(edited by gumoor.5674)
Retired Toons
Well, I was gonna post a screenshot of my 6 level 80’s but then I remembered I deleted all of them. Oh well. I’ll just tell you the reason I deleted them. World completion on 5 of them, ascended weapons for 3 of them, and nothing left to do on any of them.
I thought you said you deleted them to transfer off your ‘dead’ server. Of course, it’s hard to tell when some posts say you don’t play this game anymore, and others say you do play every new content, and find it lacking. /shrug
this is my mesmer and i retire her from her old look and now looks like twilight arbor caithe …..am i doing this right?
Nice! Yeah, if retiring means getting rid of the old and bringing in the new, you could say she’s back out from retirement. I’ll probably do the same if and when I seriously play the necro again.
I’ll probably do that if and when they open up new zones with events, hearts, and all that.
I was going to retire an Engineer and even posted a thread about retiring characters, but some nice soul on the forums gifted me a makeover kit, and I changed the characters hair, and skin tone (making him look more weatherbeaten and rougher). Changed his armor and dyed it black.
He’s playable again. So at this time, I haven’t retired any characters.
My thief being OP vs bunnies.
Well, I was gonna post a screenshot of my 6 level 80’s but then I remembered I deleted all of them. Oh well. I’ll just tell you the reason I deleted them. World completion on 5 of them, ascended weapons for 3 of them, and nothing left to do on any of them.
Hmmm, the story, like all good tales, grows in the telling. There were originally four level 80’s according to your post about deletion.
Nice. I finally know where to seriously slice up some rabbit meat!
Well, I was gonna post a screenshot of my 6 level 80’s but then I remembered I deleted all of them. Oh well. I’ll just tell you the reason I deleted them. World completion on 5 of them, ascended weapons for 3 of them, and nothing left to do on any of them.
Hmmm, the story, like all good tales, grows in the telling. There were originally four level 80’s according to your post about deletion.
There are always those people that go digging through your past posts, aren’t there? I had 6 level 80’s. I deleted two of them for personal reasons. The reasons I posted above also combine with the fact that I wanted to transfer worlds. Therefore, I deleted the remaining four. That’s a total of six deletions. There you go… the full story… happy?