Returning player : many problems

Returning player : many problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkchicken.8692


I dont know how to name the post and it wont be an all negative post because i love gw2 and i care about the game. It will be an all PVE post since i dont really pvp. TL;DR at the end of each section.

1 : No new content.
-After returning i was looking forward to try super adventure box. Alas, it was removed. There is so much neat stuff i tried in guild wars 2 like getting all the crystals in the sky event or doing all the arena at the queen jubilee to test my skills. When i talk about it to my friends, my eyes sparkle (like a vampire) and my friends are really motivated to try this out but i have to make them sad and say its gone… Like the current event im not that much a fan of but the next one might be cool. I would just like more permanent things to be in the game. I can understand events like halloween or christmas to be once a year but super adventure box was one of the best thing ever. I would buy a game if it was stand alone just to show how much i like it. So for me its the #1 problem in guildwars too. I cannot be there always as i have health/school issues and im sad when i miss great events. Except some tweaks to classes, nothing is new in the pve world except ascended weapon (that engi dont benefit on kits). So when you return, except for the current event, everything is still the same, i cannot go and do those crazy southsun race or gather crystal on an alt or whatever

TL;DR : so much content i loved and its gone. Now i come back and the game is mostly the same, nothing new to do except the current live event. Need more permanency.

2 Heavy focus on appearance, lack of tool for it.
I dont know how they want to run their game but its one of the most gorgeous one out here. The art style is incredible, the attacks are flashy and the variety in armors and weapons is OUTSTANDING. Sadly you can only wear one at a time. There is currently 2 armors i want out of the blacklion market, the new heavy armor and the magitech leather. Why dont i purchase them? because i already like the look im wearing and spent time farming for.

This is where the wardrobe system should have been implemented a long time ago. One of my favorite system was Rift.

The square you see at the bottom are wardrobe slots. People will say “yeah but if they do that they lose the sales of the blue crystal to transmog”. I answer that by, they just have to make the new system use it! Let me explain.

So you could start with no wardrobe slots (or one) and pay 400 gems to unlock a new one. Then to socket an item in a wardrobe slot you could use a transmutation (lvl 80) stone. There you go, you now sell wardrobe slot and transmutation stone still sell.

Or you can make a system that everytime you use a transmutation stone on an item, you save the appearance (for the account or the character) in an apperance tab, just like the new system in diablo 3.

So like that people will buy TON of stones to save different sets they like and will be able to mix and match without overcloging their bag.

TL;DR : A game based so much on appearance and have no system of gathering/loot hoarding/and wardrobe system? Something need to be put in place so we can store them and be fashion artist.

3 Dissapearing items from the Blacklion market gems

I remember seeing Rox quiver , a nice shield, a mace and a shortbow? Why are they gone, these were popular items, even all these gathering tools or just the copper fed machine. Do you think by making them rarer people will jump on them next time? No! I mean… I made a new character, i would love to have an unlimited salvage kit… you would have made money right now. Even if you get it out next month, will i still be there. I tend to hop on another mmo when i get bored and since gw2 kinda lack permanency ill probably play the time to get a legendary on a new character then hop again. So even if you repost one of the tradepost in the mean time ill be gone and wont follow “gw2 news” and log specifically to buy one. I buy if its there and its not, i skip.

So far i would have bought (if the system were in place in #2)

-1x magitech armor
-1x new heavy armor
-1x rox quiver (again, i got one on my ranger)
-1x rox shortbow
-1x the shield of the norn
-1x copper fed salvage machine
-1x infinite mining pick
-1x infinite axe
the herb gatherer is there.

So how much money is that? Im pretty sure im not the only one who would be willing to buy some stuff but dont because its A) not there or already like their look and dont see the point in buying a second good looking armor when the one they wear is free.

TL;DR : Stop taking items away from the Blacklion gem store. I wanna buy them now, i dont know where ill be next month, make the sale now.

Returning player : many problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkchicken.8692


4 Bad looking legendary

So for me as a pve-er the legendary is like the end goal of a character (like the big achievement). As an engineer im even more double backstab by the problem with legendaries not getting fixed. You made one design per weapon and like everyone know, nobody will like it 100%. Just take for exemple Quipp. I hate the gun, its annoying, its ugly and its annoying. Its so annoying that when someone in my group use it, i turn off the sound of the game. Im pretty sure that someone out there who worked hard for it is super happy, like it and even find it funny. I would love to find myself a nice legendary pistol too but i dont like Quipp. For exemple i would love a huge BANG maker revolver or a good looking plasma pistol or i dont know, something serious, something legendary. Or like the legendary “Moot” is horrendous too when there is so much good design you could have chosen for a mace in my opinion. Or like the for the bows as a man, i get between a pony bow or a flower bow … seriously?

TL;DR : i would love more choice in the legendary department. Not everyone like Bolt ( i love it) or Quipp, or Sunrise or Moot or Meteorologicus … It would be nice to have 2

5 Pets in general

By pet i refer as a summoned skill/utility.

Engi = Turrets
Ranger = Spirits, pets
Guardian = Spirit weapons
Elementalist = elementals
Thief = Thieves
Necromancer = Minions
Mesmer = Seem to do ok :P

So as ive read, some of them can be useful in pvp but im only talking about PVE here. My first main was the ranger and often, even if well controled, by pet would get one shotted by a cleave which is a huge dps loss when you are beastmastery. Now i play engineer and my turrets, even if fully talented are really subpar and last one hit in dungeon. Something like a rocket turret which got decent dps got a 50 sec cooldown and last one hit. Something like Thumper who is supposed to have “more health” get one shotted too. I could live with the low life if they were useful.

The problem come from random cleaves and aoes. You cannot move most of them like you so desire, they follow you closely and they sometime have pathing issue making them cross again and again in lava pools or … you know. I dont mind if a turret takes aggro and the boss turn and go bash it but having it get one shotted by a random aoe can get irritating. When you take a turret or a pet, you decide to skip other utilities like Aegis, Protection, Stability to gain a usually a dps/tank edge but they get destroyed so easily its almost ridiculous. I never saw a guardian run spirit weapons in dungeon, i never saw an engineer run a turret build in dungeon, i never saw a full spirit ranger in dungeon yet, now that they have been buffed a bit i see at least the frost spirit.

I pitted today by turrets, tried each, against a yellow deer… Most of them lost. I mean engineer dont take the rifle turret for the rifle turret, they take it for the surprise shot in the belt to activate static discharge… its sad.

Just make them ignore 75%-80% of the aoe/cleave damage in PVE. I dont mind if the boss turn around to go smack it and one shot it. I hate it when my turret is in the back of the boss and get one shot for no reason though.

TL;DR = Minions, pets, summons really need some protection against AOE/Cleave to start making them worthwhile in PVE.

5 Bugs that are still there after this long, even when reported.

So i always report bugs when i see them so they can get fixed. Some that i reported many months ago are still there, why? Like throwing a Flame Blast and it goes through the world and dont detonate by itself for a while, causing you to have to detonate it and making you lose time on your dps rotation. Using the charr toolbelt abilities for hidden pistols and having the pistols pointing toward the sky and shooting from the grip. My class ELITE SKILLS (Mortar) not even even firing shots and when it do, it hit like wet noodles. i mean its not like its a racial, its MY CLASS ELITE SKILL THAT COST 30 POINTS that is totally useless and nobody use. Who have seen in PVE an engineer use mortar seriously? I never saw one! Im not that well verse in other classes to know whats wrong with them but im pretty sure that if i found some on the engineer, there is still some with other classes.

TL;DR : Bugs that were reported a long time ago are still there today and should be fixed ASAP.

So that’s it for tonight. Like i have said, i love gw2, i love the action, the art style, the audio, the story , the races etc. Its a great game. But as a returning player, almost nothing have changed. I dont know if its because they desperately want the game to because an e-sport that the pve side get neglected?

anyway, have fun in game!

(edited by darkchicken.8692)