Well after being away from GW2 for a few months, decided to update the game, jump back in and see how everything has progressed, such are the benefits of a b2p game.
Here’s my review.
Logged into Lion’s Arch, which is where I last logged in. Still quite populated, which I was happy about. I had a look around to see if anybody was wearing some cool new armour skins I’d not seen before.
What I saw I wasn’t pleased with as it seems everybody and their aunty is wearing what looks like a Quaggan plush backpack or something.
One of the things that made me leave GW2 in the first place was how unbearably goofy it was, I see this hasn’t changed. Nothing says intimidating like a 8 foot tall vicious Norn, with a Quaggan backpack.
Being PvP orientated, which was the main reason I came to this supposed ‘saviour of PvP’ MMO.
sPvP first. I actually enjoyed this, I enjoyed the new beautiful warfronts, the PvP was fast and action packed. I did notice and MASSIVE decrease in players in the Mists and in warfronts. Like seriously there was only 1 game going, 15/16 people out of the entire list. Another criticism I have, is hard to describe. It’s like, the PvP community here doesn’t have any…soul. Nobody was speaking in the Mists at all. No banter between opposite factions, because there are none. No duels, no practising. Just silence. In warfronts, silence. I thought maybe the lower pop would bring together a close knit PvP community like that of RIFT, but it’s not happened from what I can see.
Also, I dislike the fact that any cosmetic rewards I get from sPvP can only be seen in the Mists. This is just something I don’t get, why the segregation. Why can’t I show people I am kitten at PvP in the main overworld? There should be unique skins only obtainable through PvP that I can show off anytime, anywhere. PvP cultural armour, etc. This would make it more enticing for me.
WvW was a complete fail for me. Probably one of the most boring gaming experiences of my life. I ran around Eternal Battlegrounds looking for other roamers, didn’t see a single soul for like 30 minutes before I just gave up. So I thought, well just join the crowd and see what’s up. Found a group and proceeded to shoot my shortbow at a massive wood door for around 20 minutes with the group – nobody talking – whilst other servers shot at us from a castle. My shortbow has rubbish range, and the only way I could hit the gate was to walk into the massive red circles. Errr.
Overall, my WvW experience was one of the worst in my entire gaming career.
Dungeons. I met up with a couple of old guildies and did a few dungeon runs. I did enjoy the fractals.
You know what, I’m just gonna say it.
I don’t like not having a trinity. The fights felt chaotic to me and I didn’t feel like I had a sense of responsibility like I have in other MMO’s, especially when I am healing/tanking. It’s just not for me.
And honestly, is there still a cap on how many conditions/bleeds a boss can have on him?
Overall, I just felt exactly like I did before I quit. A bit directionless. Now, I’ve played sandboxes and know there is good directionless, and bad. This is bad.
I like having goals and aims in MMO’s and I just felt like there was none in this game.
I got full set of Exotic armour within a week of hitting 80, it felt so underwhelming. I didn’t even grind for it, just had the money for it through levelling up.
Before I quit, I did grind out 100g for my cultural t3. It was frustrating with the DR back then and probably would still be now.
I’m not going to spend ages sPvP’ing for skins I can only wear on a small island and within WF’s.
My overall review for GW2 months later is