Returning after a LONG hiatus.

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


I just recently jumped back into the game and was overwhelmed by all the goodies my old characters had jammed in their inventory, so I decided to just create a new character and start leveling again. (Necro)

The last time I played was when Southsun Cove was fairly new. I haven’t really kept up with the game aside from a few Living Story articles. Basically, Anet has been adding content and taking it away. Am I correct? Have any new zones been added besides Southsun? The Living Story sounds like a cool concept, but for someone like myself who doesn’t dedicate playtime to one game for more than a few months at a time, it doesn’t seem very appealing.

I guess what I’m getting at is… Has there/Will there be new content in the future that STAYS in the game. I’d love to explore new zones, like the Crystal Desert, Fire Islands, and other continents(Elona, Cantha). Surely they plan on adding these places eventually over the lifespan of the game, and KEEPING them. Right? That’s my main complaint with the Living Story content, is that if you aren’t online at the time, you totally miss out on it. I can’t log in 2 months later and play that content.

Anyway, I’m just rambling now. I hope to get sucked back into the game like I was when I first played at launch. I do like the game a lot. I just want to see content that STAYS.

Valar Morghulis

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: HykCraft.4610


No new areas since Southsun Cove, but a new permanent world boss will be introduced on Jan 21 with the Living Story update.

Content updates are temporarily, so if you aren’t online, you won’t experience it at a later time.

Sorrow’s Furnace US

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: LyricDawnhagen.7803


The results of the Living Story are still out there. The story moves on to the next chapter but it leaves behind things you can still do. We have a new dungeon path and at least one new fractal. Divinity’s Reach got a major face lift in the area of the Great Collapse. This includes a “by invitation only” sort of crafting area that you can buy a pass to get admittance into. We have a new jumping puzzle. Kessex Hills will probably never be the same. Scarlett’s minions continue to wreak havoc all around the world. We have three new event style games. Two that were added to Southsun Cove when it got a face lift that also added a new world boss event. The third was added with a new zone called Labyrinthine Cliffs. The events games are available through the Daily Activities Manager in Lions Arch. Labyrinthine Cliffs is a new zone that was added but it is currently not available because the merchants that work there are currently traveling the world. It will be returning some time in the future. The the results of the latest story still have events popping up in zones all over the world. And we are getting a new world boss in one of the next Living Story chapters.

Don’t listen to the nay sayers that call the Living Story “temporary or disposable content” The stories are adding new things to the game that stick around long after their chapter is done.

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Amiron.1067


Don’t listen to the nay sayers that call the Living Story “temporary or disposable content” The stories are adding new things to the game that stick around long after their chapter is done.

Sure, they’re leaving some interesting things behind as the living story content disappears, but the unique items you can’t get outside of that now gone content is depressing and stupid.

Why the dev team would think it’s a smart idea to make shinies temporary in a game revolved around getting shinies is beyond my understanding.

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Zoid.2568


No new areas since Southsun Cove, but a new permanent world boss will be introduced on Jan 21 with the Living Story update.

Content updates are temporarily, so if you aren’t online, you won’t experience it at a later time.

They added Bazaar of the Four Winds. Which will return this year.

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: HykCraft.4610


No new areas since Southsun Cove, but a new permanent world boss will be introduced on Jan 21 with the Living Story update.

Content updates are temporarily, so if you aren’t online, you won’t experience it at a later time.

They added Bazaar of the Four Winds. Which will return this year.

Really? Because I cannot find any information about it, other than it being a July 9 2013 update.

Sorrow’s Furnace US

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Don’t listen to the nay sayers that call the Living Story “temporary or disposable content” The stories are adding new things to the game that stick around long after their chapter is done.

Sure, they’re leaving some interesting things behind as the living story content disappears, but the unique items you can’t get outside of that now gone content is depressing and stupid.

Why the dev team would think it’s a smart idea to make shinies temporary in a game revolved around getting shinies is beyond my understanding.

See this is my whole thing. MMOs for me are about gear, exploration, and gear. I’ll be hung for saying this…but that’s what I’ve always loved about WoW. I have played it off and on for years. I like to come back to it, knowing that each time there will be a plethora of new areas and shiny new gear to find. I’m not seeing that so much with GW2 and it’s sad. The game will be two years old soon and they have only added one “permanent” zone. That’s a big issue for me. I was really hoping to have seen the Crystal Desert opened up by now, along with other areas.

I was also hoping to see a continent added with an expansion one day. I’m still going to hold on to that hope.

Valar Morghulis

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


The results of the Living Story are still out there. The story moves on to the next chapter but it leaves behind things you can still do. We have a new dungeon path and at least one new fractal. Divinity’s Reach got a major face lift in the area of the Great Collapse. This includes a “by invitation only” sort of crafting area that you can buy a pass to get admittance into. We have a new jumping puzzle. Kessex Hills will probably never be the same. Scarlett’s minions continue to wreak havoc all around the world. We have three new event style games. Two that were added to Southsun Cove when it got a face lift that also added a new world boss event. The third was added with a new zone called Labyrinthine Cliffs. The events games are available through the Daily Activities Manager in Lions Arch. Labyrinthine Cliffs is a new zone that was added but it is currently not available because the merchants that work there are currently traveling the world. It will be returning some time in the future. The the results of the latest story still have events popping up in zones all over the world. And we are getting a new world boss in one of the next Living Story chapters.

Don’t listen to the nay sayers that call the Living Story “temporary or disposable content” The stories are adding new things to the game that stick around long after their chapter is done.

Labyrinthine Cliffs will be returning some time in the future? Then gone again. Most likely when I take my next break from the game. This is what I’m not liking. All the things you mentioned that have stayed around from the Living Story are things I’m not particularly interested in. New content should be new zones, and it should be permanent content. WoW released MoP. Which of course you had to pay for, on top of a subscription…but look at what they’ve done since MoP’s release. They’ve added the Thunder Isles with a decent amount of content, plus an entire new raid with loads of new loot. THEN they added the Timeless Isle, adding more content AND another raid with tons more loot. And these things are permanent…they won’t “come back in the near future”. If a subscription is what it takes to get this kind of lasting content, then I’d gladly pay it.

Valar Morghulis

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Sundar.1735


During the latter half of 2013 they said they would be adding more long term content to the game and they have started to do that.

Since you quit the game around the time of the Southsun patch I am not sure if you are familiar with the Fractals of the Mists dungeon. It is a dungeon in which you have to a finish a set of 3 random maps and then a boss map after which you get a reward. After finishing it once you are able to do the dungeon again at a higher difficulty with better rewards. While there is no difficulty cap the rewards cap out at level 50. You are able to get Fractal tokens which can be used to make Ascended accessories and backpacks, which have better stats than Exotic accessories and backpacks. It is even possible to get an Ascended ring as a reward at the end of the dungeon. Over the months they have added maps from older Living Story content to the Fractals dungeon although sadly, you will still not be able to get those unique rewards.

They have also replaced one of the paths of the Twilight Arbor dungeon with a new , much more difficult path, which you might want to try. They also overhauled Tequatl, the dragon boss that spawns in Sparkfly Fen/Swamp (I always get the name of this map confused between GW1 and GW2).

(edited by Sundar.1735)

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Don’t listen to the nay sayers that call the Living Story “temporary or disposable content” The stories are adding new things to the game that stick around long after their chapter is done.

Sure, they’re leaving some interesting things behind as the living story content disappears, but the unique items you can’t get outside of that now gone content is depressing and stupid.

Why the dev team would think it’s a smart idea to make shinies temporary in a game revolved around getting shinies is beyond my understanding.

See this is my whole thing. MMOs for me are about gear, exploration, and gear. I’ll be hung for saying this…but that’s what I’ve always loved about WoW. I have played it off and on for years. I like to come back to it, knowing that each time there will be a plethora of new areas and shiny new gear to find. I’m not seeing that so much with GW2 and it’s sad. The game will be two years old soon and they have only added one “permanent” zone. That’s a big issue for me. I was really hoping to have seen the Crystal Desert opened up by now, along with other areas.

I was also hoping to see a continent added with an expansion one day. I’m still going to hold on to that hope.

I can understand you in one way but Anet (as I have understad it) want’s to work on the world we have first. To get it interesting for everyone even if you are level 1 or 80. So by adding let’s say Crystal Desert we would get a new zone wich would iether be filled with players enjoying the new content or and probably a week later will be barren and un-travelled just like southsun. I just recenty wrote on a thread where a new player complains that starterzones are empty, just this is what A-net tries to fix.

So the understanding I got is that Crystal Desert will come but let the Living Story tell it’s tale and let it give enough blood to the bodyparts the world have first before they add another bodypart to support with blood.

As few others have said. There has been new dugeons and new events and maps has changed. Keep yourself updated every two weeks and you will feel the evolving world. You don’t have to play 24/7 to feel it, just be a little active. Why would anet create a game where poeple will play one or two days every 6th month or year in this case? They earn their money on people who stays in the game and beleave it or not but on those who buys Gems!! :O

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


The last time I played was when Southsun Cove was fairly new. I haven’t really kept up with the game aside from a few Living Story articles. Basically, Anet has been adding content and taking it away. Am I correct? Have any new zones been added besides Southsun? The Living Story sounds like a cool concept, but for someone like myself who doesn’t dedicate playtime to one game for more than a few months at a time, it doesn’t seem very appealing.

I have the same experience. I really love GW2, but after a long break, I’m having trouble getting back into the game. There have been several posts from ANet developers indicating that they’re going to be making some changes to the Living Story stuff, so I’m hopeful.

My problem is not that the content is temporary, it’s that it is some temporary content and some permanent changes, it’s very frequent, and it is connected to pseudo-temporary content that happened earlier. So the game world changes permanently, but I have only a very vague idea of why it changed and I feel disconnected.

Temporary content that was really temporary, like the holiday events, wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. I can ignore unobtainable achievements, and no longer available skins. I just hate feeling like I don’t know what’s going on and I don’t have the bandwidth to keep up with the previous pace of the changes.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

(edited by Pandemoniac.4739)

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Mochann.5298


To me, the “exclusive gear” you could only get during a living world story arc’s heyday makes sense, but removing parts of the game previously open doesn’t. Why can’t we go back to Cliffs? Why not just leave it open? We didn’t add its POIs and other areas to Been There, Done That, so surely it would be fine to leave it open as it is? It just seems like a very odd design choice and is sort of like stabbing yourself in the foot.

I can understand stuff like Tower of Nightmares being gone forever, but surely new lands introduced should still be open.

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

(edited by Mochann.5298)

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Mochann.5298


They should make a “History Library” somewhere and through it you can read through the various content that happened in the past and is no longer available.

Reading on that content creates an instance (that is LFG-able) to the original content as it was when it first aired, minus the skins or whatever, so that we can at least have the option to catch up on what happened before.

#ELEtism on Eredon Terrace

Returning after a LONG hiatus.

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


A lot of good points here. I think one thing I’m guilty of is comparing content to other games. Specifically GW1 and WoW. What I often don’t take into account is the fact that those games are both nearly 10 years old, and GW2 is not even to it’s 2nd year. I think patience is what is needed mostly, by myself and others with this same complaint.

Now if this game turns 2-3 years old and no new permanent content has been added by that time, then I guess I should begin to worry.

Valar Morghulis