(edited by Bri.8354)
Risk and Range in PvE
I totally agree. I am a tad tired of being regarded a noob player just because I prefer to play my ranger as an actual archer, using a longbow. Is it really such a shocking thought that I want to be a ranged class in a MMO, particularly when I roll a class that is traditionally played as a ranged class in pretty much every MMO in history? In GW2, people will laugh at you for doing it, at least. Because the current combat system is more than a little broken in making melee way, way superior in every regard to any ranged choice, for precisely the reasons you listed.
Most of these are not a problem with melee or ranged, but a problem with the related skills, for example the fact that very few support skills are ranged 1200 is just disgusting. Most decent games know that support is the first thing that the developers should always pay attention to, but in this game its pathetic because Anet likes it like that.
This was one of the design goals of the game, so I would not expect any of these things to change any time soon, its built from the ground up for melee zerk stack. They just tried to be too different and largely messed it up. They have tried to invert most of the well-established tropes of MMOs such as T1 support, T2 defense, T3 DPS balancing model and the holy trinity. Some of it good, some of it falls flat.
No professional game designer would build a game where you clear every piece of content in the game (save for WvW and PvP), with a single setup, single group composition (give or take a class or two), and a single tactic. I believe that this is mostly due to vision and communication errors inside of Anet, particularly with all of the employee turnarounds especially at game release time.
Having to go back and release ascended because they miscalculated the actual value of the exotics end-game gear shows that these kinds of things happen.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
(edited by Hannelore.8153)
Yup, instead of having dungeons with mechanics that make ranged dangerous, we have a game where players get shamed for trying any spec that doesn’t involve humping an enemy’s leg.