Reusing trait hunt system

Reusing trait hunt system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


I like and dislike some aspects of the current trait hunt system, but overall I think it’s a cool idea. It introduces new and veteran players alike to many places in Guild Wars 2 that are often overlooked, ignored, or just plain don’t know about it. With the new trait system using hero/skill points to unlock traits, I’m guessing the current trait hunt system will be shelved. I thought why not reuse the current trait hunt system to give hero points? The way it could work is that it would be revamped to a collections type system, similar to other ‘scavenger hunt’ like collections. It will become an “adventurer’s guild quest” by a quaggan explorer (who can’t jump btw, but still he dreams of finishing this quest).

Anvil Rockers Unite!

Reusing trait hunt system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


The skill challenges already cover a range of content from battles to jumping puzzles, and those are spread all over the map. It makes for a more natural progression through all zones, instead of a selected 72 spots from level 30 on.

Which was the huge problem with the trait hunt. They dumped it into WvW, and those weren’t getting done. They bound them to jumping puzzles in the middle of nowhere, so all one had to do was /wiki. They bound them to content that could not be triggered, to events that would bug or needed large groups.
Worst of all, they bound them to content that was 20-30 levels after opening up Adept traits. The game’s progression slowed to a halt by 30, and delaying traits made it even worse.

From a game perspective, it’s important that players feel a reasonably constant progression, and that they are in control of it. Locking core gameplay mechanics behind long waits and inane tasks isn’t good design. (For powerful options, that’s reasonably okay. :P) In the end, it was a decent concept with incredibly poor execution, and I’m not sorry to see it go.

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Reusing trait hunt system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gobble D Goop.4081

Gobble D Goop.4081

Precursor collections are coming and they will likely do what you have described. I can see each one of these sending you to various random locations all over the continent. I can see all kinds of random things like “Grawl Hand- kill a veteran grawl berserker in Timberline Falls” and “Bandit Coin- open the chest in the bandit cave in Queensdale.” It might be more specific than that so i dont see it as being difficult.

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Reusing trait hunt system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


@rauderi, yeah I kinda agree, particularly the temple missions in Orr. I had to wait for the events to pop up. I’m not really a PvE guy, I’m not so fond of “farming” Orr while waiting for temple events to trigger. So most of the time, I just park my characters in the temples. Characters, I had 7 characters parked for many hours in total. Also the giant grub one in WvW. Being in a low pop server really sucks.

@Gobble D Goop, now that you’ve mentioned it, I do hope precursor hunts will become something like that.

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