Request for Old Log in screen!
Yes I remember this. I was thinking about it earlier. It was very nice. I remember when you typed in your account info and password you’d get these 4 colored squares that changed in color and when it was typed in successfully it was your “set of colors” or something like that.
Ahh memories.
If they are going to do anything then I would much rather see them change the character select screen for the HoT release. Much in the same way they changed things back in the GW1 days.
I remember that screen. Didn’t like it. I want to see more than slices of the background through the “2”.
Yeah, I’d love to get this back. or at least have the option to use it. I visit the web site and here daily. so the launch it mostly ignored. but this one just felt epic.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Ahh memories.
If they are going to do anything then I would much rather see them change the character select screen for the HoT release. Much in the same way they changed things back in the GW1 days.
Yes, I would LOVE to be able to see more than a few characters without having to scroll around. I get that they want to make it usable for small screens but it is already cramped on laptops anyway. Most people have large screens now so take advantage of that real estate while leaving it usable for small screens via dynamic formatting or such.