Saving Pvt. Build (PvP and PvE)

Saving Pvt. Build (PvP and PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghost.8357



One of the things I like to do endgame, especially with the limited time I have gaming online (thanks to college finals) is play around with my characters builds in dungeons and in PvP. In Guild Wars 1, there was no in-game fee to pay to change builds/re-allocate skill-points. In my opinion, the interface and the attribute system were superior to the one we have presently, but I digress.

It’s getting increasingly difficult for me to tamper around builds for prolongued periods of time just to get the one I like, and this is especially true in PvP. I don’t feel like I have to reset every single time I don’t like something, and strain mysef trying to remember what I put last time, and so on and so forth. My laptop can’t handle constant minimizing and checking my browser for whatever build someone else (or even myself) put online. I know how this comes off across as whining, but could someone please tell me if there is ever a plan to integrate some form of way to save builds in-game?

Let’s just say there is a way to save builds in the game, and I do have to pay the fee at the retrainer to load it in PvE. If I want a variation of said saved build to use (and save), could we at least be able to preview the build, contemplate on where we put our points, instead of being forced to put all our points at once, and not remove them once they’re set? In essence, add a negative button close to that positive at the attribute menu, with a nice “apply” or confirmation button once we’re done tinkering around?

And finally, instead of having a million vendors (I know I’m exagerrating) in PvP dealing with armors, weapons, and all that sort, would it be possible to implement a similar system to be able to save armor/weapon sets to be attached with said saved builds?

I’m sorry if this sounds a little too demanding, but I have been playing GW1 before 2, and it just seems so commonsense that some of these basic functions would be present in GW2 (you know, the sequel). I know how the PvP was dumbed down considerably compared to its predecessor, but that didn’t have to mean that the interface be dumbed down, as well.

Saving Pvt. Build (PvP and PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


I bookmark my builds on

Not exactly what you are looking for, I know, but it works great for me.

Henosis [ONE]

Saving Pvt. Build (PvP and PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghost.8357


Thanks, Tuluum. Yeah, I don’t know if I may use it a lot, but I am guessing this will take another year or two to figure out and finally implement the system I am suggesting. =/

Saving Pvt. Build (PvP and PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghost.8357


It’s been three years since I started this. C’mon, guys. This has to be implemented sooner or later.