Returning player. Levelling pace/curve, Help.

Returning player. Levelling pace/curve, Help.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: matacka.3584


Hey guys. So I haven’t really played since launch, and back then all I did was sPVP and tournaments with RL friends, and did not really experience pve nor WvWvW.

Recently I rolled a fresh character*elementalist* and unlike in other Mmo’s, I am having a hard time adapting to the different levelling experience. I want to experience WvW and pve, but the pacing feels rather slow in this game. I do events and every heart I come across, yet I always feel 1 level below the zone MINIMUM And unlike other games, the mobs just 1 lvl above you feel like they over power you….. Maybe it is my gear and maybe I should buy some things from the trading post?? Idk…

How do you guys recommend I level at a fast pace without spending money on boosts? I hear I can do WvW at low levels but hear I really can’t hold my own til high level anyways. I have one free LVL 20 token I can use, but outside of that, I could use a bump in the right direction in terms of how to level.


Returning player. Levelling pace/curve, Help.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


There are multiple zones by level bracket, you are not restricted to your starting area. Because of downscaling you still get good xp and rewards but it is a bit easier.

Use xp food – Cinnamon Apples are good for low levels.

Elementalist is one of the most difficult to learn classes in the game. Watch some vids of elementalist play to get an idea how to use your combos and attunements effectively.

Everything gives you xp – gathering, rezzing, crafting, exploring cities and maps.

Returning player. Levelling pace/curve, Help.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedShipRaider.9560


Several good points already made, especially using the Asura gate in your racial city to travel to Lion’s Arch, and then to another one. You get the same progress towards the next level for running the starter zones at level 50 as you do at level 5, but you are able to do it much faster.

Also, you get a good bit of XP from the Personal Story instances. Once you get up to mid levels you can also do Dungeons for pretty close to a full level each run, if you have some friends that run that kind of stuff and don’t mind bringing a lowbie along. Most people don’t really mind one or two, since most of the dungeons are fairly easy to shortman even.

I hear I can do WvW at low levels but hear I really can’t hold my own til high level anyways.

You can get pretty quick XP from WvW, but I wouldn’t recommend that if you want to keep a positive reputation on your World. You get upleveled to level 80 when you enter WvW, but you do not get the traits or gear that a level 80 would have. As a result, all you are really doing is providing an easy opportunity for the enemy forces to rally by killing you.