Retain progress and rewards when Dc/crash/etc

Retain progress and rewards when Dc/crash/etc

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dreader the Seventh.6895

Dreader the Seventh.6895

On bosses, dungeon paths and other events, where you are disconnected/crash/accidentally restart your computer, but are able to log in again within a short time frame, you should still be rewarded for your efforts if you partook in the fight.

Many times, and often when a map is full, I have suffered random crashes and disconnections, but have been able to log in immediately, only to have been given no reward, despite being there for more then enough time to gain rewards before the crash/dc.

What I want to be added to the game, to protect at least from some loss of effort into events like Teq, Vinewrath or Dungeon Paths, is a system that recognize if you have taken part of the event which you got “thrown out” from, and give you the rewards.

Disconnection/Crashes shouldn’t punish your progress, in my opinion.

What do you think?


Retain progress and rewards when Dc/crash/etc

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LONGA.1652


This feature was requested for a longtime.I think they don’t have the technology yet.
Right now you just need party to rejoin map.Or if boss got a sliver of HP left and you crashed just count 1 to 60 before log in again your char should still be in the event and get reward when you log back in.