[SUGGESTION][FANTASM] Spell crafting
Morrowind is a single player game so there is little concern or need for skill balancing.
In an MMO this would be a skill balancing nightmare I would think.
Weapons could be cool though but not sure if Anet would go for that.
Unless the “crafted skills” were like the racial skills and more for effect than practical use, I can’t see that ever happening. And if they weren’t effective (aka, meta) then who would use them other than in RP situations?
And weapons, or anything player-created, how would Anet police them to keep profane/inappropriate items from entering the game? Sounds way too time intensive to monitor. Think millions of players vs. limited support staff.
(edited by DeanBB.4268)
while I would like for some visual adjustments to skills, I dont think functional skill changes should be added. GW1 was fun because of the build-building, but what I learned was that more options dont necessarily means better options.
As for visual changes, I remember in wow, destruction warlocks have red fire. But if they carry a tome of the lost legion, all that fire turns green. Thats the kind of thing I’d love to see here. Maybe a guardian carrying the bloodstone backpack will have all their blue light turnt red.. or different animations for ele-elementals and necro-minions
In my mind innapropriate content wasnt that much of a problem because i was imagining the profanity filter acting on custom models by disabling them (8 years old players are not yet that much concerned with personnal creations).
For the balance problem related to custom spells you are absolutely right. Where would be the fun otherwise ? That said it could be limited to one custom skill per user and/or used to defeat top-hard versions of existing dungeons with top-noch rewards or other ideas, no ?
Better yet, since we are in the fantasm domain and are not bound to propose only things that may be implemented: The custom dungeon where a player put creatures and bosses you must defeat with your custom skills. He is sure of him and then he puts some belongings on the line as a bait to attract contestants ! Each time you win that version of the dungeon for the first time you get the bait, otherwise there was a few silvers as a fee for participating. When the dungeon is defeated, it no longer offer reward to its creator or the contestants excepted for those who were running an instance of it. The dungeon is then retired from the list of available user dungeons.
(edited by Yseron.8613)
Morrowind is a single player game so there is little concern or need for skill balancing.
In an MMO this would be a skill balancing nightmare I would think.
Weapons could be cool though but not sure if Anet would go for that.
To Svarty:
It seems that in the guild wars universe only Lord Odran ever made it.
By the way you are all welcomed to post what music acccording to you describe best how you imagine Lord Odran, it will make me a nice random play list, and maybe i might even discover musical tastes i didnt know i had !