[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kenyon.6150


Change Clothing Tonics into Permanent Outfits?
(sorry title was too long for the official one)

Hello all,

I was cleaning out my inventory of all the new Wintersday event items and found an old dusty item hidden away at the bottom of my backpack, an Endless Leather Hoodie Clothing Tonic.
It was a nice surprise to find this thingy again and a question struck my head, why is this not an actual unlockable outfit? it looks so cool, especially on Charr, it used to be an out of combat outfit before the April 2014 Feature Pack introduced the new Wardrobe system.

Many items survived the Feature Pack Wardrobe implementation, the stand alone headpieces like Fuzzy Animal hats, Glasses, the Almighty Top Hat and also the complete outfits like the Cook’s Outfit and Pirate Captain Outfit.
(To name a few, there are more, full list is on the Wiki under “Town Clothing”)

But why were some of these other more casual looking outfits left out?
The Common Clothing, the Hoodies, and the Shirts? these were all good items that looked excellent for casual running around and I would imagine RP’ers used them alot as well.

Would it be a good idea to add these lost items back as permanent Outfits?

some positive arguments:
- More outfit diversity to choose from, some people like to wear simple clothing from time to time, take a break from the adventuring and just /sit at a beach.
- The RP community gets back the stuff they used.
- Charr get back some clothing that does not clip their tail. (ok, this might be a personal grudge)
- The window opens back up for more casual clothing outfits.
- A-net gets some more cash from us if they put them back for their original prices of 200 Gems each.

Some negative arguments, with counter arguments:
-But these clothing were for fashion out of combat only, it does not make sense on the battlefield.
The wardrobe rules changed. We have people running around as the Mad Prince, Cooks, and Fancy Winter counts & countesses. A shirt or hoodie that makes you look like a villager would not break immersion as much as that now would it?

-Some of these Tonics are on the TP for a lot of money, people will miss out on their investments.
These tonics have been on the TP for quite some time now, people are not buying these things anymore, there are 9999+ Common Clothing tonics for 11 copper a piece…
There are a lot more items on the TP that are remnants of older game versions and a lot of them will stay there until someone buys them as a joke.

-I also still have/used to have one of these tonics in my bank, I would have to purchase it AGAIN from the gemstore?
A-net found/made a way to make these outfits into tonics, I`m sure they can create something that will switch it back around. (Although this could be very annoying as changing 1 thing can break 10 others things in code, yay coding)
A-net has shown in the past that their system is capable of sending people items they once had in their inventory and there is always Customer Support ticket service.

These items were lovely and it is a shame they are now sitting somewhere in a dusty corner of the game as 15 Min tonics that nobody uses. So why not bring them back and let them shine?

What are other players ideas and opinions on this?

Thank you for reading.

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tao.5096


Not a bad idea.

Did I ever tell you, the definition, of Insanity?

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I think what they turned the old khaki shorts into as a tonic was terrible, so I wouldn’t even want that.

If they won’t go back to mix and match, they should let us submit what old mix-n-match pieces we’d like to see turned into an outfit, and make it.

I look at many of my screenshots and realized they can’t be recreated because of the changes to running animation, idle animation and clothing.

Sleeveless hoodie (don’t remember the exact name), khaki shorts (gathering pants I think they were called) and the boots from the witch outfit (which, while not crazy about the bones, were at least a better size than the default town clothing boots, which are too big).


[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Udolpho.1209


The starting clothing, at the very least, could be converted into an outfit like the Cook’s, where the appearance changes based on the race equipping it. There’s no reason why it couldn’t be — that clothing already was meant to be dyed. It also could be a way of educating new players about the differences between armor and outfits, if given to every new character just as it always has been.

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.5104


This was asked before, then they made the changes, and our suggestions were as always ignored.

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tenrai Senshi.2017

Tenrai Senshi.2017

The main issue with this suggestion is that some clothing items were individual pieces and not entire outfit sets. They’d have to introduce a lot of new outfits in order to account for all the previously possible town clothes combinations, and that’s mostly due to the inherent flaw of outfits being one piece sets, as opposed to being mix and matchable.

If you ask me, town clothes should have simply been changed to armor pieces and added to your wardrobe.

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mXz.4512


I agree, I still think changing all the purchased town clothing into tonics, especially the ones we bought from the gemstore was a real deal breaker.

If I didn’t think it was too late to submit a rollback ticket to change it back, I would.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorby.8236


The main issue with this suggestion is that some clothing items were individual pieces and not entire outfit sets.

This part of the argument falls flat when you realize that each individual piece that was converted to a tonic was paired with some “standard” items and that in their current tonic form is no different from an outfit except for the fact that they are tonics. There is no reason why they can’t take the current tonics and straight up convert them to outfits (barring any technical issues).

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dsslive.8473


I’d prefer that the individual pieces were changed to armor parts, such as the headpieces have been changed to armor pieces.

The tonic for the townsclothing would be awesome to have as an outfit though.

[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kenyon.6150


Thank for replying all,

You guys brought up some points I had not thought of and I might not have been that clear on my suggestion.
I had forgotten that back in the day each outfit piece had individual parts, allowing for customization.
When I clicked my Hoodie tonic I got a full set of Chest, Leg, Feet, and Glove models replacing my armor, it was a full costume. I went and gotten my Common Clothing tonics and purchased a Khaki Clothing Tonic from the TP and those had Chest+Legs+Feet+Glove models as well.
Allow me to clarify

This is what I meant with my suggestions, that these Tonics would become Official Outfits.

1. Endless Common Clothes Tonic (chest+legs+feet)
2. Endless Casual Hoodie Clothing Tonic
3. Endless Cherry Blossom Clothing Tonic
4. Endless Country Lace Clothing Tonic
5. Endless Designer Hoodie Clothing Tonic
6. Endless Casual Clothing Tonic
7. Endless Layered Vest Clothing Tonic
8. Endless Leather Hoodie Clothing Tonic
9. Endless Ornate Clothing Tonic
10. Endless Silk Brocade Clothing Tonic
11. Endless Striped Silk Clothing Tonic

These 11 Tonics being added to the Outfit Collection as their own full Outfit.
All of them except 1 have a full set of Chest, Pants, Feet, and Gloves combo.
(The exception is that Common Clothes have no gloves)

Asking for each model to become its own separate skin for transmutation would most likely make a developers’ head explode upon requesting as this stuff is probably harder to make than we all think.

Made an image for attachment if I am still not clear enough.

Feel free to keep posting and bringing up more knowledge about the subject.
Thank you all for reading.


[SUGGESTION] Clothing Tonics into Outfits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


The starting clothing, at the very least, could be converted into an outfit like the Cook’s, where the appearance changes based on the race equipping it. There’s no reason why it couldn’t be — that clothing already was meant to be dyed. It also could be a way of educating new players about the differences between armor and outfits, if given to every new character just as it always has been.

This. I want the racial outfits back if nothing else.