Return or not?

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Hi guys,
I’m just planning to return back and try whats new in Tyria after 1,5 year… BUT, now I see that is new DLC comming out, will be possible to play GW2 without this DLC, or most of the ppl will go continue to new DLC…?
Still the ppl selling spots in party in dungeons for gold (at the end of dungeon)?

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

(edited by Patres.4925)

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


What’s the problem with people selling spots in dungeons?

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


OP, there is nothing wrong with this legitimate income source. If people do not want to do dungeons, they just pay a dungeon seller

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


Dungeon path selling still happens.

I’d say to come back and check out the changes. You may like them, or you may hate them, but you can form your opinion before the expansion comes out.

We’ll be able to continue to play without the expansion, but how much of a hit that will make we do not know at this time.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: loseridoit.2756


Dungeon path selling still happens.

I’d say to come back and check out the changes. You may like them, or you may hate them, but you can form your opinion before the expansion comes out.

We’ll be able to continue to play without the expansion, but how much of a hit that will make we do not know at this time.

well, all dungeon selling does is devalue the dungeon master title. Other than that, I do not see the problem

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


well, all dungeon selling does is devalue the dungeon master title. Other than that, I do not see the problem

Personally, I have no opinion on it. Then again, I don’t expect to ever get that title anyway.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Runewolf.8456


you COULD play without the expansion sure, but you would be missing out on so much content it wouldn’t be worth it if you ask me.

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


If you haven’t played fro 18 months their will be plenty to keep you occupied.
If you have enjoyed yourself doing that when the expansion arrives you will be in a better position as to whether you want to buy it or not.
But yes you can still do all the current content but why not join most of the rest of us in HoT and have fun.

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


They are bringing back season 1 and fixing prsonal story.

Even if you don’t get the expansion, it’ll still be fully playable. Then you can get the expansion if you like the improvements done since then.

Since progression is based on content (eg.: Masteries you get are for the content you are in) you should still get at least a few masteries for the core game.

No exceptions!

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


They are bringing back season 1 and fixing prsonal story.


They’ve said they’re working on it. They’ve made no promises that they will actually do so. These remain things that might happen, but we don’t know for sure.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


We know for sure they are doing it. Just not when. The “if” is already gone.

Now, you may not be as patient and me and think “in 5 years” is a long time.

5 years is nothing. We are not even seconds on the cosmic calendar.

No exceptions!

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


We know for sure they are doing it. Just not when. The “if” is already gone.

Now, you may not be as patient and me and think “in 5 years” is a long time.

5 years is nothing. We are not even seconds on the cosmic calendar.

Correction we know they are fixing personal story sometime in the future.
We dont know if they will add ls season 1 they said they will try, not we will.
And no he wont get masteries without expansion since the ability to level masteries is unlocked by having said expansion even for the masteries in the core world.

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Palador.2170


We know for sure they are doing it. Just not when. The “if” is already gone.

Now, you may not be as patient and me and think “in 5 years” is a long time.

5 years is nothing. We are not even seconds on the cosmic calendar.

The game may not last 5 more years. And “never” is a pretty long time, even on the cosmic calendar.

Don’t treat it as a promise when it’s not.

Sarcasm, delivered with a
delicate, brick-like subtlety.

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algreg.3629


if dungeon path sellers are such a big issue for you, I wonder whether multiplayer games are really a thing for you. Why not play single player games where noone is doing anything but whatever you enjoy personally?

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Patres.4925


Thx all for your replies… About the selling spots: I was only asking, I don’t wrote if is good or not from my point of view… :-)

Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád

Return or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


They are bringing back season 1 and fixing prsonal story.


They’ve said they’re working on it. They’ve made no promises that they will actually do so. These remain things that might happen, but we don’t know for sure.

They never even said they’re working on it as far as I know. They only said they want to do it at some point. Last I heard they had not started working on it.