Revenant's undocumented ability...

Revenant's undocumented ability...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ariurotl.3718


…is to regularly drop my FPS every 15-20 seconds. Since it’s happening no matter what I do in the game, I assume the culprit is the “flame-y” special effect around the skill bar. The question is, why is my Guardian unaffected by this? It’s a mystery.

As I’m not exactly a graphics options whizz, can somebody tell me which option governs visual effects such as this, so I can maybe selectively turn it down without making the entire game look like something from 2004?

(inb4 the potato comment)

Revenant's undocumented ability...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumion.7580


Have you tried the 64-bit client yet? I found several issues resolved with this.

Revenant's undocumented ability...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


This has more to do with where you are and the class you are on.
I take my ele and my revenant into the guild hall and they both get 35 FPS. I take my revenant back out to Gendarran Fields and it goes back to 57 FPS.

There is also a spot in Timberline that will completely murder my FPS AND make everything look blurry.