Saving Tybalt

Saving Tybalt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


Thought I would share my experience with you guys!

A lot of you know what happened towards the end where Tybalt faces the dragon alone.

My second time going through the playthrough I decided I wasn’t going to just let it happen.

As the doors closed, I tried to kill enemies with aoes through it. It didn’t do anything so me and my <3 started doing what we do best in every game. Jumping at every cliff edge until we can get higher and to “where we’re not supposed to be”.

Finally when we reach the top, my <3 tells me to just go back down. Not to look. Just go back down. As someone firm that he lived and he’s just hiding . . . (you leave me be! I’m an optimist) I had to see. There he was . . . laying on the ground dead behind the door. There’s no revive symbol above his head. Nothing we could do.

After trying to get to him for about 10-15 minutes that was just the WORST experience ever. 10 times worse than the feeling of my first play through.

Who ever wrote this story! You are so creative but so cruel!

(edited by CandyHearts.6025)

Saving Tybalt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


He will return. But you may not like what he has become…

… is what I would say if the story made any sense whatsoever.

In a later mission you are suddenly faced with an unknown enemy, much smarter than your average risen. He even sets a trap for you. Almost as if he knows your tactics. Almost as if he knows you.

But Anet totally kittened up the opportunity and made him a generic boss for no apparent reason, even though he is named.

Saving Tybalt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


You used to be able to revive him. He just kinda stood there though.

You can also get back to that side of the fort by swimming around the island. (or you used to).

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Saving Tybalt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CandyHearts.6025


You used to be able to revive him. He just kinda stood there though.

You can also get back to that side of the fort by swimming around the island. (or you used to).

Ahh! I didn’t think of swimming.

I’m so used to Dragon Age that I thought I had a chance to save him though! >.<

The whole no revive symbol above his head. Arghh. Just so much sadness! >.<

edit- Err Or rather I didn’t believe I could but I was hoping I could try. XD