DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
Salvaged 10 exotics no dark matter?
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
This is why I havent played since a day or two before the patch. Lame direction like this. Guessing you wasted nearly 10 gold or more on materials or purchases from TP for this.
It would be humerous if someone chimed in and said “you didnt read the disclaimer? Theres a Salvage pack you need to buy off the gem store in order to garuntee dark matter”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
It depends on the exotic. If you are salvaging Pearl Exotics, then no you won’t receive any. But other exotic even ones from dungeons have a chance at dropping it. The dungeon exotics chance is lower then others but it will drop from them.
I am salvaging with Master and Mystic salvage kits and getting dark matter, so no you don’t need to buy anything off the TP.
Lead, Follow, or get the hell out of my way.
15 exotics now all 75+ with black lion kit, still 0 dark matter. 10 were 80 5 were 75
DragonBrand – [Agg] Aggression
It depends on the exotic. If you are salvaging Pearl Exotics, then no you won’t receive any. But other exotic even ones from dungeons have a chance at dropping it. The dungeon exotics chance is lower then others but it will drop from them.
I am salvaging with Master and Mystic salvage kits and getting dark matter, so no you don’t need to buy anything off the TP.
Pearl Exotics do drop Dark Matter.
You could salvage 10000 exotics and not get a single Dark Matter, in theory.
You could salvage 10000 exotics and not get a single Dark Matter, in theory.
What is it with you RNG acolytes? There is a storm raging on this forum about how Arenanet has, on numerous occasions, said they will do one thing, then turned around and done the opposite, yet you appear to blindly trust them to not slant drop rates in favor of their own wallet.
Dang, from my experience I get them at about the same rate that I get ectos, but the max is 2 dark matter instead of 3 like ectos. (or 5 in case of exotics)
Buying a Black Lion salvage kit was a good choice on getting Dark matter. I got the 10 I needed from about 6-7 exotics, sometimes 2 from one salvage. I heard reports that mystic salvage kit does not give you Dark matter nearly as often you’d want.
I’ve salvaged about 10 exotics and gotten none here as well. I know RNG is RNG but I just don’t get why there needs to be RNG at this point. Make them drop one each and require 50 if you need to… but like someone said you could salvage 10,000 and not get one dark matter.
Why is that even a possibility?
I am getting them using mystic salvage kits without any problem.
Could just be awful luck, I salvaged about 10 rares/exotics yesterday with a master and I didn’t even get a single glob of ectoplasm.
I got 3 ectos and 2 DM (I salvaged the ugly hammer dropped by champs). I used the MSK.
Yeah just bad luck.
I’ve gotten dark matter from over half of the exotics I’ve salvaged and ectos from most.
Yet another way in which the Ascended implementation serves ANet and not the players.