Rollback. Really?
Same here… last 30min-1hr of what i did last night is gone
This is not a punishment, or a deliberate choice. It’s a last resort when a problem with their hardware required a reset before some of the data could be transferred to permanent storage.
In other words, it’s gone and no one can bring it back. If you are old enough to know what it’s like to write a term paper, it’s like spending three hours typing up your paper and the power goes out… then you realize you haven’t saved any of your work and it’s all gone.
Nowadays they have wp software set to autosave but when I was in college you’d hear people run through the halls screaming when this happened. There’s nothing you can do except swear like a drunken sailor and start over.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
unfortunately home laptops have the ability to constantly backup changes and AT LEAST hourly backups
ANet’s servers apparently back up every 24 hours, cause thats the amount of time i lost
Go to Walmart, pick up a $50 verson of the Crap Norton and it will do a better job of backing up the Character Databases then whatever they got going
You can’t compare home devices to something of the magnitude of a 2-million player MMORPG server.
unfortunately home laptops have the ability to constantly backup changes and AT LEAST hourly backups
ANet’s servers apparently back up every 24 hours, cause thats the amount of time i lost
Go to Walmart, pick up a $50 verson of the Crap Norton and it will do a better job of backing up the Character Databases then whatever they got going
I don’t think you understand the scale here. You can’t back your game servers up on a USB thumb drive. How long do you think it would take to back up your ENTIRE laptop? The whole thing. Their servers are considerably larger than your laptop. It takes more than an hour to back these things up.
because those who mind don’t matter
and those who matter don’t mind.” -Dr. Seuss
unfortunately home laptops have the ability to constantly backup changes and AT LEAST hourly backups
ANet’s servers apparently back up every 24 hours, cause thats the amount of time i lost
Go to Walmart, pick up a $50 verson of the Crap Norton and it will do a better job of backing up the Character Databases then whatever they got going
Not to be mean or anything, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on an internet forum >_>
Oh good, it isn’t just me. I just logged in and noticed I was at the bottom of the vista I had already done, and that darn underwater heart, skillpoint, and POI I had also done last night were now undone. Sadness . . . those ones were pretty annoying. ;_;
Anet, next time you do a rollback, try to do it after I do easy hearts or when I am standing around crafting or something! I kid, of course, and I guess they did what they had to do, but . . . sigh. Off to climb that PITA vista and swim to the bottom of Lake Deathtrap again. xD
You can’t compare home devices to something of the magnitude of a 2-million player MMORPG server.
yea your right, its expected multi thousand / million dollar server setup would work better then a $500 laptop
unfortunately home laptops have the ability to constantly backup changes and AT LEAST hourly backups
ANet’s servers apparently back up every 24 hours, cause thats the amount of time i lost
Go to Walmart, pick up a $50 verson of the Crap Norton and it will do a better job of backing up the Character Databases then whatever they got going
You just won the dumbest post of the year!
One bad thing about a popular online game is that they always attract kitten kitten kitten kittens like this guy here.
And to the op, its a 30 min rollback. Live with it like a man.
And to the op, its a 30 min rollback. Live with it like a man.
yea sorry i had a 5+ hour roll back, not 30 min. i played for multiple hours last night, and i was put back to the exact same thing i was when i logged in yesterday evening. it was no 30 min rollback
Idk. I can understand it on the one hand, but on the other hand I’ve seen an MMO go through multiple server problems, items going missing, etc. etc. and never once did anyone actually lose anything, so I have to ask why ANet can’t reach the same track record. I wasn’t even affected by this issue, but to me its really the one kind of thing thing that MMO companies absolutely cannot allow to happen.
I know other games have experienced this before, but I also know some have altogether avoided it so… I don’t know.
Not to be mean or anything, but this is one of the dumbest things I have ever read on an internet forum >_>
I don’t think you understand the scale here. You can’t back your game servers up on a USB thumb drive. How long do you think it would take to back up your ENTIRE laptop? The whole thing. Their servers are considerably larger than your laptop. It takes more than an hour to back these things up.
really, i dont think you understand that something massively more expensive and an Expected reliability on servers are massively higher then a cheap POS computer from bestbuy
Gw2 has one of the best launch in the recent mmo history. Their server IS reliable. You can literally count how many hours of downtime since release with one hand.
Of course, its unfair to hope someone like you to accept this fact. What can you expect from someone who think a program bought from walmart can do a better job anet is doing.
I think the complainers need to get a grip. That said, a rollback is pretty rare for a production MMO this long after release. Must have been something pretty bad.
I for one, seeing his behaviour, thoroughly enjoy the fact that Blighton apparently lost 5 hours of game time.
Ain’t I a stinker?
The problem I have with all of this is that nobody from ANet will even talk about it. Apparently if the login server goes down while you’re playing, you won’t be kicked. You can still play and earn currency, gear, crafting mats, xp, etc. But if the login server is still down when you log out or go to a different area, you will lose everything you did.
However, chests you opened are still empty even though you didn’t get to keep what you took from them, resource nodes (and the big bunches of veggies reset every 23 hours) are still harvested, and your gear is still damaged from any deaths during the missing time period. So it’s not as easy as just going back and doing it all over again for some of this stuff. I only lost half an hour so I tried to go back and redo everything, but was locked out of some stuff.
This could apparently happen at any time. So ANet needs to acknowledge the problem and commit to fixing it.
I lost about 60 silver in the rollback; the bags I was selling in the TP are gone, with no money waiting for me.
I’ll make it back quickly, but I hope this doesn’t become a regular occurrence.
There’s a phrase in software development that applies here, “If you don’t announce a problem, most people will never notice it.” It exists because the man hours necessary to deal with the backlash from complete honesty outweighs the available resources by about 10,000 to 1.
They’re doing a great job with the resources they have. Remember, you’re people with lives and jobs and hobbies. They are too. But they’re responsible for the “hobbies” of about 2,000,000 people. It’s impossible to accommodate everyone. Unless you want to pay $60,000 for your copy of the game. That’s around the average salary of a game developer, so if you want 1 on 1 access, that would be the price of the game.
I’m not trying to be snarky. Just trying to shed some light from a developer’s perspective.
The amount of people here that think to know that everything is easy in the computer world is hilarious….
Yes rollback sucks, but its not like they went, “hey, dev A, im going to call our IT department and tell them to roll back everyone for 1 hour”, “Sure dev B, lets do it and have some fun!”
Guys… stuff happens, deal with it, if they had to rollback its to fix something that simply happened…. sigh at ppl…..
Let me try…
Here we go, It’s a GAME meant to be played in your LEISURE TIME where you run around a FANTASY enviroment collecting FANTASY items to equip your MAKE BELIEVE character so your MAKE BELIEVE character can fight MAKE BELIEVE monsters in the FANTASY world..
{ Read it slow and look closely at the words in CAPS }
Now don’t get me wrong i am sorry you and others seem to have had this problem, but as others have said… it happens it can’t be helped things break sometimes.
If you had been in the process of spending real money and a rollback affected that then yes thats a point to complain about, but all you ’’lost’’ were time in a GAME thats no big deal.
The fanboys’ only argument is that, “it’s a game”, and that alone is enough to excuse all of this game’s problems. okay.
“Yes rollback sucks, but its not like they went, “hey, dev A, im going to call our IT department and tell them to roll back everyone for 1 hour”, “Sure dev B, lets do it and have some fun!”
Guys… stuff happens, deal with it, if they had to rollback its to fix something that simply happened…. sigh at ppl….."
Again, this doesn’t appear to be an intentional rollback, but an error caused by the login server being down. That’s a problem because it can happen again, and you get no warning that it’s down in-game, so you don’t know you’re wasting time. And AGAIN, it’s not a pure loss of progress. Basically, anything good that you gained (loot, xp, currency, map completion) is lost, but anything bad (chest or node counts as opened and is unavailable, gear damage from dying) remains. On top of that there’s trading post stuff that possibly happened too from some things I’m seeing.
A one-time screwup sucks but, well, stuff happens. The problem here is the potential for it to happen again. Because it does not appear to have been intentional, but rather an error that caused certain kinds of progress not to be saved actively while playing.
I’m neither a fanboi nor a troll. I didn’t play GW1, but I’m really enjoying GW2.
Having said that, until last night, I hadn’t experienced a rollback since UO, over ten years ago! I’ve playedkittennear every single MMORPG since then (it’s the only genre I like), and last night’s rollback has me a bit perplexed.
Again, I love GW2. But one more rollback, and I’m outta here.
I feel like people way overreact sometimes. Sure you are losing a bit of progress, but who hasn’t lost a little progress on most games? Think about single player games for example… Your game crashes and you haven’t saved in over an hour. Or it hasn’t crashed, you died, and haven’t saved in over an hour. I know it is not a perfect example, but truly, is this really that serious? I really know what it feels like to lose progress, as I have felt it many times throughout my life, but if you really do enjoy the game, why be so up in arms about it? We all know kitten happens (bests phrased in the movie Forest Gump). We all know ArenaNet was not out to get us. They had no intention of screwing us over. Please lighten up just a little and know they are trying to give you a good game. Many people have poured their souls into
(edited by JazzyJay.1367)
Gw2 has one of the best launch in the recent mmo history. Their server IS reliable. You can literally count how many hours of downtime since release with one hand.
Another typical fanboy comment here. As for the first comment, glad it went smooth for YOU, it was the worst launch of a new game that i’ve ever experienced, that’s for sure! As for the second comment, well….depends what you call “downtime”. I mean, I couldn’t log in what so ever for a fair few days in the “early release” and then the full release, that definetely counts as “downtime” for me. That’s not taking into account the amount of flaws, bugs and other issues this game has which affects my enjoyment of the game, still now nearly a month down the line.
Either you’ve mistyped your comment, or that one hand you speak of is full of fingers.
The only time the servers were down during the pre-release lasted approximately 3 hours, and this was after the game had already been up for roughly 6 hours. Now if you weren’t able to log in due to a bug/glitch or something then that’s understandable, but the vast majority were able to log in after the servers came up after that 3 hour downtime.
Now, there are still bugs with the game, there always will be as well. ANet is acting as fast as they possibly can with fixes. Just about every day you log on there is a patch with bug fixes. The only game I have played that had a smoother launch was RIFT. Hell, several console games have rougher launches than GW2 did.