A bit of spoilers for HoT below, careful. This is also long because its something I’ve been concerned about since launch and have thought A LOT about.
TL;DR – The game’s endgame is too focused on gold. It’s killed the hype behind Guild Halls and Scribing. It’s splitting up players and causing new content to drain. Everyone thinks gold to work ratio first.
Now I’ve been playing this game for 3 years, since launch. I’ve loved every minute of it and I don’t plan on quitting. I’ve gotten more then my moneys worth and I think HoT is a good expansion for the game.
However, there is one issue that has always persisted and I’ve expressed concern about before, gold. Since launch the game’s endgame progression has heavily revolved around gold. What I mean by this is the amount of times you can either make gold off an item (so selling it) or having to spend gold. This did one major thing.
It created a greedy playerbase. Now this isn’t their fault, they’re just doing what gives them the most fun. I don’t blame them. However, they are all about gold. It doesn’t matter how many items you give them, the endgame playerbase will start thinking about the amount of work/stress/time they’re putting into a peice of content and the amount of gold they’re getting back. This expansion did nothing to fix this issue and it’s slowly killing the expansions content. I’ve noticed the people I play with have drastically fallen off in time spent doing anything related to HoT. A majority of their time is still spent in Tyria doing the world boss train, fractals, or farming dungeons. Lets dissect down the way this is appearing in maps
In all Maguuma areas, you will see a lot of leeches. It’s not surprising either, since the game is very grind heavy. These players need a very specific thing. Maybe a mastery, maybe a hero point that’s locked behind something, maybe a vendor. However, they just don’t feel like putting in the enormous effort it takes to do these events. I’ve talked to a few, and a common theme was “There have been so many times where I’ve spent a ton of time and stress trying to do something, and it only fails. I’d rather just relax and do some random small stuff and if it succeeds then I’m there to benefit”. This is especially common in Tangled Depths.
>Verdant Brink
Right now the most common bosses I see killed are Matriarch and Patriarch. I don’t see a full map completion done. Axe master is also rarely killed, along with the rest. Why is this? They’re significantly difficult, especially with being tied to masteries. So people see the amount of stress/work, see the pay off, and go “meh”. People have either failed so many times or seen it fail so many times that they don’t even bother trying. They’d rather go farm dungeons/fracs/world boss train in Tyria and spend the same amount of time earning a lot more gold.
>Tangled Depths
This one is even worse. Probably the worse out of them all. People scoff and crack jokes at the mere mention of completing the META. The amount of stress/work/time that needs to be put into this meta event compared to the amount of gold you’re getting out of it is atrocious. The major reason people are bothering trying to do it now is for the Mistward helm. Once they get it, they never go back.
>Dragon’s Stand
This one is probably the least badly. Mainly because the event is fun, arguable the least stressful out of them all, and the rewards are good. The strategy for it is easy to understand and adopt. However, it still suffers from the above problems. People giving up before starting because it’s not an “organized map”, which I gather means a guild started it/organizing it before hand. The amount of times I see people jump into a map, ask “Is this an organized map?”, then someone responds with “no” and they leave immediately. A surprising portion of people just don’t want to put into the tremendous amount of work these maps take (relative to the rest of the game).
Populations will continue to decline. As players start getting that one specific item or gear they’re going for, they wont want to return to the maps. They’ll go to Tyria where the content is easier and the gold is better. At the rate I’m seeing populations decline among my guilds and friends list (as in how many of them are spending time in Maguuma) its already at about 1/4th of what it was that first week of launch.
Now this gold heavy endgame isn’t only causing people to ignore content that doesn’t meet the bar with work to gold ratio. It also kills hype towards major features that it shouldn’t.
>Guild Halls/Scribes
I know I’m not the only one on here that was majorly hyped for Guild Halls and Scribing. People were saying “Finally, Guild Wars has Guild Halls. Like it should’ve at release! I can’t wait!”. Then it was released and it was a disaster. I remember that first day my guild claimed the hall. Everyone had fun, we were ready. We saw the NPCs, opened up the donations, and then all that hype/joy/happiness went poof. We saw the price. We saw that to even get a Tavern that wasn’t some wood and tents would cost us 6,000g+ in materials. That it would take months before the Guild hall even looked cool. That to build decorations and even level up scribing, we would have to fork over thousands in gold. I mean a Bar Table was posted on reddit earlier that cost what, 2,000g+ to make?
Any creativity, excitement, and guild pride that existed while we claimed that Guild Hall went away. It was replaced with either people who stopped caring or people who would rather sell the materials for gold (again, promoting a greedy playerbase endgame). It’s been over a month since release and these feelings haven’t changed at all. I’m in 3 different guilds and each one is the same story. 90% of the donations are usually done by 5-10 people. Even the guild I’m in that has 300+ people have the same amount of people as the 130 guild donating. That’s not good. Guild Halls are supposed to encourage guild pride and teamwork. Instead what we have are people who (rightfully so, might I add. I don’t blame them at all) taking advantage of the horrible inflation and making tons of gold. Who knows how long this might go on. Now I understand inflation goes down over time. But planning with that in mind will destroy a MMOs popuation. MMOs rely on hype. If people start assuming oh “for the first 1-2 months of release don’t even bother trying to get it” since the prices will be inflated so much, that’s not good. That’s huge time delay of gratification for core features of your expansion.
I mean I can’t imagine the disaster will be with the release of the next expansion. Not in the new content, but the old. How the hell is anyone going to do anything Maguuma if an expansion the same size (or bigger) is released. We may see easy things like a Patriach or Matriach kill done. But Tarir? Gerent? I can’t imagine. Right now you have the playerbase split between the insanely easy Tyria World Boss Train, Orr World Bosses, and Maguuma World Bosses. That’s a lot of content that requires a large amount of people to work together. Naturally they will gravitate to the easier ones. Throw in a new expansion zone, it will further split the playerbase. I mean hell, I don’t know anyone that has completed a three headed wurm in over 5 months. They don’t even bother trying because the work to gold ration from it. This should’ve been a huge warning flag for future events.
>Solving It
Solving this issue is hard. With the current state of the game and how Anet has conditioned the playerbase, we can go two routes. One is the redo the entire current game’s endgames to be more considerate towards the splitting of playerbases. You’ve already tried doing this on the small scale and it ended with quite a few people upset. You nerfed Dungeon Rewards around the time of HoT launch. If dungeons were still as reward as they were and as easy, it would’ve further drained HoT of players. So doing this is probably not only expensive, but also very “bad” PR risky.
The other route is that all future content is either void or heavily absnet of reliance of gold. There are little to no items that you can sell on the TP. Everything from Guild Hall upgrades, Scribing recipes, armor sets, weapon sets, etc; all of it is acquired through playing the content. Not just farming 3 year old content for gold. However the issue of gold reliance still exists. There are still legendaries, the old content, and other things people will be trying to get. So I think you should put in a new scaling system to account for this. To account for much smaller populations doing Tangeled Depths Tarir, and all that hard content. Honestly if you release a new expansion (and a new living story season) following a heavy content reliance designed that I outlined above, you should probably install a scaling system that will allow at minimum 5 players to be able to successfully do this content. A year down the line people will not only be tired of HoT and played the heck out of it, but they’ll be focused on newer content and a new expansion.
I really want to enjoy this game like I used to. I still play it and enjoy it. However the community that I knew is disappearing. All those good people, fun and relaxed times we have during leveling. The niceness and feeling of freedom and exploration. Its been replaced by time tables. By a “gold gold gold gold, give me gold” outlook. Nobody seems interested in playing the game for fun. It’s all bout meeting a time table, like a job. They’ve got to do X dailies, build Y time gated content, do the world boss train and acquired Z gold, etc.
Also, I know this wont be everyone’s experience. These are just the actions/attitudes I’m seeing every time I play.
(edited by Deified.7520)