Rune of scholar or strength?

Rune of scholar or strength?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maximusk.5069


I do not whether to put scholar runes or runes of strength on the berserker gear of my guard? I want to hear your suggestions)

Rune of scholar or strength?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CptAurellian.9537


Guard? Scholar. Cheaper and more effective, especially since you lack the might stacking capacity of an ele or warrior.

Warning! This post may contain traces of irony, sarcasm and peanuts.

There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley

Rune of scholar or strength?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maximusk.5069


I see, even I if use ’’empower’’ allot and ‘’Save yourselves’’?

Rune of scholar or strength?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


I see, even I if use ’’empower’’ allot and ‘’Save yourselves’’?

DON’T use Empower ‘a lot’ plz.

“Save Yourselves!” has a long cooldown and only gives 1 might so it would be useless in the context of Runes of Strength tbh. You are much better off using it for its intended purpose: an AoE condi clear and/or AoE stun break.

One thing that Runes of Strength could actually be useful for, though, is for spamming Virtue of Justice with 1 trait point into Virtues and recharge VoJ on kill. This will allow you to spam might, blind, burning, and vuln, but you have to have good timing and awareness of enemy HPs.

Guardian has a ton of damage mitigation, so keeping your health up is fairly easy and natural, and will make Scholar a superior choice if you’re in an organized group that already has might stacking capabilities.

If you mostly find yourself in PuGs, then Strength will be the superior choice simply due to the ‘PuG Roulette’ aspect of not being able to depend on others to have useful/synergetic skills and abilities. You’re not going to be ‘godmode DPS support’ like Ele or Warrior, but it will ensure that you can keep your +% damage bonus consistantly as well as adding some offensive group support to synergize with the defensive support that Guardian already provides.

I hope this helps a bit b/c this is a pretty expensive ? you’re asking as far as which set you choose is concerned. Good Luck!

(PS. I recommend getting rid of your staff altogether. It’s mostly useless except as a ‘weed whacker’ in TA Up and Forward so leave it in your inventory for such occasions but it shouldn’t be on your offset otherwise. I would recommend some combination between Greatsword, Sword/Focus, and Hammer for your weapon sets. You might carry a Sceptre in your inventory to swap out for sword when/if you need ranged combat.)

(edited by Tman.6349)

Rune of scholar or strength?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charak.9761




Rune of scholar or strength?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maximusk.5069


Wow…thanks for the awesome info, I use staff for the skill 1 in Orr for tags and in WvW (thinking of putting a superior sigil of fire on it for even more AoE. I do not do dungeons with my guard but just want to make a nice zerker set for it.

Rune of scholar or strength?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tman.6349


oh. well, if you’re just doing open world content it really doesn’t matter at all what you use. I wouldn’t recomment spending 90+ gold for Runes for just open-world stuff. Just get some cheap ‘zerker’ runeset such as ogre, eagle, etc. ANYTHING cheap with any combination of some power, precision, ferocity, or +% damage. You can throw darts at a piece of paper to create an open-world build and be ok. I guess if you’re just into big numbers or champ solos or something, read the posts above, but if you’re just running around with The Lootstick, I wouldn’t put too much thought or money into what is (a bit) more efficient.