Ruining the Fantasy of Abilities

Ruining the Fantasy of Abilities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oniyui.8279


Anti-Cheese Mechanics are Ruining the Fantasy of Abilities

In particular, the mechanics I’m referring to are the strict patching of blink-style abilities and invisible walls protecting enemy npcs from being knocked off a cliff. These types of things, imo, ruin the fun of abilities when you just want to have a chuckle or try something a little too awesome.

Regarding jump puzzles being made too easy from improved blink mechanics’ pathing, I don’t think it would ruin them much. Made up data has shown that 37% of players just take portals from mesmers anyways, up 12% from the last survey. Engineers are already using their rifle to make awkward-looking jumps that they can’t get a good camera angle on, as well as skipping a few jumps here and there.

Battling NPCs and using blinks to escape to high ground wouldn’t break fights, imo. Besides, it would be an insignificant amount of fights you’d break with it, and big boss fights could always obnoxiously reset if someone’s fighting where a boss just cannot get to them.

EOTM bridge toll keepers could be made less susceptible to knockback abilities with a bit of stability and possibly moving them… not that it matters though since recently fabricated studies show that 92% of the time it’s just a karma train world anyways.

So, Anet, please let us launch unfortunate baddies off cliffs and blink up ledges and over gaps! There’s so much lost fun to be had!

Now, I post this in the forums for discussion purposes. What are your thoughts on these mechanics, as a player?

(edited by Oniyui.8279)

Ruining the Fantasy of Abilities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azhure.1857


…and invisible walls protecting enemy npcs from being knocked off a cliff. These types of things, imo, ruin the fun of abilities when you just want to have a chuckle or try something a little too awesome.

I’ve wanted this since launch. Even to this day I HATE being knocked off a platform by an enemy NPC that I couldn’t do the same to. I swear every time I’m in this one dredge filled cavern because it happens so very often.

We are allowed to use those control skills in PvP but not PvE. Its sad.

Isle of Janthir Megaserver

Ruining the Fantasy of Abilities

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lakdav.3694


I was soooo disappointed when i first went to the Durmand Priory. There is a wooden plank bridge at the side of the mountain as you go there with a renown heart with grawl. They would swarm you, and one clumsy dodge and you fall to your death. Thats cool. Launching the grawl over the edge would be even better. Bot no. Invisible wall prevents them from falling and us from having fun.

I also remember that i started an elementalist purely because i saw Searan cheat in a jumping puzzle in a personal story mission with Lightning Flash. I was disappointed that i couldnt follow her and show off

I wonder whats the issue with both. For the blink abilities, i guess its a pathing problem. Though i dont know why it needs pathing, when there is the portal mechanism that circumvents pathing entirely. As for the invisible walls preventing mobs to fall off maps, i have no idea. Maybe its about falling damage implementation for them? Or thats a pathing problem as well? Skills that pull, push and launch enemies are infamous to be unreliable when there is even the slightest bump on the surface.