[Request] Mission Saves / Disconnect-proofing

[Request] Mission Saves / Disconnect-proofing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperios.2543


Long introduction; scroll down to see the main part of the post:


The first thing I would like to say is that I thoroughly enjoyed both the Personal Story and the Living Story’s second season, and found their respective plots enjoyable and compelling. I especially liked the characters of Sieran, Zojja, Trahearne, Faolain and Marjory Delaqua, as well as the plots regarding the Asura race (especially the Infinity Ball), the Order of Whispers, and the recent Mordrem storyline.

(that being said, the first season of the Living Story was impressive as well purely because of its innovatory format, engaging, if at times unusual, narrative and impeccable boss fights notwithstanding. However, I would exempt its discussion from this thread for reasons described below.)

One innovation I have found particularily enjoyable, though, was the implementation of single-player story instances for maintaining a personal storyline that has been used for the entirety of the Personal Story and the Living Story’s second season. As opposed to other storyline-based MMORPGs, where the combination of complex, plot-driven quest chains and non-instanced areas resulted in disarray and even, at times, servers shutting down (cough cough our bond is iron cough), or Guild Wars 1, where story instance usage was so thorough that the game could never dare to call itself massive, Guild Wars 2 combines these two systems, creating a world where the story of a character and the story of the world support and complement one another.

However, this system too has its flaws, and the greatest one of these, the one I and, I believe, many other Guild Wars 2 have faced throughout their play, is the disconnect problem._ Should one, at one point or another in the story, suffer a connection failure and thus need to restart the game or relog, any progress that he or she has so patiently worked on will be inevitably erased, and the poor soul will have to repeat the mission over and over again until his Internet connection would show mercy to him or her and allow him to complete it_. That problem, coupled with my faulty Internet connection (courtesy of my location in the icy wastes of Russia), has significantly lengthened my playtime, which was nice had it not been for me having to repeat some long missions (such as: Battle for Claw Island, Retribution, Forging the Pact, The World Summit and Hidden Arcana) several times.

GW2’s predecessor, GW1, apparently utilised a system wherein mission progress could be saved, allowing the player not to waste significant amount of time on replaying the mission over and over again. Is it possible, coding-wise, for this system to be introduced to Guild Wars 2?

[Request] Mission Saves / Disconnect-proofing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperios.2543


TL;DR: Disconnects during missions annoying, make a save system that allows one to play from the checkpoint one disconnected from.