Bad Elementalist
SAB Dagger Skin
Bad Elementalist
The skin is hideous
[url=https://] [/url]
It looks like all they did was break the sword in half
Bad Elementalist
Two words
Ugg Lee..
I was certain the new SAB weapons were going to be ugly when I saw the axe design, well, most of them are ugly except pistol and rifle (they’re not good but they’re not bad)
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
The warhorn doesn’t fair well either. But that dagger is horrendous.
Vicodium – Ranger (IX) Coldsnap
All SAB skins are ugly. If they didn’t have the lightsaber glow effect nobody would bother getting them.
the sword and gs skins look pretty decent. The daggers just don’t even feel like daggers when I equip them.
Bad Elementalist
All SAB skins are horrifically ugly and make me cringe when I see them, no exceptions.
Resident Thief
Don’t like it? Don’t buy it. They fit their theme, not your tastes.
I actually like the green version of the dagger. Kinda looks like my thief is running around with a poisoned dagger.
I like the SAB focus skin, it might be blocky in some areas, but it has the blue particle effect I was looking for to complement my toon’s look.
we have to do things others may qualify as “evil”.
~Krunch Bloodrage, Looking For Group
It looks like all they did was break the sword in half
Pretty sure this (and shrinking) are how they made the majority of the games dagger skins.
Meanwhile, there is one single greatsword skin that isn’t a completely original model…
I like the focus, too. I already have a sword and greatsword from the first round of SAB, so I’ll probably just get a focus this time and be done with it.
The dagger…I’m not touching that thing. Some of the others are ok looking, but I don’t like them enough to bother getting.
Seer Of The Divine | Sarina Starlight | Tireasa | Caedyra
Yep it’s horrible. Add it to the long list of horrible dagger skins (incinerator, arah, winter’s needle, and fused are literally the only good skins in the game).
Endless Petrification Tonic
still no SAB hammer skin, just some stupid pickaxe that is bugged and shown as a hammer