Scarlet's Redemption

Scarlet's Redemption

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rouven.7409


Scarlet turns out to be a dragon in disguise. Unfortunately for her the last experiment she was conducting forced her back into her true form – granted she destroys quite a few ship-houses in Lions Arch trampling around, but we get to defeat her in dragon form.

Happy End.

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Scarlet's Redemption

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mesket.5728


You know, everyone talks about how much they hate Scarlet. Funny…isn’t that what the devs want?

Hear me out: They’ve thrown a villain at us that is cartoonish, silly, and really doesn’t DO anything other than have her minions (ahem…alliances) fight for her. In a way, she’s just a superfluous figurehead. But, she has galvanized most of the rest of us into hating her, and wanting to see her dead by increasingly cruel means.

Scarlet needs to have her story fleshed out a bit, and she could be a great villain. Finally, when we get to the last chapter in her living story, everyone in the entire game is going to willingly complete it, just to see her die. And, if it’s an instance, they’ll do it repeatedly…

So, in a sense they have accomplished exactly what they were going for with her. We all hate her, or at least most of us do.

No,… everyone hates the Lanister, but we love how well developed those characters are. Not the same hate we have for Scarlet.

First, no… Not everyone hates the Lannister. There are some who genuinely like parts of them.

Secondly, I never said it was the same type of hate. All I said is that if the mission was to make everyone in the game hate her, then they accomplished it well.

Why was it so hard for you, mr straw man, to understand that I was referring to Cersei and Joffrey? I mean the characters that are made for you to hate but are so well done that even if you hate them, you recognize the amazing job done by the writer because he did indeed accomplished his task, you hate them.

We don’t hate scarlet because she is evil and do bad things to good people, we hate her because she is shallow, annoying, it doesn’t have any kind of charm or personality (its a joker copycat) and we don’t want her to be our main villain. We simply don’t-like-her. I don’t care what she is doing or why she is doing it, even if she blows up all the capital cities, I wouldn’t care because there is no reason behind her plot. Everything about her was story-wise forced to happen and it doesn’t make sense. Its breaking more lore than it is generating. Its not adding nothing to the game, its substracting value to the story already written. The only harm she is doing is to the novel writers. I wonder how many book would Scarlet story sell…

Zerk is the average Joe build. Don’t pat yourself in the back too hard.

(edited by Mesket.5728)

Scarlet's Redemption

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I feel like they’re making her such a “terrible” villain so that we actually hate her, and we’re actually helping her in her goals by participating in these activities, which will all be revealed soon. This adds layer upon layer of complexity to the seemingly “flat” story thus far, and wouldn’t be too far from ANet’s history in story telling, judging from how many villains we’ve ended up arbitrarily helping in Guild Wars 1, and the story ends up evolving into something much larger than just the villain, whose actions are actually justified in the grand scale of things.

Scarlet's Redemption

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


My question is how is scarlet in the Reactor when it blew up long before she existed in the game, she has time travel too?

And why does the reactor fractal look totally different from the one in the Asura map?

Scarlet turns out to be a dragon in disguise. Unfortunately for her the last experiment she was conducting forced her back into her true form – granted she destroys quite a few ship-houses in Lions Arch trampling around, but we get to defeat her in dragon form.

Happy End.

Actually anything that destroys those ugly Ship houses in Lions Arch is a happy end, at least for me.

(edited by Dante.1508)