Whilst sitting on the toilet, I sometimes get idea’s: today was on of those days.
The thing with GW2 hearts, is that they are short, boring quests that ask us to do a certain thing. Collect coconuts, kill these wasps, what ever. They’re boring… uninteresting and when GW2 was hyped all the way to Mars, I honestly though these “hearts” would be an adventure on their own.
This is what they should be, though. So I’m suggesting a way for Arenanet to give the game, the following:
- Interesting story lines
- More engaging contents
- People actually wanting to complete hearts instead of grinding them to just get over it
- An easy way to add more content to the game
Now, you might wonder, how could this happen? Simple: link hearts in lore, content and story. (check the attachment)
Two story lines now exist in Sparkfly Fen: The red and green one. The red one is relatively short and consists out of 5 steps, the green one out of 8.
Example for red: A hoard of undead minions are preparing an attack on the Zintl village. In 5 “heart” quests, the player discovers how this particular group of undeads are organising theirselves, how they plan on attacking, and how the player can stop them. A short storyline that gives new lore and information, with some minor personalities that give it a personal feel.
Example for green: The Stone of Hazaan, a mysterious remnant of an ancient temple, draws the undead to it. Discover why it does this, and what or who Hazaan was. In 8 steps, you can discover lore on the Stone of Hazaan, understand what makes it eminate power and discover how to use this power to defeat the hoard of undead that it has drawn.
It’s a simple and elegant proposition: it will only take some development time to implement but good god, how this would make the game much, MUCH more interesting! I would personally be up all night, playing through the different storylines and discovering the lore of the world, because at the moment, I have no kittening idea of why the Stone of Hazaan is a place of power. Just imagine the potential this method of working with hearts could give Arenanet to the players.
The lore in this game is abyssmally unreachable. You only get lore through some skill points, a few shady dialogue options with NPC’s and the personal storyline. Why not make lore a more intrinsic part of this game? At the moment, collecting A and killing B is just boring the living cats out of me. Could you imagine how new players or even veterans feel when they have to do this for the 2nd or 3th time?
Please give me your thoughts. Of course, having a member of the Arena Net developer team to answer would be even better.. (yeah right, keep wishing Derigar)