Revenant Skills...

Revenant Skills...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: onio.6403


Having practiced enough with the revenant I think there are some skills that should be reviewed.

1) Skills that have a rectangular area, 2 of mace skill, skill 5 of staff, skill 2 of hammer, these skills are not actively looking at the camera where or focusing the enemy character, or taking the mouse in an area and lead the attack to it. What it does instead is to launch the attack where revenant look at the thing that I think is quite difficult and unintuitive. I think a good solution would be to put it as one of the options I said.

2) skills generally have little power and are very difficult to make them reach the enemy when it comes to weapons of melee range. I think you should change a skill of staff and another and too in the mace for self can come more easily to an enemy. This problem makes it very difficult pvp with the revenant.

3) The traits seem to be balanced but I see few, I guess when you can play officially legends will be more specialized and associated traits.

(edited by onio.6403)