition of one’s service, effort, or achievement
en·ti·tle·ment – the belief one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
the thing I’d like is a way to get rid of the red targeting circle after you ctrl+click something.
Esc makes you stop targeting what you were targeting but that red circle remains forever til the thing with the target dies/goes away/goes invisible….and some things that you can target do none of those things and the circle will remain forever til you target something killable.
Another way to get rid of the Call Target symbol is, if you happen to be a ranger, Call Target your pet and then swap it to your alternate pet. This removes the Call Target symbol. I guess it mimics the scenario of Calling a target and then killing it, without having to enter combat. Or if someone else in your party happens to be a ranger, they can do the swapping after the Call Target has been switched to their pet.
Call Target really isn’t designed all that well. :\ If you Call a target, obviously Calling it again should remove the Call on the target. 30 seconds and one short code block addition to the existing Call Target code and they could add that functionality…
the other, other option is to call target on a mini-pet (they don’t show the target above their head) but still a way to just de-target it in the first place would be nice.
the thing I’d like is a way to get rid of the red targeting circle after you ctrl+click something.
Esc makes you stop targeting what you were targeting but that red circle remains forever til the thing with the target dies/goes away/goes invisible….and some things that you can target do none of those things and the circle will remain forever til you target something killable.
Another way to get rid of the Call Target symbol is, if you happen to be a ranger, Call Target your pet and then swap it to your alternate pet. This removes the Call Target symbol. I guess it mimics the scenario of Calling a target and then killing it, without having to enter combat. Or if someone else in your party happens to be a ranger, they can do the swapping after the Call Target has been switched to their pet.
Call Target really isn’t designed all that well. :\ If you Call a target, obviously Calling it again should remove the Call on the target. 30 seconds and one short code block addition to the existing Call Target code and they could add that functionality…
the other, other option is to call target on a mini-pet (they don’t show the target above their head) but still a way to just de-target it in the first place would be nice.
Oh, that’s awesome! Thanks for mentioning the minis. I hadn’t even considered them previously. Now I can get rid of the Call Target easily on my non-ranger characters when it gets accidentally activated.
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I need drop target key badly!! Even when i spam click away from target it often doesnt drop right away, or worse I accidentally click some random mob or another target. i’ve killed myself more times with a bad leap because I cant drop target than I should have. As previously mentioned esc does too many things and is also hard for me to reach on my keyboard.
Drop target keybind please!
Doesn’t tapping the “Lock autotarget” key already do this?
Even if it does… still not an intuitive “one keybind, one action” relation. Diverging from that with combat-relevant functions is error-prone and annoying.
For example: on the engineer I have three different keybinds to stop auto-attack & build-up;
- Stow/draw weapon: works only with rifle, pistol (, hammer)
- Swap weapon: works only with kits, but undesirably swaps
- Escape: works with both, but tends to trigger other undesirable functions, list above
Which gets me back to the request: split the Escape key’s X functions into X single keybinds, please.
(Close windows, Stop ability build-up + auto-attack, Stop Auto-Run, Drop target, Open Game menu, did I forget something?)
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.
Just click on the ground…
That’s what I do but sometimes it fails to trigger for some reason. Now the ESC suggestion is silly. :P As silly as using F keys for skills.
Which gets me back to the request: split the Escape key’s X functions into X single keybinds, please.
(Close windows, Stop ability build-up + auto-attack, Stop Auto-Run, Drop target, Open Game menu, did I forget something?)
No thanks, unless they leave the esc key how it is now and just add more options.
Now the ESC suggestion is silly. :P
I disagree. I find that esc works quite well.
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
Which gets me back to the request: split the Escape key’s X functions into X single keybinds, please.
(Close windows, Stop ability build-up + auto-attack, Stop Auto-Run, Drop target, Open Game menu, did I forget something?)No thanks, unless they leave the esc key how it is now and just add more options.
Now the ESC suggestion is silly. :P
I disagree. I find that esc works quite well.
If you don’t care about efficiency then have at it.
No thanks, unless they leave the esc key how it is now and just add more options.
Hey, I’m fine with ANet adding every single function in the Control Options to the Escape key (that isn’t already on it ^^) and have them trigger by priority.
As long as we finally get each function on a single customizable keybind as well.
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.
I tend to hit escape too many times because something there is graphics lag at HUGGGE events in my case. I end up opening the menu window. :S I too wouldn’t mind having at least the option to key bind a remove target.
I’d love to bind the escape function on another button :/!!!!
If you don’t care about efficiency then have at it.
I fail to see where using esc lacks in efficiency. Its behavior is entirely predictable, and unless you’re running around with loads of windows open the first thing it’s going to do is drop target.
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
The ESC key is in no way reliable for this.
I’m assuming you mean the actual targeting mechanic instead of the ‘call target’ mechanic.
Just bind a key to ‘Lock Autotarget’ found in the last ‘Targeting’ options. (Who came up with the name? It doesn’t ‘lock’ my target, it de-selects it.)
You will instantly un-target anything you have targeted. As far as i know, it does nothing else. (aside from selecting something immediately in front of you as long as you keep the key pressed, it deselects as soon as you release the key)
I bound both ‘target nearest enemy’ and ‘Lock Autotarget a.k.a. Un-target’ onto my mouse, and it certainly works very well without Autogtargeting.
where bashing people over the head with a stick deals more damage than a stab to the heart.
-My D.A. =
I will test “Lock Autotarget” as suggested by EazyPanda as an interim solution. Thanks for the tip EazyPanda.
Just click on the ground…
If they would change this to “click anywhere that there isn’t something” AKA the empty sky just to be certain, I think it would work a little more smoothly.
If you don’t regularly use the ESC key (to stop attacking, cancel an activated skill, etc.), you are doing something VERY wrong (or at least the hard way).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Just use the escape key…
They must at least add some option to not close any window or open the game menu.
Sometimes I want to stop my auto atk, but I don’t want to see the game menu or close my windows with Esc.
This request is a subset of something asked for time and again, to have one customizable keybind for one action.
Right now Escape has several functions, afaik in this order:
- Close windows (switchable)
- Stop ability build-up + auto-attack
- Stop Auto-Run
- Drop target
- Open Game menu
That alone makes Escape pretty unreliable to use for a single one. Not good for a game meant to be competitive.
So, once more, ANet: One keybind for one action, pretty please. Finally do this and I’ll alt-tab right over and buy some gems. ^^
(edited by Mikau.6920)
No wonder this comes up every second month or so, Anet sure have made it hard to find if you don’t know about it. Naming it Lock Autotarget is rather weird.
Still makes me giggle when I see all the suggestions that are all of them both cumbersome and slow in comparison to binding a key to “Lock Autotarget”, like the esc-key, click a blank space on screen and so on so forth…