Sab 2-3, can't throw bombs

Sab 2-3, can't throw bombs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546



Has anyone has issues throwing bombs? I try tossing the bombs to break the icicles but the throw are weak. They don’t like in Dulfy’s video at 12:29 mins:

Is this bugged or is there some special way to throw the bomb?

Sab 2-3, can't throw bombs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crise.9401



Has anyone has issues throwing bombs? I try tossing the bombs to break the icicles but the throw are weak. They don’t like in Dulfy’s video at 12:29 mins:

Is this bugged or is there some special way to throw the bomb?

Some things with the bombs and slingshot have definitely changed, I noticed it in 2-3 as well when trying to make icicle platforms. I managed to get throught by using the slingshot (has longer range) and finding a different spot to shoot from in some instances.

When it comes to W2 Z3., the differences in physics become easy to spot if you played this years ago. For one the ice that basically the whole third zone is made off of is way more slippery than it used to be, dunno why… maybe they adjusted lag compensation or something else too.

Edit: although this makes me wonder, how well were the “classic” or long versions of W2 tested this time around… they are still needed for achievements after all. There is also something weird going on with the jump mushrooms in W1 for example, sometimes the momentum doesn’t stop when it should, or at times you land on a shroom and you don’t bounce before jumping again manually.

(edited by Crise.9401)

Sab 2-3, can't throw bombs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reapex.8546


Has anyone has issues throwing bombs? I try tossing the bombs to break the icicles but the throw are weak. They don’t like in Dulfy’s video at 12:29 mins:

Is this bugged or is there some special way to throw the bomb?

Some things with the bombs and slingshot have definitely changed, I noticed it in 2-3 as well when trying to make icicle platforms. I managed to get throught by using the slingshot (has longer range) and finding a different spot to shoot from in some instances.

When it comes to W2 Z3., the differences in physics become easy to spot if you played this years ago. For one the ice that basically the whole third zone is made off of is way more slippery than it used to be, dunno why… maybe they adjusted lag compensation or something else too.

Edit: although this makes me wonder, how well were the “classic” or long versions of W2 tested this time around… they are still needed for achievements after all. There is also something weird going on with the jump mushrooms in W1 for example, sometimes the momentum doesn’t stop when it should, or at times you land on a shroom and you don’t bounce before jumping again manually.

Thank you, glad I wasn’t the only one. I’ll get the slingshot, thanks again

Sab 2-3, can't throw bombs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crise.9401


Also, not that it will help really, since you unlock that secret pretty late… however, once you can get the wooden whistle and unlock shatter serenade from a secret in W2 Z3 those icicles, both the damaging and the platform kind, will drop simply by playing that tune (you have to visit the secret for it to work, so no point in me giving the notes here).

The whistle is super useful anyways, since the tune used to open the mouth like secrets can also be used to put the regular blowing ones to sleep (though afaik, that only works on one at a time).

Of course, if we don’t get more worlds, the only place you can make use of these two tricks is in W2 Z3 and pretty late at that.

Sab 2-3, can't throw bombs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JaNordy.6149


They changed how it works or its a bug. Also the sling shot gets “blocked” or “immune” text when aimed at them as well. I recorded this after my 3rd failure run being stopped at this point. You can’t continue unless you have flute.


Sab 2-3, can't throw bombs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: reikken.4961


I went through 2-3 just fine yesterday, taking the long route in normal mode. no flute. slingshot only

bombs, however, are melee only

(edited by reikken.4961)