Rugged Leather Pain
One way is, have a char of the level range to get that mat at salvage and give it all containers to open.
You could probably also do the trick that people do with linen: buy 4 pieces of gear from a karma vendor and forge them, then salvage the result.
What is this thing you speak of? Is this some mythical crafting material?
Jokes aside, i agree. forcing you to not only use damask, but leather as well to craft ascended, is beyond reasonable. I haven’t seen a rugged leather pce in many moons. the crafting requirements in this game are atrocious, so unbalanced and purely designed to bleed you dry of everything. Instead of being a fun activity its a hideously punishing one in this game and a thing to be avoided.
Some materials are truly out of balance like rugged leather. As an account with all max 80’s i rarely get to see the lower lvl leathers and rugged one seems non-existent. Even when i was lvling some of my characters and completing each of the zone, i rarely saw this leather drop.
One can only hope something will be done to remedy this. It only took them 3 + years to fix the soft wood, lets hope they’re bit quicker on the ball when it comes to this leather and linen, omg linen as well.
I used tomes to get a char to level 60 and it’s now my container opening char. Most of the gear it gets from there is in the high 50s and I get rugged leather, linen and platinum from salvaging.
open gear bags (I use SW gear bags) with low lvl character (I use 55) and salvage the gear you receive
Yes Brunno, Attis, those are the options we currently have, but they’re terrible ones. Materials should be reasonably easy to obtain in the game without resorting to binding a character to a particular level just to open containers.
I was afraid that these were the choices available.
Seriously this is a huge annoyance.
ANET, please go back to using just Damask for things like insignia. At least I can buy a cloth rack and covert karma to linen to relieve some of the pressure here.
For lower tier leather there are simply no reasonable ways to take the pressure off. It is really a serious issue with the balance of the game.
Yes. An char of the right level is a work around. However it’s also useful to have a spare char to act as a storage mule. For 800 gems and buying the bags you get up to 100 storage slots for items you don’t use on a daily basis, which is a better deal than buying a 30 slot bank tab. Park it at a jumping puzzle for a daily harvest and jump to pvp or wvw once daily and you have storage and access to the level mats you want.
Yes Brunno, Attis, those are the options we currently have, but they’re terrible ones. Materials should be reasonably easy to obtain in the game without resorting to binding a character to a particular level just to open containers.
They are, you open the TP and buy them,
This really comes back around to the supply and demand, the demand is higher at the moment due to the raids changing the armor etc, once the hype dies down the demand will die down with it, and the prices will drop.
Yes. An char of the right level is a work around. However it’s also useful to have a spare char to act as a storage mule. For 800 gems and buying the bags you get up to 100 storage slots for items you don’t use on a daily basis, which is a better deal than buying a 30 slot bank tab. Park it at a jumping puzzle for a daily harvest and jump to pvp or wvw once daily and you have storage and access to the level mats you want.
I’d much rather ANET fix their economy.
Yes. An char of the right level is a work around. However it’s also useful to have a spare char to act as a storage mule. For 800 gems and buying the bags you get up to 100 storage slots for items you don’t use on a daily basis, which is a better deal than buying a 30 slot bank tab. Park it at a jumping puzzle for a daily harvest and jump to pvp or wvw once daily and you have storage and access to the level mats you want.
I’d much rather ANET fix their economy.
Sounds great. I’d love that too. And while I’m waiting (and while you’re waiting) for them to do something that makes the mats you want drop when you want or for them to remove the mats they recently added to damask, I’ll be opening up containers on my level60 and salvaging and selling those mats to you, and making pretty good gold too.
(edited by Bruno.3812)
They are, you open the TP and buy them,
This really comes back around to the supply and demand, the demand is higher at the moment due to the raids changing the armor etc, once the hype dies down the demand will die down with it, and the prices will drop.
Don’t be facetious. I am complaining about the process of buying these mats off the TP being broken because the supply and demand balance isn’t working properly.
An economist would tell tell you that the supply should increase to counter the effect of the increased demand increasing the prices. Unfortunately the supply in GW2 appears inelastic – increasing price is not leading to increasing supply at a reasonable rate because of the game mechanic of making it basically impossible for a 80 char to obtain this stuff. People rightly resist workarounds like buying char slots, creating weak, slow and ugly low level chars and playing them on a routine basis to collect low level mats in simplistic low level zones when they have climbed the long hill to level to Scrappers, Heralds and Chronomancers with attractive gear and interesting play.
The addition of Raids may be one part of the problem, and it may decline with time as people gear for it. Personally I doubt that it’s the main issue. Other mats haven’t exploded in price the way leather has. Armor can be changed pretty cheaply without using much in mats.
The addition of Damask Patches has more than doubled the amount of leather in a full set of armor (18 pieces). That is not going to ameliorate with time unless ANET makes a change. This doubling of the quantity of leather needed combined with an explosion in the price of leather is obviously an issue.
The situation with leather is much worse than that of soft wood planks which were recently adjust to require 2 logs instead of 3. Any level char can harvest soft wood, and the amount of soft wood needed for ascended gear wasn’t increased the way leather was.
I’d much rather ANET fix their economy.
Sounds great. I’d love that too. And while I’m waiting (and while you’re waiting) for them to do something that makes the mats you want drop when you want or for them to remove the mats they recently added to damask, I’ll be opening up containers on my level60 and salvaging and selling those mats to you, and making pretty good gold too. [/quote]
Is that really what you enjoy in game play?
ArenaNet’s economy is broken atm. Worse then before.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
The lower level leathers, particularly rugged have always been expensive. It just shows how little thought went into the change to ascended materials…..
Cloth wearer were complaining they need to spend much more for their ascended sets.
I’m not sure if they realize Anet won’t make life easier for them instead their make other players life as miserable as them.
And it don’t even matter for most players. Since most people have alts in GW2.
I think it would be more reasonable to cut the silk cost of damask in half and keep the current system.
But increase the material drops… Leather was worthless before, its not any more, that is a good thing.
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.
I think it would be more reasonable to cut the silk cost of damask in half and keep the current system.
But increase the material drops… Leather was worthless before, its not any more, that is a good thing.
No, it is not a good thing. What is a good thing is if supply and demand can be balanced – GW 2 suffers from the problem that there are two materials you cannot easily obtain: Cloth and leather.
Wood and ore is fine – you just grab an axe or a pick and start to look for the symbols on the map – some time later you have ore and wood. Cloth comes from salavaging cloth armor OF THE CORRECT LEVEL (which means it’ll no longer work if you are above that level and the drop level is adjusted for you) and they are RARE drops. You get like 3 to 5 leather and metal armors before you get one cloth armor (depends a bit on where you “farm”).
Leather is a bit easier as many creatured drop hides that can be used to salvage leather from and those hides do not raise in level. Problem is, though, that these drops are equally rare if you are of a higher level than the area was designed for. So you might have to kill 20+ skales before you get one hide.
In other games crafting materials can be gathered with a 100% success chance and a more or less balanced amount. Why not have plants in the game that can be harvested for jute or linen or cotton (fun thing is we HAVE flax in the game now but no chance to get linen from it) and have animals that can be killed for silk, wool, leather and whatnot – with a reliable drop rate that equals the amount of time needed for gathering wood or ore. If need be, put dimishing returns into this so that you cannot truly overfarm.
The way it is … meh … ever since launch of the game I have been struggling with cloth. And don’t tell me that the karma -> cloth thing is actually a great thing. It’s the bitter result of a broken supply system that makes players spend hours of gametime hopping between a low level karma merchant and a mystic forge …
Yes, it is a good thing. The drops is not a good thing no. but the fact that you need the more evenly is good.
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.