Royal Terrace unusable in certain places

Royal Terrace unusable in certain places

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: brcummi.3467


There are 3 places I find myself often and I cannot use my Royal Terrace Pass: Guild Hall, Fractals Lobby, and Heart of the Mists.

One reason I got the Terrace Pass is to reduce loading screens which does not happen when I have to load into Lion’s Arch before I can use it.

Is it possible to allow us to use this item from these places? Thanks

Royal Terrace unusable in certain places

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nonoka.7028


Yes, I’ve seen that too. I guess there must be some logic behind that, but still, it is kinda annoying, but nothing that I could imagine to be on their priority list… And there are a lot of other things they could fix first before they work on this tidbit

Royal Terrace unusable in certain places

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.6403


What’s the use of that item? You can have all the crafting stations and merchants at your disposal when you enter your homeland’s borderlands from PvE map, and when you exit you’ll be back where you left. Costs no money.

Royal Terrace unusable in certain places

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OtterPaws.2036


Probably cause guild merchants and mystic forge are also there

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Royal Terrace unusable in certain places

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reverence.6915


What’s the use of that item? You can have all the crafting stations and merchants at your disposal when you enter your homeland’s borderlands from PvE map, and when you exit you’ll be back where you left. Costs no money.

Guild bank, TP, bank and mystic forge all within a few units of each other mainly

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Royal Terrace unusable in certain places

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

There are 3 places I find myself often and I cannot use my Royal Terrace Pass: Guild Hall, Fractals Lobby, and Heart of the Mists.

One reason I got the Terrace Pass is to reduce loading screens which does not happen when I have to load into Lion’s Arch before I can use it.

Is it possible to allow us to use this item from these places? Thanks

Royal Pass & Captain’s Heirship Pass aren’t usable in any instances, PvP, or WvW. That’s how they were designed. Why? I have no idea, as it’s never made sense to me.

To work around the issue, you have two options:

  • Use the pass before you go to PvP or WvW; then you will be back in DR when you leave those areas (skipping the loading of LA).
  • Make a Rata Sum Portal Scroll and buy (or make) a Mystic Forge Conduit (or for whatever city you like best).

I had a Royal and made the Rata scroll anyhow and I’m happy with that (even if it relegates the RP to a wild extravagance, i.e. a waste of gems). Rata loads really quickly; services are nearly as close as in the Terrace; and the chat mostly seems less tiresome.

What’s the use of that item? You can have all the crafting stations and merchants at your disposal when you enter your homeland’s borderlands from PvE map, and when you exit you’ll be back where you left. Costs no money.

Currently, borderlands are rarely queued up, but that hasn’t been true historically. Further, not all services are available in the home BL (in particular, the laurel vendor offers slightly different items). And, as a small annoyance (that adds up over time), it’s annoying to reach the crafting stations without a teleport skill.

The Royal Pass is a lot more convenient in my opinion and during DR-based festivals, it’s really handy, especially when combined with the shared inventory slot(s).

Of course, not everyone is willing to shell out 150-200g for this particular convenience, which is fine; it is, after all, just a preference.

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