Request: More than one daily reward per day

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


I was thinking, wouldn’t it be great for me, as a player, to be able to earn more than one “log in reward” per day?

Now, I understand that the login rewards exist simply to entice people to view the advertisements in the Gem Store, so I know there is no incentive for ArenaNet to allow the player to reduce the number of sessions. However, it sure would be nice for those of us who may only want to play a few times a month!

When I play, I don’t mind sitting down and puttering in the game for a few hours. Usually I am frequently AFK during that time, attending to family duties, snacking, making tea… wondering off… etc…, but I am definitely more inclined to have a multi-hour chunks of play time once or twice a week than I am to play even a few minutes every day.

Sometimes I can’t login, other times I simply don’t feel like doing anything on the computer at all. And that’s OK.

With that in mind, I was thinking it would be nifty for we players if there was an option to make the login rewards into a monthly rewards system instead of a daily login reward system. This way the player could earn the exact same amount of stuff, only they’d have the option to earn it all in one sitting if they’d prefer. I suppose it would be handy to apply the same thought to resource nodes in the personal instance…

Ultimately, I suppose don’t really need the volume of rewards that I would receive for logging in every day of the year, given how little I actually DO in the game, but I figured it was worth putting the suggestion out there none the less.

As a concession to make up for fewer ad-views, I’d be willing to sign up for a once-weekly email that advertises Gem Store sales for the upcoming week (but that’s as far as I would personally go – no SMS ads, etc).

(edited by Tatwi.3562)

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The point of the daily login reward system is to get you to log in every day.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LouWolfskin.3492


Where do you get the impression that you are supposed to log in for the cash shop?
If you don’t want to log in, don’t log in, the reward “track” keeps on going and just moves on when you log in next, no harm done.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


The point of the daily login reward system is to get you to log in every day.

I know and I said so.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


Where do you get the impression that you are supposed to log in for the cash shop?

Advertising 101 (I used to work in print ad sales).

If you don’t want to log in, don’t log in, the reward “track” keeps on going and just moves on when you log in next, no harm done.

There are 365 days in the year. If I log in every day of the year, then in that year I will get 365 rewards. If I don’t log in every day, then I will get less than 365 rewards.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LouWolfskin.3492


Where do you get the impression that you are supposed to log in for the cash shop?

Advertising 101 (I used to work in print ad sales).

If you don’t want to log in, don’t log in, the reward “track” keeps on going and just moves on when you log in next, no harm done.

There are 365 days in the year. If I log in every day of the year, then in that year I will get 365 rewards. If I don’t log in every day, then I will get less than 365 rewards.

So your problem is that you get rewarded for loging in but not for not logging in?

I really don’t understand this… sorry.
And on that note, i log in almost every day and i barely look at the shop, so i’m getting this problem even less.

Addendum: Since the shop isn’t open as soon as you log in, nor does the game pester you with popups about new purchases that make your account more nifty and shiny i don’t get the Advertisment argument either.
Yes, the shop is there, sure, you may open it when going to the trading post, well… don’t go to the trading post, you admit yourself that you rarely play or do anything and therefore don’t even need the amount of rewards so what is the point here?

Second Addendum: Your arguement makes even less sense since the rewards for logging in don’t open up the store either. Nothing, except seeking out the store window, makes you see the new purchases!

(edited by LouWolfskin.3492)

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


The point of the daily login reward system is to get you to log in every day.

I know and I said so.

No you didn’t. You said it was to get players to view the gem store advertisements. Bolded it below.

I was thinking, wouldn’t it be great for me, as a player, to be able to earn more than one “log in reward” per day?

Now, I understand that the login rewards exist simply to entice people to view the advertisements in the Gem Store, so I know there is no incentive for ArenaNet to allow the player to reduce the number of sessions. However, it sure would be nice for those of us who may only want to play a few times a month!

When I play, I don’t mind sitting down and puttering in the game for a few hours. Usually I am frequently AFK during that time, attending to family duties, snacking, making tea… wondering off… etc…, but I am definitely more inclined to have a multi-hour chunks of play time once or twice a week than I am to play even a few minutes every day.

Sometimes I can’t login, other times I simply don’t feel like doing anything on the computer at all. And that’s OK.

With that in mind, I was thinking it would be nifty for we players if there was an option to make the login rewards into a monthly rewards system instead of a daily login reward system. This way the player could earn the exact same amount of stuff, only they’d have the option to earn it all in one sitting if they’d prefer. I suppose it would be handy to apply the same thought to resource nodes in the personal instance…

Ultimately, I suppose don’t really need the volume of rewards that I would receive for logging in every day of the year, given how little I actually DO in the game, but I figured it was worth putting the suggestion out there none the less.

As a concession to make up for fewer ad-views, I’d be willing to sign up for a once-weekly email that advertises Gem Store sales for the upcoming week (but that’s as far as I would personally go – no SMS ads, etc).

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


Where do you get the impression that you are supposed to log in for the cash shop?

Advertising 101 (I used to work in print ad sales).

If you don’t want to log in, don’t log in, the reward “track” keeps on going and just moves on when you log in next, no harm done.

There are 365 days in the year. If I log in every day of the year, then in that year I will get 365 rewards. If I don’t log in every day, then I will get less than 365 rewards.

So your problem is that you get rewarded for loging in but not for not logging in?

I really don’t understand this… sorry.
And on that note, i log in almost every day and i barely look at the shop, so i’m getting this problem even less.

It’s not a “problem”, just a thought.

While you may not look at the cash shop every day, enticing you to do so is the reason why “dailies” exist in games; Your unique login translates into positive reporting for the bean counters at the company (Smed from Sony Online Entertainment described this once in regards to their MMO games).

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


The daily login reward is already a “participation reward” enough. Actually it is more than enough in my opinion. Some players that bought extra accounts during sales make a lot of gold a month just off logging in to get the rewards on their alts and doing nothing more. It takes a minute or less depending on loading times to earn those rewards. I’m not sure how it would benefit Anet to allow players to gain the same rewards for logging in less. Thus I don’t see why they would ever implement your suggestion. As for your suggestion about being willing to receive a weekly gem store email two words, spam filter, and it is never seen again by those that want to get all the rewards without logging in daily.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


I don’t think we should have to log in at all. Why not just give us the rewards smply for owning the game.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


Personally I think the current setup makes perfect sense, you login daily, you get a daily reward for your time (I say time, I mean the 1 minute it would take to login and claim the reward).

Sure as it is now, if you can’t login one day, or don’t want to, then you miss out. But that’s how it should be. The daily login reward is basically a loyalty system, it’s there to give something as a thank you to the people playing (or just logging in) each day.

And to be fair a lot of players who are doing a few hours each week probably won’t need that volume of rewards anyway (like you said). Plus the game isn’t exactly short on other rewards you can go after, there are plenty of events, fracals, world bosses, dailies etc, which for play sessions of a few hours at a time are all easily obtainable.

*Edit – And thinking about it, being that these are rewards you get by simply logging into the game and not actually having to do a single thing, how exactly do you want to be able to get a months worth of these rewards in one sitting? By logging in and out of the game 30 times? By just logging in and have the game reward you a reward chest for each day of the upcoming month so you can open them whenever you feel?

(edited by killermanjaro.5670)

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


Do not think this is a good idea at all.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


Also I should add I personally don’t believe the daily login reward is there to entice people to look at the cash shop. In that to be honest ArenaNet take quite a laid back approach with getting people to the Gem Store, in that it’s not pushed in your face during the game, there is nothing on the HUD advertising stuff, they don’t send you in game messages when stuff is added, on sale etc. Of course they would like people to buy stuff on there, but they don’t proactively try to get players to it.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Now, I understand that the login rewards exist simply to entice people to view the advertisements in the Gem Store, so I know there is no incentive for ArenaNet to allow the player to reduce the number of sessions. However, it sure would be nice for those of us who may only want to play a few times a month!

There’s another reason. Game companies keep data as to numbers of players who log in. Those login metrics can fuel statements as to the health of the game. This is a different kind of advertising, aimed at potential customers. If ANet were really using daily log-in incentives as the means to push gem store items, we’d see the gem store front page popping up on logging in. As it is, players only see the store if they choose to.

You’re right about one thing, but you didn’t go far enough. “There is no incentive for ArenaNet to allow players to reduce the number of sessions” and still get rewards.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: drunkenpilot.9837


You don’t want to log in every day to get the rewards? Then you don’t get the rewards.

The only players deserving of login rewards are those who logged in. I’m sorry, but you aren’t entitled to anything here. If you want the loot, spend the extremely short amount of time it takes to open the game, log onto a character, open the shaky chest and log off. You don’t even have to play. And you don’t even have to open the chest. It will remain shaking in the corner of your screen the next time you login, too.

And login rewards have very, very little to do with the gem store. The only item that could potentially be there to entice players into buying gem store items is the Chest of Black Lion Goods, and even that gives you a freebie and requires no purchase from the store to utilize.

“While you may not look at the cash shop every day, enticing you to do so is the reason why “dailies” exist in games; Your unique login translates into positive reporting for the bean counters at the company”

Those ‘bean counters’ are using login information for the purposes of monitoring active playerbase counts and subscriber numbers, not gem store sales. Gem store sales are tracked by—you guessed it—sales in the gem store. The two are not directly related, at least not in the roundabout way you are thinking.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Greener.6204


And do not forget that your logging in helps to maintain a healthy player base, and keep others logging in as well (friends, guildmates, people doing the same events as you, etc.). It’s a positive feedback loop which Anet rewards you for promoting.


Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Where do you get the impression that you are supposed to log in for the cash shop?

Advertising 101 (I used to work in print ad sales).

If you don’t want to log in, don’t log in, the reward “track” keeps on going and just moves on when you log in next, no harm done.

There are 365 days in the year. If I log in every day of the year, then in that year I will get 365 rewards. If I don’t log in every day, then I will get less than 365 rewards.

That’s kind of the point of daily login rewards though

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


The point of the daily log-in rewards isn’t to make you look at the gem store (that’s just a bonus, if it happens). The purpose is to make logging in daily a habit. Something you do every day, possibly without even thinking about it any more. Even when you’ve got no more desire to play, that habit is there.

I could go on about Skinner Boxes, energy systems, or other stuff, but that’s drifting off topic and I think you get the idea. Log in, get your biscuit. Good dog.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


Now, I understand that the login rewards exist simply to entice people to view the advertisements in the Gem Store

What does login reward have to do with gem store advertisement?

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I, too, think it would be nice to earn my paycheck without having to go to work.

I get your sarcasm but unfortunately a lot of people feel that way these days. We live in a time that way too many people feel they should be rewarded simply for existing.

I could not agree more. Thankfully people are waking up to the madness.

Log in rewards are for :O GASP SHOCK LOGGING IN

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sykper.6583


This is a well-crafted sarcastic post, well done, 10/10. It’s better than anything I could come up with, closest thing I would suggest would be enforcing race removals from the game and making all players of that race forced to choose another one. Because Asura are an abomination

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


… And thinking about it, being that these are rewards you get by simply logging into the game and not actually having to do a single thing, how exactly do you want to be able to get a months worth of these rewards in one sitting? By logging in and out of the game 30 times? By just logging in and have the game reward you a reward chest for each day of the upcoming month so you can open them whenever you feel?

It’s true that the log in rewards don’t require any in game effort. I think it would be enough to spread the log in rewards around the world on Karma vendors, so if you wanted to you could travel around and buy the whole month’s worth for 1,000 Karma each. So that makes it totally free if you can / want to log in every day or pretty cheap and easy if you’d rather get them in lumps.

I, too, think it would be nice to earn my paycheck without having to go to work.

I get your sarcasm but unfortunately a lot of people feel that way these days. We live in a time that way too many people feel they should be rewarded simply for existing.

I could not agree more. Thankfully people are waking up to the madness.

Log in rewards are for :O GASP SHOCK LOGGING IN

What you’re saying is that the person who logs in for 1 minute every day of the month (~30 minutes play time) “does more work” and thus should be better rewarded than someone else who actually plays the game for 8+ hours a month, but only logs in a few days of the month?

Is there an Olympics for Mental Gymnastics, because if there is, you’d win gold with that bit of logic!

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


I think I should get a daily reward for not logging in. And interest on my bank savings. That would save me loads of time in the long run.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I think I should get a daily reward for not logging in. And interest on my bank savings. That would save me loads of time in the long run.

I agree I should be able to earn say 2 percent interest on the gold in my account compounded daily just for having an account. I’d agree in exchange to sign up for a gem store news letter that I will be certain to mark as spam and never read.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Endless Soul.5178

Endless Soul.5178

I think I should get a daily reward for not logging in. And interest on my bank savings. That would save me loads of time in the long run.

I agree I should be able to earn say 2 percent interest on the gold in my account compounded daily just for having an account. I’d agree in exchange to sign up for a gem store news letter that I will be certain to mark as spam and never read.

Sounds great, sign me up!

Asura characters: Zerina | Myndee | Rissa | Jaxxi | Feyyt | Bekka | Sixx | Akee | Tylee | Nuumy
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

What you’re saying is that the person who logs in for 1 minute every day of the month (~30 minutes play time) “does more work” and thus should be better rewarded than someone else who actually plays the game for 8+ hours a month, but only logs in a few days of the month?

No one is saying anything like that.

Login rewards are rewards for logging in, not for effort. Someone who logs in for 1 minute every day of the month logs in 30 times more than someone who plays the game 1x/month for 8+ hours. That’s why they get 30 login rewards.

Similarly, someone who plays actively for 8hrs (not just chatting etc) earns 8 hours worth of rewards for their efforts, rather than just the login reward.

As to the reasons for having a login reward… it’s almost certainly that ANet is betting that a lot of people will play the game after logging in, which leads to increased player population — something that benefits everyone who plays.

tl;dr if you don’t feel like playing every day, don’t.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Actually you’re not disadvantaged at all for not logging in.

I log in every day and in 28 days I have a specific reward. You log in 28 days in six months. You’re logging in the same number of days I am and getting the same reward. It’s not like you’re in game to spend that currency anyway, so you’re at the same point I am for the same amount of time.

If you were getting stuff for not logging in, maybe some days I wouldn’t log in because I wouldnt’ have to. I wouldn’t hook up with guldies who needed help with something. I wouldn’t become involved in stuff on those days, because I don’t have to.

The entire idea defeats the idea of daily log in rewards. It’s never going to happen, nor should it.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Where do you get the impression that you are supposed to log in for the cash shop?

Advertising 101 (I used to work in print ad sales).

If you don’t want to log in, don’t log in, the reward “track” keeps on going and just moves on when you log in next, no harm done.

There are 365 days in the year. If I log in every day of the year, then in that year I will get 365 rewards. If I don’t log in every day, then I will get less than 365 rewards.

Sure. The people that play the game more will generally receive more rewards than those that play less. Unless you’d want to normalize that too?
I’m afraid that Anet’s not going to reward anyone for not playing. They are definitely not going to reward anyone for not even bothering to log in.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


Actually you’re not disadvantaged at all for not logging in.

I log in every day and in 28 days I have a specific reward. You log in 28 days in six months. You’re logging in the same number of days I am and getting the same reward. It’s not like you’re in game to spend that currency anyway, so you’re at the same point I am for the same amount of time.

If you were getting stuff for not logging in, maybe some days I wouldn’t log in because I wouldnt’ have to. I wouldn’t hook up with guldies who needed help with something. I wouldn’t become involved in stuff on those days, because I don’t have to.

The entire idea defeats the idea of daily log in rewards. It’s never going to happen, nor should it.

If someone plays 5-10 minutes every day for a total of 35-70 minutes in a week gets more rewards than someone whole plays 2 hours just on one day every week, then yes you’re obviously disadvantaged. Even more so, as there some very specific rewards are tied to the login rewards.

I’m not saying it needs to change, but there’s some very obvious advantages and disadvantages to specific playing schedules. And to be fair, it’s not weird to question that.

In that regards, the whole daily login rewards are a tactic that android and iOS games use to keep you logging in to their games. It’s more a necessary(?) evil to keep people logging in to not fall behind in rewards, regardless of whether they are actually enjoying the game or not, so they play and are more likely to spend money on the game. And really whether it’s a daily weekly or monthly reward, there’s always someone missing out on a certain timeslot as they are being busy in that time with other things. Though obviously longer increments make it easier to manage.

In a way monthly and daily rewards were sort of a mixtre that allowed people to not completely fall behind. You basically could do a monthly in the stretch of 4 days , as 4 dailies were required. and still getting a significant reward that month if you played enough to get the monthly. (about 10 or 20 times a daily I believe.

Both the systems were part of the game at some point, and both systems have pros and cons. But these days rational discussion on game forums is not common.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


Actually you’re not disadvantaged at all for not logging in.

I log in every day and in 28 days I have a specific reward. You log in 28 days in six months. You’re logging in the same number of days I am and getting the same reward. It’s not like you’re in game to spend that currency anyway, so you’re at the same point I am for the same amount of time.

If you were getting stuff for not logging in, maybe some days I wouldn’t log in because I wouldnt’ have to. I wouldn’t hook up with guldies who needed help with something. I wouldn’t become involved in stuff on those days, because I don’t have to.

The entire idea defeats the idea of daily log in rewards. It’s never going to happen, nor should it.

If someone plays 5-10 minutes every day for a total of 35-70 minutes in a week gets more rewards than someone whole plays 2 hours just on one day every week, then yes you’re obviously disadvantaged. Even more so, as there some very specific rewards are tied to the login rewards.

I’m not saying it needs to change, but there’s some very obvious advantages and disadvantages to specific playing schedules. And to be fair, it’s not weird to question that.

In that regards, the whole daily login rewards are a tactic that android and iOS games use to keep you logging in to their games. It’s more a necessary(?) evil to keep people logging in to not fall behind in rewards, regardless of whether they are actually enjoying the game or not, so they play and are more likely to spend money on the game. And really whether it’s a daily weekly or monthly reward, there’s always someone missing out on a certain timeslot as they are being busy in that time with other things. Though obviously longer increments make it easier to manage.

In a way monthly and daily rewards were sort of a mixtre that allowed people to not completely fall behind. You basically could do a monthly in the stretch of 4 days , as 4 dailies were required. and still getting a significant reward that month if you played enough to get the monthly. (about 10 or 20 times a daily I believe.

Both the systems were part of the game at some point, and both systems have pros and cons. But these days rational discussion on game forums is not common.

I commend you, FrizzFreston.5290, for taking the time to comprehend what I wrote and understanding my perspective on the subject. And, sadly, you’re quite right that rational discussion in not common on game forums these days.

In my personal case, in a practical sense I could log in for the login reward almost every day of the year. However, there are days that I simply don’t want to and you know what, that’s OK – no one should be beholden to a video game lol…

That said, there are lots of folks who really can’t login every day and for those people it means that they absolutely will have fewer Mystic Coins, Laurels, and other login rewards per year than the people who have a real life schedule that allows them to log in every day of the year. Given that both groups of people purchased the game, I think it’s reasonable to have an alternate method to get those rewards that doesn’t require logging in every day of the year.

Finally, I am not naive enough to believe that the login rewards exist simply to make players happy – they exist to drive the metrics of a business (which is totally OK). I suggested a weekly email sign up, because much like the “flyers” produced by retailers, it would be a good faith “value add” for the customer. Sure, some cynical people would just add it to their spam filter, but many others, myself included, would welcome the convenience of the publication.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seera.5916


Actually you’re not disadvantaged at all for not logging in.

I log in every day and in 28 days I have a specific reward. You log in 28 days in six months. You’re logging in the same number of days I am and getting the same reward. It’s not like you’re in game to spend that currency anyway, so you’re at the same point I am for the same amount of time.

If you were getting stuff for not logging in, maybe some days I wouldn’t log in because I wouldnt’ have to. I wouldn’t hook up with guldies who needed help with something. I wouldn’t become involved in stuff on those days, because I don’t have to.

The entire idea defeats the idea of daily log in rewards. It’s never going to happen, nor should it.

If someone plays 5-10 minutes every day for a total of 35-70 minutes in a week gets more rewards than someone whole plays 2 hours just on one day every week, then yes you’re obviously disadvantaged. Even more so, as there some very specific rewards are tied to the login rewards.

I’m not saying it needs to change, but there’s some very obvious advantages and disadvantages to specific playing schedules. And to be fair, it’s not weird to question that.

In that regards, the whole daily login rewards are a tactic that android and iOS games use to keep you logging in to their games. It’s more a necessary(?) evil to keep people logging in to not fall behind in rewards, regardless of whether they are actually enjoying the game or not, so they play and are more likely to spend money on the game. And really whether it’s a daily weekly or monthly reward, there’s always someone missing out on a certain timeslot as they are being busy in that time with other things. Though obviously longer increments make it easier to manage.

In a way monthly and daily rewards were sort of a mixtre that allowed people to not completely fall behind. You basically could do a monthly in the stretch of 4 days , as 4 dailies were required. and still getting a significant reward that month if you played enough to get the monthly. (about 10 or 20 times a daily I believe.

Both the systems were part of the game at some point, and both systems have pros and cons. But these days rational discussion on game forums is not common.

I commend you, FrizzFreston.5290, for taking the time to comprehend what I wrote and understanding my perspective on the subject. And, sadly, you’re quite right that rational discussion in not common on game forums these days.

In my personal case, in a practical sense I could log in for the login reward almost every day of the year. However, there are days that I simply don’t want to and you know what, that’s OK – no one should be beholden to a video game lol…

That said, there are lots of folks who really can’t login every day and for those people it means that they absolutely will have fewer Mystic Coins, Laurels, and other login rewards per year than the people who have a real life schedule that allows them to log in every day of the year. Given that both groups of people purchased the game, I think it’s reasonable to have an alternate method to get those rewards that doesn’t require logging in every day of the year.

Finally, I am not naive enough to believe that the login rewards exist simply to make players happy – they exist to drive the metrics of a business (which is totally OK). I suggested a weekly email sign up, because much like the “flyers” produced by retailers, it would be a good faith “value add” for the customer. Sure, some cynical people would just add it to their spam filter, but many others, myself included, would welcome the convenience of the publication.

But the person who logs in more logs in more. It’s not unfair for the ones who login more to get more log in rewards. Players who play individual sessions for longer get more additional rewards that can supplement gold missed on days they don’t feel like logging in.

And it’s not like the reward track rests when you miss a day. So players don’t lose out on the Day 28 reward because they can’t log in every day during the week.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: costepj.5120


If someone plays 5-10 minutes every day for a total of 35-70 minutes in a week gets more rewards than someone whole plays 2 hours just on one day every week, then yes you’re obviously disadvantaged.

Except of course they don’t. If you only play 5-10 minutes a day you’re not going to get much more than the login reward and perhaps complete one or two simple dailies, whereas a 2 hour session is enough time to complete the SW, AB or DS metas with mucho associated loot.

So long and thanks for all the skritt

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killermanjaro.5670


If someone plays 5-10 minutes every day for a total of 35-70 minutes in a week gets more rewards than someone whole plays 2 hours just on one day every week, then yes you’re obviously disadvantaged. Even more so, as there some very specific rewards are tied to the login rewards.

I wouldn’t really say they are disadvantaged, as someone who plays 2 hours on one day a week is still going to get rewarded for their playtime (events, dungeons, fractals, whatever they are doing), and of course still get a login reward for that day. I see the daily login as more of a loyalty reward, it’s just a small something as a ‘thanks for taking the time to turn up today’ sort of thing.

I just can’t really see the argument for, ‘I can’t / don’t want to / don’t have time to login everyday, so there should be a system where I can be given the same stuff but on my schedule’ because that’s basically the mindset of ‘I can’t do x but should have the reward anyway’, and that just isn’t how anything should ever work.

If that logic / mindset was applied to the game then you would have people arguing, ‘I can’t do 2 hours in one go for metas like DS, so there should be a way I can get those rewards in 5 mins to suit my playstyle’, which of course is a ridiculous thought, but it’s no different to ‘I want the daily login reward even though I don’t login everyday’.

At the end of the day the daily login rewards are there to reward players who have the commitment / dedication to turn up each day, if someone doesn’t do that they can’t expect the reward. Likewise if someone can login in each day, but can’t play for a couple of hours in one go, then they shouldn’t expect to be able to get rewards from events designed to reward you for your playtime.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


True, logging in less often results in fewer login rewards, such as mystic coins. But if a person is logging in less, then there should be less need for the rewards. If one is not logging in enough for such things, then how are they getting enough in-game rewards for everything else that those mystic coins might be used for? Excluding, of course, buying gold with gems to simply buy what’s needed off the trading post. But if that’s one’s philosophy, then why be concerned about the login rewards?

This game rewards focus. Advancing a character through the stories. Completing achievements. Participating in events, dungeons, fractals, etc. Without the focus, the dedication, the rewards will be less.

The game is what you make it. Invest the time, reap the rewards.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

mucho associated loot.

I love that turn of phrase. It’s not just mucho loot, it’s not just associated loot. It’s mucho associated loot.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tatwi.3562


I just can’t really see the argument for, ‘I can’t / don’t want to / don’t have time to login everyday, so there should be a system where I can be given the same stuff but on my schedule’ because that’s basically the mindset of ‘I can’t do x but should have the reward anyway’, and that just isn’t how anything should ever work.

No, it’s “I can’t/don’t want to do X for the reward, but I would be happy to Y for the reward instead”. It’s not a matter of wanting something for nothing.

For instance, should people who are in wheelchairs be bared from using the library, simply because they can’t take their chair up a flight of stairs to get to the front door? No, people in wheelchairs shouldn’t be excluded from using the library, which is why most libraries have an alternate way to enter the building that is wheelchair accessible. The reward is the same for everyone, yet there are alternate methods of obtaining the reward that are inclusive, rather than exclusive; Stairs and ramps that work for everyone, rather than stairs that only work for some people.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I just can’t really see the argument for, ‘I can’t / don’t want to / don’t have time to login everyday, so there should be a system where I can be given the same stuff but on my schedule’ because that’s basically the mindset of ‘I can’t do x but should have the reward anyway’, and that just isn’t how anything should ever work.

No, it’s “I can’t/don’t want to do X for the reward, but I would be happy to Y for the reward instead”. It’s not a matter of wanting something for nothing.

For instance, should people who are in wheelchairs be bared from using the library, simply because they can’t take their chair up a flight of stairs to get to the front door? No, people in wheelchairs shouldn’t be excluded from using the library, which is why most libraries have an alternate way to enter the building that is wheelchair accessible. The reward is the same for everyone, yet there are alternate methods of obtaining the reward that are inclusive, rather than exclusive; Stairs and ramps that work for everyone, rather than stairs that only work for some people.

The analogy isn’t even close to apt: no one is handicapped in a way that they are unable to login every day. The only way someone can’t have time to do it is if they don’t have a computer or internet for extended periods (in which case: they aren’t part of the active gaming community for other reasons).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


I just can’t really see the argument for, ‘I can’t / don’t want to / don’t have time to login everyday, so there should be a system where I can be given the same stuff but on my schedule’ because that’s basically the mindset of ‘I can’t do x but should have the reward anyway’, and that just isn’t how anything should ever work.

No, it’s “I can’t/don’t want to do X for the reward, but I would be happy to Y for the reward instead”. It’s not a matter of wanting something for nothing.

For instance, should people who are in wheelchairs be bared from using the library, simply because they can’t take their chair up a flight of stairs to get to the front door? No, people in wheelchairs shouldn’t be excluded from using the library, which is why most libraries have an alternate way to enter the building that is wheelchair accessible. The reward is the same for everyone, yet there are alternate methods of obtaining the reward that are inclusive, rather than exclusive; Stairs and ramps that work for everyone, rather than stairs that only work for some people.

Video games rewards meant to reward those who log into the game daily have nothing to do with ADA ramps.

(edited by Ayrilana.1396)

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jennie.9637


Actually you’re not disadvantaged at all for not logging in.

I log in every day and in 28 days I have a specific reward. You log in 28 days in six months. You’re logging in the same number of days I am and getting the same reward. It’s not like you’re in game to spend that currency anyway, so you’re at the same point I am for the same amount of time.

If you were getting stuff for not logging in, maybe some days I wouldn’t log in because I wouldnt’ have to. I wouldn’t hook up with guldies who needed help with something. I wouldn’t become involved in stuff on those days, because I don’t have to.

The entire idea defeats the idea of daily log in rewards. It’s never going to happen, nor should it.

A big +1 … totally agree!

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Ehhh. It could be a lot worse. At least here your monthly progress remains paused where you leave off. In Smite the login rewards are weekly, but completely reset when you miss a day.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


For a historical perspective…

  • When the game launched, there were no log in rewards. Most of what they offered was a reward for dailies, which could be completed largely by playing anywhere one wanted, as long as one wanted to run around in PvE. WvW preference players had to leave WvW on some days to get 5 tasks done. PvP preference players had to leave PvP most (if not all days) to get 5 tasks done. Anyone who did not log in on a given day did not get the rewards for that day.
  • Some of the rewards were in monthlies. Those who did not log in every day could complete the monthly tasks. However, in the first iteration, there was no choice as to tasks, and WvW kills was usually a task.
  • Since then, dailies have changed several times, with the tasks becoming more specific.
  • Monthlies have been eliminated.
  • When log-in rewards were introduced, most of the daily rewards were shifted to log in (the notable exception was the AP), and new daily reward chests were added.
  • Rewards for play in general (i.e., not connected to dailies/monthlies/login) have gone through the roof by comparison with the reward structure at launch.

From a game design perspective, what’s going on is this.

  • Daily rewards from launch through now have always been incentives to play daily.
  • Log in rewards shifted some of the emphasis to logging daily, rather than actually being “forced” to play.
  • There once was a reward structure that players like the OP could complete. Of course, monthlies are no longer available.
  • Players who play sporadically can get most of the login rewards by playing rewarding content, earning gold and using it to buy mystic coins, Exotic gear, Black Lion goods, etc.
  • The only thing that cannot be “made up” is Laurels, afaics.
  • ANet has consistently stood by their decisions to keep rewards assigned to specific activities where they put them. The exceptions to this have been to allow players who prefer to avoid PvE to gain access to some formerly PvE exclusive rewards. This suggests that while they consider game mode preferences to be legitimate reasons to broaden access to rewards, with few exceptions they do not consider, “I don’t want to do X.” within a game mode to be a legitimate reason. There’s a lot of precedent for that stance across every MMO I’ve seen. In fact, most of them didn’t even offer same rewards across PvE/PvP modes.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zealex.9410


i thought that the daily log in rewards were there to reward you for logging in.. daily

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zealex.9410


  • ANet has consistently stood by their decisions to keep rewards assigned to specific activities where they put them. The exceptions to this have been to allow players who prefer to avoid PvE to gain access to some formerly PvE exclusive rewards.

I still cry on the inside that this doesnt work both ways i dont enjoy pvp never did in any mmo with that being said walking with the same wardrobe for months feelsbadman.

Request: More than one daily reward per day

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


If that logic / mindset was applied to the game then you would have people arguing, ‘I can’t do 2 hours in one go for metas like DS, so there should be a way I can get those rewards in 5 mins to suit my playstyle’, which of course is a ridiculous thought, but it’s no different to ‘I want the daily login reward even though I don’t login everyday’.

At the end of the day the daily login rewards are there to reward players who have the commitment / dedication to turn up each day, if someone doesn’t do that they can’t expect the reward. Likewise if someone can login in each day, but can’t play for a couple of hours in one go, then they shouldn’t expect to be able to get rewards from events designed to reward you for your playtime.

That I pretty much pointed out as well although briefly. It was mostly aimed to a blanket statement that there is no disadvantage at all. Which there is. And obviously so. Its really hard to say whether 2 hours in one session will yield you 14 gold + ~6 gold in materials (huge part being mystic coins) and the other daily rewards. It should be common knowledge that dailies and such small repetitive tasks in fact do make a huge difference if you do those every day in comparison with a normal-ish play session of a few hours once a week.

But that really was an example to illustrate that since a specific schedule is more profitable than the other, for some players who are forced to or feel like to play a less efficient schedule this might make them feel the system is against them. (IE. “the game is not rewarding enough at the endgame” to which i think is it really? )

Whether that means this “needs a fix” or “is not broken”, which imo is just language of " I dont really understand the problem here", I would leave up to ArenaNet. Though I personally don’t think it is necessary for the reason you pointed out as well: There’s always someone who is (more) disadvantaged, even with a lot of content in place to entice each different player, as you indicated too.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik