Saving/Loading presets: GW1 had it

Saving/Loading presets: GW1 had it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Driften.8716


I think the title says it all. I was a big fan of saving different presets/templates for different dungeons/raids in GW1. I am not sure why we do not have this option in GW2. I have seen this brought up before but never seen any official reason as to why we cannot have this?

I personally think this would open up more doors to diversity in dungeons/raids/PVP. Right now we can change traits/skills at anytime out of combat. However the current system is en-cumbersome and many do not bother but to play one role due to forgetting builds or forgetting to change traits back when finished. I myself didn’t realize that I had the wrong trait plugged for a week since the last time I tried a new build.

Can we please implement this into HoT? It should only be accessible out of combat and it could be locked during PvP rounds if that is an issue (which I don’t think it would be). It was good enough for GW1.


Saving/Loading presets: GW1 had it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Truth.5279


Armor presets have crossed my mind, but the only way I can really think of to implement it is to completely remove “bound” items out of inventory into a special storage area. This is due to complications involving bag slots and overlapping gear sets. In other words, how would a player find his PvP staff to add to a new PvE set if it was stuck in PvP-land, or say the staff got transferred out of the players bags, etc.

On the real though, I am impressed with the new PvE, WvW, and PvP build templates. Thanks for adding them, Anet.


Saving/Loading presets: GW1 had it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zelfic.1594

Search for Merryeli’s comments.
Basically, right now they have their hands full with HoT stuff, but templates are the next thing in the list.

Saving/Loading presets: GW1 had it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094

Search for Merryeli’s comments.
Basically, right now they have their hands full with HoT stuff, but templates are the next thing in the list.

That’s good to know. I hate fiddling with my build because I’m needed to go one, build, then another. Then go back to the build I like playing. It’s quite annoying. So I just tend to use what ever build I’m on and leave it. Build templates will make me happy. I used them a load in GW1.

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Saving/Loading presets: GW1 had it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HaxTester.9816


“It’s… not off the table..”

My advice is to just keep it simple, we don’t need a flashy UI for it, we just need it to be functional.

Noxious regarding “hot swapping builds”

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