Returning and need ideas for PVE
Of the two, I’ve only played Guardian, but here’s what I run:
Traits: 5/5/0/2/2
Not at home right now, so I don’t know my exact major traits, but most if not all are the obvious choice for higher DPS among a sea of largely useless options
Gear is full zerk, Scholar runes on armor
Weapon sets:
- Greatsword
- Sword / Focus
Not sure which sigils to recommend honestly, as I’m re-evaluating my setup, but I try to keep Strength and Force on-hand.
- “Retreat!”
- “Save Yourselves”
- Purging Flames (unless reflects are needed, in which case sub for WoR)
Gets the job done pretty well, and I’ve really enjoyed the class.
Shields are a utility weapon with very little practical use. It’s unfortunate because I think a lot of us love the idea of going sword and board and wrecking things, but it’s simply not practical game play wise.
Either profession is solid, warrior brings more damage focused buffs to a party, is naturally passively tankier, and has a bit more strait forward play style.
Guard is more focused on active defense using blinds/blocks/reflects. You support your team best of any profession through the use of those and condi cleansing/stability and things like aegis just to name a couple.
Basically if you want to be more self sustaining and offensive focused-Warrior, if you want to be that protector supporting your group – Guardian.
Side note… Guardians have a “shield” little ethereal effect on their left arm when their aegis is up, it’s kinda cool, I like it to at least get that feel. Though typically you’ll be using Greatsword, Sword, Mace and maybe Hammer or scepter for some encounters. With staff and torch coming in on rare occasions.
If you do go guardian look up Obal’s guide in the profession forums, he has all the info you’ll need. General build is 45005 for dungeoneering. Warrior I’d look up Nike’s videos or maybe take a look at the DnT website to find their written stuff.
I havent played my guardian lately, but when i did, I was basically tanky and filled more of a support role.
I really havent changed it in so long, even after all the changes to traits, but it is still 0/0/6 (V, VIII, XI)/6 (II, X, XI)/2 (VI), with soldier armor and zerker hammer/staff and accessories. Melandru runes. For skills, Signet of Resolve, “Save yourselves”, Wall of Reflection, “Stand your ground”, Renewed Focus.
Giving boons to allies heals them and yourself, dodging heals, and simply spamming 1 creates a symbol which heals allies, gives them the protection boon, which in turn, heals you once more.
But like I said, this is an old build that was posted awhile ago, there may be an up to date one.
Kinda hoping shields made a come back….when I left the whole game was a DPS zerg, everyone runing around mobs in circles DPSing them down….it was like Mario Bros. on steroids.
This is my current “FUN” Guardian build I’m running I use sword/torch to burn stuff down and the mace/shield as my defensive set for when I pull too much.
Returning to the game and need ideas for what to roll. (PVE)
I know there is no tanking, but my play style is toe to toe in heavy armor with shield….what is more viable now and more useful in dungeon groups….warrior or guardian and what build would you recommend.
You will be going toe to toe with things most of the time with either a warrior or guardian. The only thing you really need to know is how to dodge when appropriate. Although I understand you want to use a shield, it is useless overall in PvE. If you want the most efficient builds, those are berserker builds. If you want a significant lost of dps for a tankier build, those are support builds. Keep in mind that you won’t be face tanking anything much in dungeons though, due to the amount of dmg output mobs can dish out. I suggest looking at guardian builds shown by Obal (from DnT guild). In terms of warriors, I suggest looking at guides shown by Nike (also from DnT guild). You can find these guides on their youtube accounts.
(edited by Fuji.6284)