Revamp SPvP

Revamp SPvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


GW2 SPvP with Capture Points can never become an e-sport, it’s boring and it’s boring to watch. There are a few examples on ideas to make it better, but Capture Points was the worst thing you could have chosed ArenaNet. When have Capture Points mode ever been fun in any game? it was ok in Unreal Tournament but there were much better modes.

Onslaught mode is a good mode, kill each other and the one with most kills win.
Then there is MOBA-style modes (one of the best for e-sport)

Then there is a new mode which is like arenas but more complex. This is inspired by Hunter X Hunter and the Heavens Arena, which is a tall tower you fight your way up to the top.

You start at the bottom and the higher you get the better the enemies and better rewards and if you defeat a floor master you become floor master of that floor. If you lose too many matches you have to start over.

You can challenge a floor master whenever you want.
When you get to 200+ floor you only fight for glory. No rewards. So only the best would fight.

Then there’s Battle Olympia which is the top fight and if you win you get to live on the 251st floor in a penthouse.

Read more here. I didn’t cover it all.

This would be the ultimate PvP. Please remove Capture Points and add this instead. This would be a lot more fun watching than the current SPvP. These would make great tournaments and E-sport material.

(edited by Zoid.2568)

Revamp SPvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reiizm.5871


Capture points is a solid PVP mode and shouldn’t be removed,
but I do agree that we need more modes. Capture points gets boring fast.
We need an arena mode – last one standing wins.

Revamp SPvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Capture points is a solid PVP mode and shouldn’t be removed,
but I do agree that we need more modes. Capture points gets boring fast.
We need an arena mode – last one standing wins.

Capture Points is far from solid. It doesn’t deliver in fun and it’s not fun to watch. Not e-sport material.